First-class daughter

Chapter 1301 Xie Jinran ends the curtain

Chapter 1301 Xie Jinran ends the curtain

Chapter 1301 Xie Jinran ends the curtain

He snorted coldly, turned around and left, the hidden weapon in his hand flew out, and then he heard a bang, the roof of the firewood house collapsed...

When Feng Yunzheng heard that sound, a coldness flashed across his expressionless face, and he walked out all the way, with the silver brocade robe fluttering in the wind, with a hint of awe-inspiring aura all over his body.

When he stepped out of the gate of Sanqing Temple, Feng Ye jumped off the horse in a hurry and met him face to face. When he saw Feng Yunzheng at a glance, he stopped suddenly, his eyes were tight. Looking at him closely, "Ninth Emperor Brother."

However, Feng Yunzheng's gaze and footsteps did not stop at all, and he resolutely walked past him without saying a word.

Feng Ye was slightly startled, watching him walk away——

"It's on fire! It's on fire, it's on fire again!" At this moment, there was a burst of noisy footsteps and anxious shouts from inside the Taoist temple.

Feng Ye's heart trembled, and he walked in quickly. The dark purple robe wrapped his slender body, and his gait seemed a little anxious. He grabbed one of them and asked, "Where is the fire? Why is the fire?"

"The woodshed suddenly caught fire, and the second Miss Xie is still inside..." the man said, and ran towards the firewood quickly, holding a water basin in his hand, and went to put out the fire.

Xie Jinran?
Feng Ye suddenly turned his head and looked at Feng Yunzheng's back, only to see him leaving with his hands behind his back, his back was determined and ruthless.

"Quick, quick, there is a lot of dry firewood in the firewood room, and the fire is burning fast and fiercely. I'm afraid the people inside will be killed!" Two more men ran past him with water.

Feng Ye came back to his senses, his heart skipped a beat, and he walked quickly towards the firewood room. Before reaching the destination, he smelled a strong smell of burning, which was mixed with a strong smell of blood , It was nauseating for a while.

When I got closer, I saw a lot of people spraying water to put out the fire in front of the firewood house. When the fire died down, thick smoke rose up, and everyone covered their mouths and coughed.

"Quick, open the door and let Second Miss Xie come out, quick!" Someone shouted anxiously.

Feng Ye only felt a heavy punch hit his heart, he felt the heat blowing towards his face, his whole body felt hot, and his head felt dizzy for a moment.

With a "bang", the door opened, and a puff of thick smoke accompanied by flames rushed out suddenly, and everyone quickly stepped back several steps.

Feng Ye hurriedly pushed aside the crowd, and when he saw the situation inside the door, he immediately took two steps back, feeling terrified, even though he had seen a big scene before, he was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

A black man crawled out of it bit by bit, his hair was burnt into a ball, his face was swollen like a pig's head, his hands were burned into black charcoal, and the place where he crawled was stuck to the ground with flesh and blood , black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his body trembled like an old dog that was about to die.

"Ah!" When the people who came here saw the miserable state of the person in front of them, they all took a few steps back in fright. No one could believe that the person in front of them who was not human at all was the bright and beautiful Second Miss Xie...

She stopped, raised her head with difficulty, stretched out her hand tremblingly, and moved the corner of her mouth, trying to pull out a smile, but that expression was clearly uglier than crying.

Feng Ye was greatly shocked in his heart, and his whole body went numb. He slowly squatted down and stretched out his hand. With the last bit of strength, Xie Jinran held his hand, and his lips parted.

Feng Ye approached and asked in a trembling voice, "What do you want to say?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, yes, I'm sorry, I... I couldn't... help you... I... I'm sorry..."

"Jin Ran... and she slowly closed her eyes, her hand slipped from Feng Ye's palm, she stopped breathing, and did not move anymore.

Feng Ye's heart sank suddenly, his mind went blank, and he murmured sentence by sentence, "Jin Ran... Jin Ran..."

However, Xie Jinran was already dead, he was about to die from the poisonous scorpion, he was burnt into a shapeless body, motionless, a black mass, his eyes were wide open, and his appearance was very scary.

Feng Ye slowly raised his head, and after a while, he stretched out his hand to slide her eyelids, making her close them, and he closed them too, a trace of sadness slipped from the bottom of his eyes, followed by a line of tears.

"It's not your fault, it's my fault. Everyone with me would end badly. If it wasn't for me, maybe you would have a wonderful life..." Feng Ye stood up and muttered.

The guard came forward, took a mat, lifted Xie Jinran up, rolled it up with the mat, and carried it out. While carrying it outside, the flesh on his hand fell to the ground bit by bit.

It's too miserable to die!
Feng Ye took two steps back, looking slumped. Seeing this, Yin Huai stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, I have asked you just now. Second Miss set fire to Princess Heng's room and was caught. The servant girl One was buried in the flames, the other survived, and she had already confessed that the second lady sent them to set the fire, so the queen mother imprisoned the second lady in the firewood room. The woodshed is also on fire."

"The woodshed caught fire because..."

"I checked. It was said that the mouse that was stealing things was frightened and knocked over the oil lamp while fleeing, which caused the fire. In addition, the second lady came up on her knees from three miles down the mountain. When she fled, her feet hurt. As a result, he failed to escape in time." Yin Huai told the news he had found.

"..." Feng Ye sighed deeply, and said, "Let's go down the mountain."

"Your Highness, don't worry, the second lady has already broken off the engagement with you, her behavior has nothing to do with you, and will not implicate you." Seeing Feng Ye's worry, Yin Huai said.

Feng Ye walked all the way to the Sanqing Temple, the mottled shadow of the tree fell on him, leaving a long string of shadows on the ground, looking extraordinarily bleak, with a wry smile on his face, he said, "Yin Huai , Is this king destined to die alone, no one I love, no one who loves me is willing to stay for this king, no one has a good death..."

"Your Highness..." Yin Huai felt very sorry for his master, but he could only secretly say, "No, my Highness is both civil and military, wise and martial, and he is one of the most handsome men in this capital. There are countless women who fall in love with you. It's just that you haven't met your destiny yet, one day, there will be a woman who is compatible with you and will be your good wife."

Feng Ye smiled sadly, and said, "Forget it, don't force it anymore, from now on, I will only devote myself to the government affairs of the court..."

"Your Highness can figure it out, so I can rest assured. Your Highness can rest assured that I will stay by Your Highness's side for the rest of my life." Yin Huai said.

(End of this chapter)

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