Chapter 1300
Chapter 1300
So, she shook her head and said "sincerely", "Your Highness, I really don't know what the plan is. I didn't set the fire in the princess' room, but the one who was burned to death was my maid, so I I can't argue with it, I can only bear this accusation silently, I am still looking forward to it, when I go back, the Empress Dowager will review it carefully and return my innocence."

When she was talking, Feng Yunzheng kept looking at her, and her heart tightened, his eyes were so terrifying, much scarier than His Highness the Eighth Prince.

But the words have already reached this point, so I have to go on:
"So, I think it must be other people who hate the princess. They did this with the hands of my maid. This not only harmed the princess, but also provoked the relationship between us. I also ask His Royal Highness to be aware of the details and not to be raped." The provocation is."

"I was wearing a poisonous jade pendant on the day of the full-moon banquet of Chengjun Wanjun. You secretly sent people to provoke the Queen Mother to think that His Highness the Eleventh was the one who did it, and imprisoned His Highness the Eleventh. When His Highness came out of the cell, You sent someone to send the cloak my queen made for him, and hid a poisonous scorpion in the cloak. The poisonous scorpion bit him, and you still want to use this to provoke the relationship between him and me; yesterday, you again From the perspective of the Sanqing, relying on the fact that the queen mother will not kill, setting fire to my beloved woman, which of the above is not a death?" Feng Yunzheng listed Xie Jinran's various evil deeds, and the murderous look in his eyes gradually increased.

Xie Jinran's heart trembled, so Feng Jue was really bitten by a poisonous scorpion?So how is he safe and sound?
"Your Highness the Eleventh has lost his sight because of you, a poisonous scorpion." Feng Yunzheng saw the doubt in Xie Jinran's eyes and said.

blindness? !Xie Jinran was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly understood why Feng Jue and Feng Yunzheng had to pretend nothing had happened to the scorpion.

Because, if the news of Feng Jue's blindness spreads, what qualifications does he have to inherit the crown prince?
In this history, no emperor was blind!

The consequences of this poisoning are simply more depressing than death and injury.

Xie Jinran has always felt unfair for her Eighth Highness, who was both civil and military since she was a child, but was robbed of the limelight by the unknown Eleventh Highness who appeared midway, and took away the emperor's respect.

What made her feel sorry for His Highness the Eighth Prince was that on the surface, His Majesty let His Highness supervise the country, put him in the open, and watched him being regarded as the enemy of many princes, but in fact, he did this to protect His Highness the Eleventh. Because he had long ago decided to pass on the crown prince to His Royal Highness the Eleventh.


Xie Jinran's heart trembled suddenly, and he asked, "His Ninth Highness told me about His Highness the Eleventh, isn't he afraid that I will tell it? Once His Highness is told, the battle for the throne will be hopeless for His Highness the Eleventh."

A trace of coldness flashed across Feng Yunzheng's lips, and he said, "Dead people can't speak."

"What?" Xie Jinran was taken aback for a moment, and took a step back suddenly, clutching his hands tightly, "Your Highness, what are you talking about?"

"Do you think you are still qualified to live?" Feng Yunzheng looked at her as if watching something funny.

He wasn't scaring her, he was telling the truth!

Xie Jinran saw Feng Yunzheng's intentions, her legs went limp, she fell to the ground, her face was pale, she was trembling all over, she shook her head and said, "No, you can't kill me, His Highness the Eighth Prince doesn't want me to die, Empress Dowager You didn't order me to be executed, you have no right to kill me, you don't have the right!"

The corners of Feng Yunzheng's lips raised slightly.

"You are a prince. If the emperor knows that you killed innocent people indiscriminately, it will affect your career. You can't kill innocent people indiscriminately!" Xie Jinran shook his head, clutching the veil tightly with his fingers, but there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

However, Feng Yunzheng just looked at her quietly, no matter what she said, he never moved.

Xie Jinran stood up suddenly, tried to run outside, and shouted loudly, "Help, help, His Highness Ninth is going to kill me, His Highness Ninth is going to kill...uh..."

A black shadow flashed past, and Night Breeze's hand quickly grabbed her neck.

Xie Jinran opened his mouth suddenly and stared at him intently.

Night Breeze snorted coldly, and said, "Second Miss Xie, since His Highness the Eighth Highness is willing to marry you, it would be great if you waited to be your Prince Yu and Princess Yu in peace of mind, but you still want to be His Highness's good helper and fight for him Well, it’s fine to have petty fights between women, but they still want to participate in the affairs between the princes, what is this called, overestimating one’s abilities!”

Xie Jinran's face flushed red, showing a unwilling expression, "Princess Heng can do it, why can't I."

"Because Princess Heng is Princess Heng, you are you, a small family, and want to be compared with our princess, are you going to laugh at your Grandpa Yefeng to death?" Night Breeze said mockingly.

"You! What are you, how dare you laugh at me?" Xie Jinran didn't expect that a guard would dare to laugh at her, and suddenly said sharply.

"I belong to His Highness Ninth Highness and Princess Heng, what do you think I am?" Ye Feng used to think that Second Miss Xie was slightly different from other women, but now it seems that she is just more vicious, and she is downright stupid .

"I am knowledgeable and sensible. I have been familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics since I was a child, and I always have unique insights on things. Even His Highness the Eighth Prince admires me. He..."

"That's because Lao Ba has never seen the world." Feng Yunzheng interrupted her.

"What..." Xie Jinran raised her head abruptly. From her point of view, His Highness the Eighth Prince's acceptance is so precious, but in the eyes of the Ninth Prince's, it's just because he has never seen the world.

Since the previous life, Feng Yunzheng has met Lian Siyue, and no one in this world can catch his eyes, except Lian Siyue, other people are nothing.Even Siyue is the best, no matter how good other people are, they can't be as good as her, no matter how beautiful they are, they can't be as beautiful as her.

If you don't realize Lian Siyue's unique goodness, you will be confused by others.

"Night Breeze, don't waste time. She burned my Yue'er as she did. Oh, by the way, where's the poisonous scorpion? Did you bring it?" Feng Yunzheng didn't want to talk to her any more.

"It's been prepared a long time ago. On the day His Highness the Eleventh was bitten, I bought a big scorpion according to your Highness's wishes. Now, it can finally come in handy."

Night Breeze took out a jar from his body, and when he opened the jar, he saw a palm-sized brown scorpion crawling around, which was very scary.

"Ah..." Seeing Xie Zi, Xie Jinran's face turned livid with fright, "You, what are you going to do?"

She couldn't believe that the Ninth Prince had raised a scorpion waiting for her.

"Let you taste what our Eleventh Highness has tasted before." Night Breeze shook the jar in his hand, and the scorpion tried to crawl out of the jar.

"No, don't, don't..." Xie Jinran knelt on the ground with no demeanor, trembling all over, "Don't, let me go, let me go, let me go..."

"What do you think, this poisonous scorpion, Night Breeze, takes great care in raising it. He feeds it poisonous insects every day. Now it is tender and juicy. If you bite it down, you will enjoy it very much." Feng Yunzheng had a smile on his face. meaning.

"No, no! Your Highness, I know I'm wrong, it's all my fault, don't, don't..." Xie Jinran knelt on the ground, begging bitterly, she never thought that the person who usually looks like a fairy , There is such a strange and vicious trick.

"His Royal Highness, in fact, I never thought of going against your concubine. On the contrary, I respect and admire her from the bottom of my heart. Your guard is right. In fact, I have always followed her as an example. I am careful I avoided her carefully, for fear of offending her. The person I want to deal with is His Highness the Eleventh, but she has trouble with me because of this, and framed me with cats and phoenix flowers... I am dealing with His Highness the Eleventh, why is she , why don’t you just turn a blind eye? Wouldn’t it be a good thing for Prince Heng’s Palace and you to deal with His Highness the Eleventh?”

"It seems that you still don't understand one thing. Since you are going to die, then I will show kindness and let you die clearly.

For Yue'er, Jue'er's well-being is her well-being, Jue'er's future is her future, Jue'er's eyes are her eyes, you move Jue'er, you move Yue'er, you move Yue'er Just touch me, or say, if you touch anyone between us, you touch all the other people, no matter who you touch, you will not feel better, I say that, do you understand? "Feng Yunzheng said.

Xie Jinran's eyes showed a hint of puzzlement, "But do you not mind the close relationship between Princess Heng and His Royal Highness the Eleventh?"

"It seems that you don't understand the bloody thing." At this point, Feng Yunzheng was unwilling to waste any more words, and signaled Night Breeze, "Hurry up, we still have to find Yue'er."

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze turned around, looked at Xie Jinran with a smile on his face, and said, "Second Miss, I'm going to greet you properly!"

"No, don't! Your Highness Ninth Prince, you came here with the token of the Empress Dowager. If you kill me, you will break the Queen Mother's killing ring. She, she won't forgive you. Your Highness Nine, think twice!" Xie Jinran saw Feng Yun Zheng had already left in a flick of his sleeves, and ran over quickly and said loudly.

Night Breeze stopped her, and said, "Second Miss Xie, I don't need to worry about this point. Our Highness and Princess have already thought about it. Do you think that once Daoist Qingyun leaves, the Shouning Palace will not be able to help you?" Are cats extinct? Hehe, they never existed..."

"" Xie Jinran's heart skipped a beat and he suddenly understood something.

But, it was too late, Night Breeze pinched her chin with one hand, forced her to open her mouth, poured the poisonous scorpion that was about to move into her mouth, and then squeezed her upper and lower jaws hard.

"Uh, uh..." Xie Jinran's eyes widened suddenly, showing a terrified expression, which soon turned from panic to pain.

As soon as the poisonous scorpion crawled into her mouth, it bit her hard, and then it crawled down the esophagus and into the stomach, opening its mouth to bite.

"Ah..." Xie Jinran fell to the ground, rolled in pain, screamed, the black blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, his face seemed to be covered with black, black and blue, after a while , eyes, nose, and ears were slowly bleeding black blood, and the whole person looked terribly frightening.

"Ah..." She was in so much pain that she couldn't speak anymore, her eyes were blurred, and the sweat and blood all over her body were mixed together, "Eighth, Eighth Palace... Your Majesty, save, save... me."

Night Breeze looked at the person in front of him coldly, and said, "If I had known why today, Miss Xie, please be a good person in the next life."

As he spoke, he lit the torch, threw it into the firewood room, and slammed the door shut. The dry firewood inside quickly caught fire.

Xie Jinran watched the fire burn, she desperately wanted to crawl out, but the poisonous scorpion kept crawling and biting inside her body, she had no strength at all, she could only watch herself surrounded by life in despair, feel The pain of the flames licking the body.

"Ah..." In the sea of ​​flames, she let out a miserable cry.

Night Breeze saw the fire getting hotter and hotter, and gradually the screams subsided, and there was a smell of burnt flesh, he snorted coldly, turned and left.

2.14 Dating red envelopes together: QHEH4A
(End of this chapter)

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