First-class daughter

Chapter 1303 Unqualified

Chapter 1303 Unqualified
Chapter 1303 Unqualified
She asked, "Do you care about your son?"

"Of course, that's my child." He replied without thinking.

"Hehe..." Lian Siyue smiled slightly. When did he start to value his child? When he dug out his own flesh and blood from her stomach and sent Le Yan to the Huns, when did he start to value his child?
The reason why he cares so much about his son now is not because he doesn't want this child to fall into Yunzheng's hands, or because he wants to train this child to avenge himself?
Her smile made Feng Qianyue feel very displeased again, since she came back from Yaocheng, the first time she saw her, she showed him this kind of smile.

"Why do you always smile like this every time you see me? It's been like this since the first time we met. Today you want to tell me what this smile means? Lian Siyue!" Feng Qianyue said angrily.

"Because I was surprised to see you caring about children, so I laughed. After all, His Royal Highness can sacrifice anything and use anything, can't he?" Lian Siyue said.

Feng Qianyue looked at her suspiciously, "Lian Siyue, why on earth do you know me so well? Sometimes I feel that a person who has loved me deeply knows me so well..."

"Your Highness, I can only say that this is your illusion." Lian Siyue said.

The two continued to walk forward.

"I might take you to a place that Feng Yunzheng will never find, so you are not afraid?" Feng Qianyue asked.

"The person who should be afraid is you, not me." Lian Siyue said.

A smile appeared on the corner of Feng Qianyue's lips, and said, "I'm really sorry that the person you like is not me, otherwise, I will love you very, very much, because I really like your temperament."

Lian Siyue felt nauseous when she heard this, she suddenly said loudly, "Stop, I'm not feeling well, I need some air!"

Feng Qianyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "Lian Siyue, don't play tricks, you won't be able to escape my palm this time."

"Since His Highness has this confidence, why worry about me running away? There are so many people, and I am a weak woman who doesn't even know how to fight. How can I escape?" Lian Siyue said.

"Stop." Feng Qianyue raised her hand, and the carriage stopped.

Lian Siyue opened the curtain of the carriage and walked down. She saw these hidden guards were all fierce and fierce. She suddenly pretended to stagger, turned around, and pretended to run away. One of the hidden guards came forward immediately, with a look of coldness in her eyes. Yi, said, "Don't play tricks."

Lian Siyue took the opportunity to grab the clothes on his body, half of the badge at the waist was exposed, she took a quick look at the Khitan script on the token, and her heart trembled slightly.

Feng Qianyue lifted the curtain of the carriage, seeing the vicious look of the hidden guard, she immediately darkened her face, and said, "Who allowed you to yell at her, get out!"

The hidden guard paused, bowed his head, and said, "Yes, master, I know my mistake."

Feng Qianyue grabbed the railing of the carriage, walked down with some difficulty, looked around, and said, "This place has beautiful mountains and clear waters, and the scenery is excellent. Let's rest here for a while."

He ordered someone to bring dry food and water, gave the pine nut cakes to Lian Siyue, and the pancakes to himself.

When handing the things to Lian Siyue, Feng Qianyue suddenly lost his mind for a moment, it was strange, he actually didn't know Lian Siyue's preferences at all, why would he naturally think that she likes to eat pine nut pancakes?
Oh, he remembered that the "Lian Siyue" he had always seen in his dreams for the past six months liked pine nut cakes, he was confused in a trance, and regarded Lian Siyue as the person in his dream.

how can that be possible?They are obviously completely different people.

Lian Siyue didn't refuse these foods, she was already hungry, filling her stomach is the key, so there's no point not to eat.

She put the muffins into her mouth one by one, and Feng Qianyue murmured, "Your taste is the same as hers."

"Her?" Lian Siyue looked up, "Who?"

Feng Qianyue came back to her senses, looked away, and said, "You don't know a woman who is thousands of times better than you."

"How good is it? Will you love her?" Lian Siyue smiled lightly.

"..." Feng Qianyue paused slightly with the hand holding the pancake, thinking of the woman who lived in the bleak and cold palace in the previous dream, her eyes were full of expectations for him, when he was still indifferent.

Lian Siyue picked up the kettle and took a sip of water.

Feng Qianyue looked at her and said, "I didn't expect that I would have this opportunity to be alone with you. Thinking about it, I have never had such an opportunity before. If I had, I could get to know each other better. Unfortunately, now, I am like a devil in your heart, don't want to understand me anymore."

Feng Qianyue said these irrelevant things.

"That's not necessarily the case." Lian Siyue said, "On the contrary, I am now curious about you, Fourth Highness."

"What is it?" Feng Qianyue asked slightly startled.

Lian Siyue looked at the hidden guards standing in the distance, and said, "These dark guards are from the Khitan Palace, but they are not from Yeluyan, right? She is dissatisfied with you, so why would she give you her own people. "

"That's right, it's definitely not from Yeluyan." Feng Qianyue didn't deny it.

"It's not from Yeluchu either. It is said that your leg was forced to have its tendon broken." Lian Siyue said.

"Yeluchu is not qualified to be compared with me." Feng Qianyue said coldly.

"So, these people belong to Empress Dowager Ren Yi, and the person who helped you is Empress Dowager Ren Yi?" Lian Siyue said calmly, looking into Feng Qianyue's eyes.

Feng Qianyue did not deny it, "Your guess is correct."

"I have to admit, you really have nine lives." Lian Siyue said with a sudden sigh.

She now suspects that the aura around Yeluyan is the Queen Mother Ren Yi herself, but she didn't ask Feng Qianyue about it directly, because she was worried that her knowledge of the truth would be known by the hidden guards, and they would Going past Fengqian is killing her.

She faintly felt that these hidden guards did not obey Feng Qianyue, and even had resistance to Feng Qianyue in their hearts, but they were forced to obey him because of orders. It can be seen.

With this understanding, Lian Siyue slowly had an idea in her heart. She looked up at Feng Qianyue silently while drinking water.

If they provoke their relationship with Feng Qianyue, it will obviously be powerful for her.

Now that the identity of the nanny can be basically confirmed, then, in order to avenge Yelu Chongyuan and Yelu Chu, the nanny deliberately used Feng Qianyue to arrest her?
Then this nanny will use her again to deal with Feng Qianyue?

This move was well planned by the Queen Mother Ren Yi.

Lian Siyue looked around and felt that the time had come, so she quietly pressed the Hegu acupoint on the back of her hand at the mouth of the tiger with her hand, and pressed hard secretly until her body started to heat up and her forehead felt sweaty.

(End of this chapter)

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