First-class daughter

Chapter 1304 Provoking Discord

Chapter 1304 Provoking Discord
Chapter 1304 Provoking Discord
Suddenly, the kettle in her hand fell to the ground, with a painful expression on her face, her body trembling slightly, "It hurts..."

Feng Qianyue was taken aback, the pancake in his hand fell to the ground, and immediately limped forward, he really wanted to walk faster, but he was helpless because his legs were inconvenient:
"What's wrong with you?" He squatted beside her and asked.

"I..." She covered her stomach with her hands, trembling, and said, "My stomach... hurts so much, this water..."

Feng Qianyue stood up suddenly, but when he turned his head and saw Lian Siyue's face, he stopped again, the corners of his lips raised slightly, "Lian Siyue, don't pretend, the water and cakes are fine."

"Ah..." However, Lian Siyue fell to the ground, moaning, with a very painful expression on his face, and his face gradually turned pale.

The expression on Feng Qianyue's face suddenly froze. He bent down and approached Lian Siyue, only to see fine beads of sweat protruding from her forehead, and bean-sized beads of sweat falling on both sides of her cheeks, her lips trembling , pale, with drooping eyelids.

He was taken aback, she really had a problem!
Could it be... Could it be that her purpose is to execute Lian Siyue?
"Come here!" Feng Qianyue called out immediately.

The two hidden guards who had just been reprimanded came over and lowered their heads, "Master!"

"Tell me, is the water poisonous? Did the Empress Dowager Ren Yi order you to poison her to death?" Feng Qianyue asked in a cold voice. Did the Empress Dowager Ren Yi want to kill Lian Siyue, and let his mind be settled?

Lying on the ground curled up into a ball, Lian Siyue heard Feng Qianyue's words, and she was even more sure that the nanny next to Yeluyan was the Queen Mother Ren Yi.

"Master won't use this kind of method, don't judge randomly, remember your identity." The leader of the hidden guard said, his name is Gu Li, and he has always been one of the most powerful hidden guards of the Queen Mother Ren Yi. For the heavy.

"My identity?" Feng Qianyue said with a slight smile on his lips, "I'm from Queen Mother Ren Yi."

When Gu Li heard the words of Queen Mother Ren Yi, he swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Feng Qianyue stretched out her hand, "Bring the antidote!"

"There is no antidote!" Gu Li said.

Feng Qianyue glanced at Lian Siyue on the ground, her expression became more painful.

No, she can't have an accident now, he hasn't tortured her well, and hasn't figured out what's going on with the woman in his dream?He still has a lot of things that Lian Siyue needs to do for him, if she just dies like this, then his pursuit for the rest of his life will be gone.
"The antidote!" Feng Qianyue pulled out the dagger from her waist with a bang, aiming at Gu Li's body.

A look of displeasure flashed in Gu Li's eyes, "There is no poison in the water, this woman may just be unwell!"

Feng Qianyue glanced at Lian Siyue again, she was sweating even more!

"Go find a doctor!" Feng Qianyue ordered.

Gu Li frowned, and told his subordinates beside him, "Go find the doctor."

Lian Siyue got up from the ground and leaned against the carriage, her face was pale and her lips were bloodless, because she pressed other acupuncture points quietly, the painful appearance was very realistic.

"Water...Give me some water, Feng Qianyue." She looked at him blankly and said.

Feng Qianyue looked at Gu Li the same way, "You stay here and watch, I'll go ahead to fetch water."

He didn't give Lian Siyue any more water from the carriage, he limped forward to fetch water by himself.

After she walked away, even the painful expression on Siyue's face disappeared, and she asked Gu Li, "I don't know why Queen Mother Ren Yi helped Feng Qianyue, but it's obviously not good for her or Khitan."

Gu Li was taken aback, "You really pretended."

"If Empress Dowager Ren Yi insists on helping Feng Qianyue, my husband and younger brother will never let them go. This is Kyoto, not Youzhou. The chances of Empress Ren Yi's victory are too small." Lian Siyue continued, Gu Li His determined eyes flickered.

"Feng Qianyue is a sinner of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Our emperor once offered 10 taels for his head, and he also said that he would agree to any conditions for obtaining Feng Qianyue. If you don't believe me, you can arrest me and Feng Qianyue Go to see the emperor together, you can get 10 taels of gold, and the conditions you want, such as Rao Renyi's empress dowager will not die in the future, he will agree.

Rather than offending the emperor for Feng Qianyue, it is better to make meritorious service in front of the emperor. I can see that you are a person who is loyal to the master. If I were you, I would not take any more risks. I would choose a brighter path to keep my master . "

When Lian Siyue was talking, she saw Feng Qianyue walking back with water. She leaned back on the carriage again, showing a painful expression, but glanced at Gu Li.

Feng Qianyue brought someone over, looked at Gu Li with cold eyes, then opened the water bag, handed it to Lian Siyue's lips, and said, "Drink! Lian Siyue, I will never allow anything to happen to you. I said that I will drag you to hell with me, so you better cheer me up, if you dare to die, I will make you a human pig, just like the person you said."

Lian Siyue looked at him with a "weak" smile on her lips, until she saw Gu Li's sword across Feng Qianyue's neck, her smile widened.

When Feng Qianyue saw the sword on his neck, he was taken aback for a moment, his eyes narrowed, and said, "What do you want to do? It is not a wise idea to disobey the Queen Mother Ren Yi's order."

"The empress dowager of Khitan, the people of Khitan need her. As for your love for your sons and daughters, and your ambition to govern the country, you have to figure out a way for yourself!" Gu Li said coldly.

Feng Qianyue tightly held the water bag in her hand, and slowly looked at Lian Siyue, the painful expression on her face gradually disappeared.

In the city of Kyoto.

After a sound of hooves...

When Lian Siyue got off the carriage, she saw Feng Yunzheng standing there waiting for her.

At last it was all right, Lian Siyue breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Feng Yunzheng, and called out, "Yunzheng..."

However, after Feng Yunzheng glanced at her, he turned around and left without saying a word.

"Yunzheng..." Lian Siyue was taken aback for a moment, and quickly followed, saying, "Wait for me."

"Wait." Feng Yunzheng said angrily, but his footsteps involuntarily slowed down. He didn't continue to walk until she followed his footsteps, and secretly matched her pace.

"What's the matter, Yun Zheng..." He has always been tolerant to her, so Lian Siyue has never seen him angry. This is the first time he has seen him like this, and she can't help but feel a little fresh, but Also a little uneasy.

Feng Yunzheng finally stopped, turned around and looked at her with a deep expression, full of unhappiness.

"Yue'er, you..." When he reached the point of his mouth, seeing her pair of bright eyes looking at him, he swallowed it back.

"Yunzheng..." she called softly, "I want to know why you are angry with me."

(End of this chapter)

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