Chapter 1302
Chapter 1302
Feng Ye said with a smile, "If you are the only one who will accompany me to the end of my life, is there something missing?"

Yin Huai's face flushed for a while, and he said, "A low position means that you will be loyal to His Highness for the rest of your life."

"That's all." Feng Ye sighed, and said, "A woman's affair here is not suitable for me. Now, Feng Yunzheng has become cruel, Xie Jinran is dead, and Princess Heng is robbed, and there is another bloodbath. Yin Huai , go and find out, who is the person who kidnapped her?"

"According to Princess Yeluyan, who lives in the same room, it's a woman. Could it be the Second Miss?" Yin Huai guessed.

"The woman... who could it be?" A thought flashed in Feng Ye's eyes, "Who can easily take her away? Unless, she did it on purpose."

"On purpose?" Yin Huai was puzzled.

"How could she be caught so easily?" A look of incomprehension appeared on Feng Ye's face.

"Then... I will immediately go to check the whereabouts of Prince Heng and Concubine Heng." Yin Huai said.

Feng Ye nodded, Yin Huai left in a hurry, he looked up and looked at the lush green trees all around, shadowy.

"What..." The cup in the Empress Dowager's hand fell to the ground with a slap, her face turned pale, "Xie Jinran... is dead?"

"Yes, there was a fire in the woodshed, and her face was swollen out of shape." Sunflower said.

"Before she died, the Ninth Prince went to see her in the firewood room, and there were some disputes." Baohua said.

The queen mother's face darkened, and she said, "It seems that Yun Zheng did it. He took the Ai family's token and killed Xie Jinran. Didn't this mean that Ai's family broke the killing ring? He was lucky. He committed murder and arson under the eyes of Aijia and many empresses, Aijia underestimated him!

You said, the Aijia mobilized the people to come to the Sanqing Temple, devoted themselves to chanting scriptures, and rescued the deceased. In just two days, these things happened one after another. Not only did they not save themselves, but one person died. Mischief, deliberately making life difficult for Aijia. "

Sunflower and Baohua looked at each other, and finally felt that they should not continue to hide it. The two sisters knelt down at the same time, and said, "Empress Dowager, please forgive me."

The Empress Dowager looked at the two sisters the same way, and asked, "It's pretty good, why did you suddenly plead guilty?"

"Actually, there are still white cats in Shouning Hall. Baohua and I saw them the night Daoist Qingyun just finished the ceremony. In the place of Ximen, they appeared for several nights in a row. Put it down, and didn't dare to mention it again, there were three nights in a row, and then the servants and servants thought of a way to poison the white cat to death, and we don't know if it will show up after we leave the Shouning Palace." Sunflower truthfully He said, not daring to hide any more.

"What..." The Empress Dowager trembled all over, and her face turned pale, "I still have more?"

"Yes, it has never been extinct." Baohua said.

The Empress Dowager's face was tense and her face was very ugly. She suddenly felt that it was a big joke that she mobilized people to come to Sanqing Temple!
"Come on!" The Queen Mother stood up abruptly.

"The Empress Dowager..."

"Depart for the palace immediately! There must be no delay!" The Queen Mother ordered.

Before leaving, the Empress Dowager summoned Daoist Qingyun, compared to her previous respect, her current attitude was very indifferent, which made Daoist Qingyun feel confused, flicked the whisk, and said, "Empress Dowager, these things happened one after another , It’s the poor Dao who didn’t benefit, which frightened the Empress Dowager and all the empresses, and the poor Dao is also looking for the whereabouts of Princess Heng.”

"You are indeed incapable. Not only are you ineffective, but you also have a false name. I really think highly of you for mobilizing everyone." The queen mother said coldly.

Daoist Qingyun is puzzled in every possible way, is it because the second miss Xie died and the disappearance of Prince Heng made the empress dowager disappointed?

The Empress Dowager didn't say anything more, she stopped doing the ritual, and ordered someone to take back the plaque that was originally intended to be presented to the Taoist temple.

But Daoist Qingyun still didn't understand what happened, which caused the empress dowager's attitude to change drastically.

Feng Yunzheng and Night Breeze arrived in the room where Lian Siyue was kidnapped. After looking around, they didn't find anything unusual.

Seeing Feng Yunzheng, Qingdai and Mother Tai hurriedly knelt down and said, "Your Highness, you are finally here. The princess has actually noticed that there is an inevitable connection between the arson and being invited to Princess Yeluyan. So I told us that if His Highness comes down, we must look for Princess Yan."

"Yeluyan has already gone down the mountain with the empress dowager," Night Breeze said.

"Where's her nanny?" Feng Yunzheng asked with that nanny's face flashing in his mind.

"Let's go together." Night Breeze said, "Your Highness, do you want to recover?"

Feng Yunzheng raised his hand and said, "No, if you chase them back now, I don't know what else they want to do. Your princess, I guess she was kidnapped deliberately. Yefeng, you are responsible for keeping an eye on Yeluyan's mother." ma."

"Yes, Your Highness." Night Breeze took the lead and said.

Feng Yunzheng brushed all kinds of utensils in the room with his hands, and tapped lightly, but found nothing in the end.

When he was about to leave, he saw the bed at a glance, and his heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Night Breeze, there is something wrong with this bed!"

Night Breeze's eyes were fixed, a flash of thought flashed across, he walked over quickly, reached out and knocked on the bed board, raised his head suddenly, and said, "It's empty!"

"That's right, when I knocked on it just now, I also thought this bed was a bit strange, so open it and have a look." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes!" Qingdai and Nanny Tai took away the things on the bed, and Night Breeze opened the bed, and it really was an exit.

"Your Highness, obviously this hole can't be dug through in a day or two. It seems that people have been eyeing the princess for a long time," Night Breeze said.

"Go down and have a look..." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yes." Night Breeze took the order.

Feng Yunzheng frowned, where would Yue'er go?Did you leave any clues along the way?

The carriage continued to move forward, walking on small paths, and these hidden guards performed their duties diligently, carrying out watertight protection.

"Where is my son?" Feng Qianyue asked suddenly.

Lian Siyue's hand paused slightly, the hand holding the handkerchief tightened, and said, "I don't know."

When Feng Qianyue heard this, she shuffled her feet, quickened her pace, walked to her side, blocked her way, and said in a rough voice, "How could you not know that he was brought back to the capital by Feng Yunzheng?" , as far as I know, he did not inform the father and the queen mother of my son's existence, but was raised by Feng Yunzheng. How could you not know his whereabouts!

Lian Siyue, you and Feng Yunzheng have a son and a daughter, a family of four, sharing family happiness, why do you want to take my son away, my son is my only hope in this world! "

Lian Siyue stopped, turned around, looked at him with a half-cold expression, saw his resentful expression, and saw his frowning expression.

(End of this chapter)

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