First-class daughter

Chapter 1308 The Truth

Chapter 1308 The Truth
Chapter 1308 The Truth
One day, Zhao Zining secretly stood behind a tree, and his eyes fell on Feng Yao. He was wrapped in a dark blue brocade robe, tall and tall, handsome and straight, with picturesque eyebrows. Although he was rejected many times, he still had the same posture. His voice was full of magnetism, even the most handsome man in Qizhou City couldn't compare to him.

There was a slight smile on his (her) face, and his (her) cheeks were slightly flushed.

On this day, when Feng Yao visited the Zhao family for the tenth time, he was naturally told that Master Zhao was not at home.

At this time, a handsome young man came over, clasped his fists, and said, "Brother, you really have perseverance. Let me figure it out. This is your tenth visit. Then Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang to visit the thatched cottage. It’s already ten visits to Zhao’s residence, Master Zhao won’t see you again, will you still come?”

Feng Yao raised his head, saw the man in front of him, lost his mind for a moment, and said, "This young man is..."

"I'm Zhao Zining, I've met my brother." Zhao Zining cupped his hands, his eyes fell on Feng Yao's body, the corners of his eyes were smiling slightly, like a peach blossom, shy and ready to let go, there was a bit of a woman's coquettishness between the masculine chic.

Feng Yao had never seen such a man before, and suddenly, he lost his mind for a moment.

Zhao Zining smiled and said, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

Feng Yao came back to his senses and said, "It turns out to be the eldest son of the Zhao family, who has long admired his name."

"Brother, you don't need to be too polite." Zhao Zining said, his gaze became warm.

"Maybe Mr. Zhao is still unwilling to see each other, so he sent the eldest son here to dismiss me." Feng Yao noticed that Zhao Zining's cheeks were as pink and tender as peach petals, and couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart. Why this inexplicable feeling?

Zhao Zining smiled slightly and said, "No, my father is indeed not in the mansion this time, and because of this, I can come out to meet you and tell you what to do to impress my father."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details!" Feng Yao said with joy in his heart.

"However, please wait, brother, I'll go back to the room." Zhao Zining got up and said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Feng Yao also got up and cupped his hands.

Zhao Zining turned around and walked inside, walked a few steps, turned around, smiled at Feng Yao, opened the curtain, and walked in.

This smile struck Feng Yao's heart knowingly, and an inexplicable throbbing rippled out.

After waiting for a short while, the curtain was lifted again, but there was a sound of clinking rings, Feng Yao looked back and saw a woman walking out.

I saw that she was wearing honey-colored clothes, a light-colored silver-red double-breasted gown, an elegant plain-colored long skirt, and a little powder on her face. state.

Her skin is like snow, her eyebrows are picturesque, and she just inadvertently appeared in Feng Yao's eyes.

He froze for a moment, felt that her eyebrows looked familiar, and couldn't help blurting out, "Miss is..."

"Young master, I am the daughter of the Zhao family, Zhao... Zhao Ning, my elder brothers are Zining and Ziying." The woman said with a slight smile.

"Oh, so it's Ms. Zhao... I'm being rude." Feng Yao stood up, cupped her hands, and bowed slightly. When Zhao Ning approached, he took a look and couldn't help but said, "Ms. Zhao really looks like your elder brother."

After hearing this, Zhao Ning smiled and said, "That's right, in Qizhou City, everyone who met my brother and I said so."

"It's really similar, the eyebrows are exactly the same." Feng Yao said, and even felt that the Zhao Ning in front of him was the female version of Zhao Zining.

"Actually, my elder brother sent me here. He has something urgent to leave, and he asked me to bring something to the young master." Zhao Ning said.

"So that's the case, I'm going to trouble Miss." Feng Yao slightly bowed and said.

So, Zhao Ning told Feng Yao how to persuade his father Zhao Yan.

Feng Yao suddenly realized that the next time he came to meet again, he did the same thing, and he really saw Zhao Yan, and then Zhao Zining appeared again, congratulating Feng Yao on his first success, and the two made an appointment to drink for a day at the Tingyu Building in Qizhou City .

Feng Yao then broke through the gap from Zhao Yan, and began to punch and kick in Qizhou city.

Later, Zhao Zining left first, and Zhao Ning came again, chatting with Fengyao, so they switched between the two and got along with Fengyao.

When Feng Yao was flexing his muscles in the city of Qizhou, Zhao Ning or Zhao Zining gave him a lot of help. He had unique insights in governing the people and eradicating bandits. From this, he saw a generous, sensible, and intelligent man. calm people.

Because of this, Prince Tong's plan to drive him to Qizhou so that he could not govern effectively and anger the emperor and be punished fell through.

He couldn't help making a secret promise in his heart, it was really a great joy in life to have such a woman by his side, so he silently made some resolutions.

Finally one day, Feng Yao asked Zhao Zining, "Is sister Zhao Ning married?"

Zhao Zining concealed the faint throbbing in his heart, and said, "Never married."

Feng Yao revealed a hint of joy on his face, and said, "It's so good, it's so good!"

Zhao Zining smiled and asked, "Where is it good?"

"Anywhere is good. The best thing is that she looks so much like Brother Zi Ning. It is almost the same. She has the charm of a woman, and the hearty and heroic spirit of a man. I have never seen these two temperaments concentrated in one place at the same time. There is no contradiction in her body, and she is smart, generous and insightful."

After saying that, Feng Yao stood up and bowed to him, saying, "Brother Zining, I intend to form a good match with Lingmei, I don't know what you want?"

Zhao Zining's heart trembled, and he didn't recover for a long time.

Feng Yao thought that he disagreed, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I told you the truth, I'm not an ordinary imperial envoy, I'm actually Prince An, the emperor's third son, this king wants to marry Zhao Ning."

However, when Zhao Zining heard Feng Yao's self-identification, the excitement on his face gradually cooled down, and he said, "So you come from the emperor's family."

Seeing that his expression was different, Feng Yao's heart trembled, and he said, "What's wrong?"

"Brother does not know. My sister is naturally free and romantic, and she dislikes being restrained the most. Since brother comes from an emperor's family, three wives and four concubines will be common in the future, and there are red tapes. With my sister's personality, if you marry Her going back is also a kind of bondage, if brother really loves my sister, then let it go, don't tie her down." Zhao Zining said, holding back the pain in his heart.

When Feng Yao heard it, his heart sank, and he finally couldn't help but stepped forward, took Zhao Zining's hand, and said, "But, I can't choose my origin, Zining, I can't choose either."

Zhao Zining was taken aback, "You..."

It turned out that he had seen that Zhao Ning and Zhao Zining were the same person.

"Yes, I've noticed it a long time ago, but I'm willing to cooperate with you and pretend that I don't know anything, just to see you happy." Feng Yao said with a smile on his face, "Besides, I like all kinds of things. I like you, whether it's Zhao Zining's appearance or Zhao Ning's appearance, I like it."

Zhao Zining didn't expect Feng Yao to have such thoughts, but, considering his identity, she still retreated.

She leaned slightly and said, "Your Highness, let's stop here. You can just pretend that there is only Zhao Zining in this world without Zhao Ning. From now on, I will never meet Zhao Ning again. Your Highness also forget everything, and manage Qi well." State, after the term expires, go back to Kyoto."

Zhao Zining was raised as a man since she was a child, and she has a man's free and easy nature in her bones. She has always put freedom above everything else, so after making a decisive decision with Feng Yao, she never showed Zhao Ning's appearance to others.

However, Feng Yao was obsessed with such Zi Ning, missed her appearance of being both female and male, missed her intelligence, and persistently went to find her, but Zhao Zi Ning said that he would continue to assist him in governing Qizhou until he was in office. Full, but no longer talk about children's private affairs.

At that time, Feng Yao was young and energetic, and the more Zhao Zining refused, the more he couldn't ask for her, and the more he wanted her.

In fact, Zining is two years older than Fengyao, but Fengyao likes such a sister.

In the end, he actually made a decision that he was willing to return to Beijing to ask the emperor, and he would stay in Qizhou for the rest of his life and never return to Beijing.

Zhao Zining was very moved when he heard him make such a promise, but he also maintained his rationality and said, "Your Highness, you are in the emperor's house. There is no prince who does not want the throne, and so do you, Your Highness. Now, you have made such a promise, but It was just a momentary impulse. One day His Highness's love for me will fade, and it will be very painful to think of the current situation.

Because the barren land of Qizhou really can't contain His Highness's ambitions, these days, I get along with His Highness, and I know His Highness has great ambitions, how can this place where chicks grow can satisfy His Highness's grand ambitions.Therefore, Zi Ning kept His Highness's love in his heart, but His Highness's ambition still had to go back to the capital to fulfill it. "

Zi Ning was calm and objective, and every sentence made sense, but at that time, Feng Yao was probably far away from the fiercely contested place in the capital, and only his loved ones were in his eyes. He knelt down, bit his finger and swore that the throne and Zi Ning Ning, he chose Zining.

And Zi Ning's heart is not made of iron after all, she is a soft-hearted woman longing to be loved after all.

Maybe Fengyao was too young at that time, too young to be bearable, maybe Zining was too naive at that time, so naive that maybe love could really defeat power, so she wavered in front of this bloody oath.

On that day, the two met each other frankly in Fengyao's mansion, and they became husband and wife. Fengyao also fulfilled his promise and soon married Zining, because he was full of passion and couldn't wait for a moment. He said that he had sent someone to report to the father, and the father would agree.

Naturally, these things were not reported to Kyoto.

"Your Highness, you are the prince. Mrs. Zining is not your concubine or concubine. She is married to a matchmaker. She is the princess. You have to play the emperor." Jiang Keji reminded cautiously.

Feng Yao frowned, this is indeed a problem, if the emperor does not admit it, Zi Ning will not be recognized, at most he will be a concubine, and Zi Ning is arrogant, he will never agree to be a concubine.

"Don't talk about this yet. Anyway, I have decided to give everything to Prince Tong. I don't want the throne, I only want Zining." At that time, Feng Yao also thought that what he said was a promise that would last forever, and he would never make it in this life. Let Zining down.

However, how can the promises made when they are young can withstand the destruction like a blizzard in the future.

First of all, Zhao Zining's younger sister, Zhao Ziying, was also watching her sister and brother-in-law fall in love, and she had a secret heart for Feng Yao, but she was a step too late, so she could only bury her love in her heart.

Until one day, Feng Yao was kidnapped by someone arranged by Prince Tong pretending to be a mountain bandit. Zhao Zining desperately put on the men's armor again and went up the mountain to rescue him.

In order to save him, Zhao Zining was seriously injured, but she still rescued Feng Yao. She carried the fainted Feng Yao on her back, and walked out of the bandit's den while killing. All the bandits pretending to be were shocked by her.

(End of this chapter)

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