Chapter 1309
Chapter 1309
In the end, she brought him back safely, but she fell into a coma.

At that moment, Feng Yao knew that his life was exchanged with Zi Ning's life. Where else could such a brave woman find this matter?He was doubly moved, and silently made a wish to treat her well and repay her.

Feng Yao, who was also injured, was far less serious than Zi Ning, but still needed someone to take care of her.

At this time, the younger sister Zhao Ziying came to the mansion to take care of her unmarried older sister. In fact, she had already secretly promised Feng Yaofang, but because she was a step late, she could only keep her love in her heart.

Now that her sister is in a coma, she will have the opportunity to get along with Feng Yao day and night, and the buried love will hit her like an overwhelming sea.

In front of her brother-in-law, she often imitates her sister's appearance and demeanor when she is in women's clothing. Because she and her sister have been inseparable since childhood, she is very familiar with her sister, and she can be very lifelike when imitating her.

But at the same time, she began to envy her elder sister in her heart. She is not inferior to her elder sister in appearance, and her martial arts skills are equal, but in the end she lost to her in love, because Feng Yao only has her elder sister in her eyes, and she treats her as a younger sister with courtesy, even Showing a bit of indifference.

One day, she finally couldn't bear the turbulent feelings in her heart, put something in Feng Yao's medicine, and took advantage of Feng Yao's confusion and fascination, pretended to be her sister, and had sex with him all night.

When Feng Yao woke up and saw her lying beside him, he was struck by lightning.

She got up, hugged his waist, and said, "I won't let my sister know, don't be too nervous."

Feng Yao ruthlessly pushed her to the ground and said, "Bitch, shameless! You can't even compare to a hair of Zining!"

The smile froze on Ziying's face, she tremblingly said, "What did you say?"

Feng Yao grabbed her collar and said sternly, "Get out, and don't appear in front of me again."

Tears flowed down Ziying's body and mind were greatly shocked, and she finally left with her aching body, but Feng Yao held her back and told her to wait a while, and the servant brought a bowl of soup medicine after a while.

"Drink it, I don't want you to have a chance to keep my flesh and blood in your belly!"

Ziying looked at him with tearful eyes and hatred, and said, "You are too cruel!"

"Bitch is not qualified to keep this king's seed!" He walked away, apologizing to see Zi Ning who was in a coma.

And Ziying looked at the medicine, then at the nanny holding the medicine, took a golden hairpin from her head and put it in the nanny's hand, then picked up the medicine bowl, poured it on the ground, turned and left, the nanny took it Holding the golden hairpin trembling, but chose not to say anything.

After that, Ziying asked her father for instructions to go to Linzhou next to Qizhou for a year and a half, and then she never appeared in front of Fengyao and Zining again, and Fengyao also thought that the matter was over.

Eight months later, the emperor called Fengyao back to Beijing because of the remarkable results in governing Qizhou.

Before leaving, he held Zhao Zining's hand, stroked her swollen abdomen, and said, "I know you are going to give birth next month, and when I return to Beijing this time, I will express my heart to my father. Take you back to Beijing."

Zhao Zining smiled slightly and said, "I'll wait for you."

Then, when Feng Yao left, he didn't come back right away, and he didn't have any correspondence, because when he went back, he saw Prince Tong looking at him, realized his current situation, and the persuasion of many supporters, he was shaken. up.

When he was in Qizhou, he chose love and women, but after returning to Kyoto, he finally chose power.

However, he made up his mind to overthrow Prince Tong, and when he ascended the throne, he took Zining back and made her queen.

He won the support of his elder sister, Princess An Guo, and the two siblings decided to join forces.

On the Qizhou side, on a stormy night, Zi Ning had already started giving birth before Feng Yao came back.

However, she encountered dystocia and couldn't give birth for a long time.

At this time, her younger sister Ziying came back. Zining was very happy, covered in sweat, and said, "Sister, you are back."

"Yeah, sister, I'm back. Don't be afraid. The baby will be born. I also gave birth a few days ago. The doctor said it was a difficult labor, but in the end it was born. The baby is very beautiful..."

Zining was taken aback, "What did you say? Where did you get your child? Did you get married in Linzhou?"

"No, it's her brother-in-law's child. Sister, take a look, does this child look like brother-in-law?" Ziying took the infant child from the nurse's hand and showed it to Zining.

"What..." Zi Ning looked at her in disbelief as if struck by lightning, "He, you, when will you..."

"Sister, I came here specially to cheer you up. Work hard. Then the two brothers will love each other like you and me, and maybe they will fall in love with the same woman. I asked the doctor who gave you your pulse." Doctor, he comes to Linzhou every once in a while to report to me that you are also pregnant with a boy." Zhao Ziying looked indifferently at her sister who was dripping with sweat on the bed, and said softly.

Zhao Zining was stimulated, the news was too shocking.

In the end, she spent nearly half her life and gave birth to a boy.

And when she was in a coma, Ziying secretly exchanged her child with hers. She knew that Fengyao would love Zining's child even more, so when the child was born, she exchanged her own child. The child was given to Zining, and Zining's child was brought home.

Because of dystocia and a lot of stimulation, Zi Ning fell to the root of the disease after giving birth, his body was weak, and his face was pale.

She thought of Feng Yao and her younger sister's betrayal to her, so she made up her mind to get her body healed, go to the capital to find Feng Yao, and end up with her.

However, Zining is smart, strategic and courageous, and her appearance is higher than Ziying's, but she is upright, and her viciousness is far less than Ziying's.

Therefore, in the medicine she drank, she didn't know that Ziying had moved his hands and feet, so she dragged her body all the time, unable to recover or die.

Finally, after waiting for almost a year, Feng Yao defeated his elder brother, Prince Tong, and ascended to the position of Ninth Five-Year Supreme, known as Zhou Chengdi.

After waiting for about half a year, he finally returned to Qizhou after his enthronement was stabilized.

But when he arrived, Zi Ning was too sick to be human, and no matter what, he refused to see Feng Yao again.

And maybe it was God's punishment for Zhao Ziying, her son who was replaced by her elder sister Zi Ning actually caught wind and cold during confinement, and died after half a year of delay!
She hated it so much that her own son died, so she hated Zining and her child even more. She was very indifferent to this child and never hugged it, so that the servants discussed it in a low voice, saying that this child was not like a second child. Mademoiselle.

Seeing that Zi Ning, whom he loved the most, was too sick to see each other, and their child died, Emperor Zhou Cheng passed all his anger on Zhao Ziying.

Emperor Zhou Cheng turned around to find Ziying, and scolded, "Bitch, you actually gave birth to my child! I'm going to kill him, and I will never treat your bastard's child as my own flesh and blood! Bitch! Bitch! people!"

But Ziying knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, it's my fault. I'm sorry for my sister. If you want to kill, then kill this child."

She wanted to watch Emperor Zhou Cheng kill Zining's child with his own hands!

However, at this time, Zining appeared at Ziying's house in a sedan chair. Emperor Zhou Cheng hurried forward, but was blocked by Zining's servants.

Zi Ning was angry and said, "If your majesty really loves Zi Ning, then don't want to see Zi Ning again."

"Zi Ning..." Zhou Chengdi was very regretful, Zi Ning was very smart, but too kind, so how could he win against the insidious Zhao Ziying?

"Your Majesty, the child is innocent. Let him go and don't kill him." Zhao Zining begged Emperor Zhou Cheng, "My child is gone, my sister's child, please keep it. He is not guilty and should not be punished like this." punish."

"Zining! You are so kind!" The sword in Emperor Zhou Cheng's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Three days later, Zining died, and following her instructions, Emperor Zhou Cheng did not see her for the last time.

And he also took away Zhao Ziying's child, in fact it was Zining's own child, and he said to Zhao Ziying, "I want you to die alone without any children of your own!"

He poured safflower into her stomach, and she suffered unbearable pain, and finally lost the ability to have children.

He said, "I will take your child, but I will torture him for the rest of my life!"

Zhao Ziying knelt on the ground and covered her stomach, endured the severe pain, and laughed loudly, "Your Majesty, torture him, torture him, avenge my sister..."

Therefore, the child was brought back to the palace and named Feng Qianyue. Emperor Zhou Cheng handed her over to a court lady to raise her. He kept a secret about his origin, and the people in the palace did not dare to ask more questions. He must be born lowly, otherwise, how could the emperor hand over a prince to a court lady? This has never happened before.

However, Zhao Ziying recovered her health and went out with the army. By accident, she came to Khitan. With her extraordinary means and enough viciousness, she gradually became the queen mother of Khitan and took control of Khitan's power.

That's all there is to it...

The Rongyuan Hall was completely silent, after a long time——

Empress Dowager Ren Yi's eyes widened suddenly, and said, "You, how did you know?"

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes were flushed, revealing a strong disgust and hatred, and said, "I see the way you look at your child, that's not what a mother would look like, and then think about your personality... then I guessed this. cause and effect."

Empress Dowager Ren Yi smiled slowly, and said, "The emperor is always strong and strong, and he is still as smart as before. That's right, he is not my child. My child was raised by my sister to death long ago! My child was raised to death by her!" "

She said, her eyes were scarlet!
"I thought back later, my sister must have done it on purpose. She knew that I had tampered with it, so she did it on purpose, causing me to lose my child!"

"Shut up!" Emperor Zhou Cheng said angrily, "I won't allow you to insult Zi Ning, she is not as vicious as you think! She was killed by you because she wasn't vicious enough!"

"Yes, I was jealous of my sister, so I did something sorry for her, but, did I kill my sister alone? You broke her promise, and you caused her to be seriously injured because of saving you, so you will live again." When I was a child, I was motivated! I have the responsibility, don’t you? At that time, my sister said that she didn’t want to enter the palace, and she didn’t want to be bound, but you lied to her, you said you were willing to abandon power and be ordinary with her. Husband and wife! What happened? As soon as you returned to the capital, you forgot your promise. You weren’t around when your sister gave birth, and you didn’t even send a letter for so long. Why did my sister die? It’s because I felt discouraged towards you!” Empress Dowager Ren Yi looked closely at Emperor Zhou Cheng and said loudly.

Emperor Zhou Cheng took two steps back, muttered to himself, "Yes, I killed her, I shouldn't provoke's my fault, it's all my fault...and we child..."

Feng Qianyue!
He also mistreated him for more than 20 years, always saying that he was born as a bitch, but in fact, he is Zi Ning's child...

(End of this chapter)

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