First-class daughter

Chapter 1310 Dead

Chapter 1310 Dead
Chapter 1310 Dead
With a "squeak", the cell door opened.

Immersed in the truth that she is the child of Empress Dowager Ren Yi, Feng Qianyue, who hadn't recovered, suddenly raised her head.

I saw that Emperor Zhou Cheng appeared at the door of the cell. He was wrapped in a bright yellow robe and looked at him with very complicated eyes.

Feng Qianyue was stunned for a moment, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Father... Your Majesty, Your Majesty."

Zhou Chengdi walked up to him step by step, looked at him, and his gaze fell on his lame leg.

Feng Qianyue felt puzzled... What's the matter?
However, at the same time, he felt fortunate and secretly happy that he was the son of Empress Dowager Ren Yi, no matter what feuds Empress Dowager Ren Yi had with her father in the past, she is now the Empress Dowager Khitan, and he could not kill her.

And Empress Dowager Ren Yi would not allow him to be beheaded.

"Among what Zhao Ziying said to you, one sentence is correct. You are not a slut." After a while, Zhou Chengdi said.

Feng Qianyue's face was confused for a moment, and he began to calculate in his heart how Emperor Zhou Cheng would deal with him.

"However, you intended to rebel at the beginning, and then killed hundreds of members of the Lian family. These are indisputable facts. I am not only the husband of a woman, the father of a child, but also the king of a country." Zhou Chengdi continued Said.

Feng Qianyue's heart trembled slightly, he quickly knelt down, and said, "Royal Father, I know I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong this time, I even ate dog shit for my life, I have eaten shit for my life , I have been a servant and was beaten or scolded by others, these ministers have all experienced it.

Therefore, Erchen now only hopes that he can live, and he doesn't expect anything else!Please forgive my father, spare my son's life, my son will disappear in front of you forever, and live a good life from now on. "

Feng Qianyue said, with a cry in his voice, but a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, he was thinking, weighing, how to save his life, what about bitter tricks?

He vaguely heard Zhou Chengdi's sigh, "This is fate, just admit it."

Feng Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head, a look of doubt flashed in her eyes.

"Come on!"

At this moment, the cell door was pushed open again, Liang Degui and Jiang Keji walked in at the same time, Liang Degui held a bowl of decoction in his hand.

Feng Qianyue was taken aback for a moment, then his face turned pale, "Father, father..."

"Drink it, drink it and you will be freed, and I will be freed too." Zhou Chengdi said.

"This... what..." Feng Qianyue could only think of poison!Emperor Zhou Cheng wanted to poison him to punish him, and even passed the interrogation by the Ministry of Punishment.

"No, don't, father... Father, son, son is not afraid of death, but son still has a lot to do, father, don't, don't..." Feng Qianyue watched Liang Degui gradually Walking in, he fell to the ground, stepping back step by step.

"I used to think that I could give up everything for a woman. At that time, I felt that nothing was more important than a lover. But later, I discovered that those were just young promises. When I matured, I realized that love is not important. What is needed is more power and status.

But my youth, my innocence, did harm to a woman and her child... Now, this is the only relief I can give this child. "Emperor Zhou Cheng murmured some irrelevant words, but Feng Qianyue couldn't understand a single word.

"Father, father..."

"Let him drink it..." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.

Jiang Keji stepped forward, pressed Feng Qianyue's shoulder, and then twisted his backhand!

In the past, Feng Qianyue could still resist Jiang Keji, but now he has weak legs and feet, and was subdued by Jiang Keji.

"Your Highness, this is a reward from the emperor. After you finish drinking, you can go on the road with peace of mind. You will be reincarnated and become a hero again!"

As Liang Degui said, his heart became cruel, and he poured the medicine into Feng Qianyue's mouth.

"No! No!"

Feng Qianyue struggled vigorously, and the medicinal juice poured down his throat, and deep horror was revealed in his eyes.

He thought about a thousand ways to die, but he didn't expect this to be the most useless one.

Emperor Zhou Cheng put his hands behind his back, watched him drink the medicine, a tear rolled out of his eyes, and said, "This is the only thing I can give you."

He said, only heard a bang, Feng Qianyue fell to the ground, his eyes trembled slightly, and the last ray of light shone into his eyes.

In this faint sight, Feng Qianyue saw a scarred person——

"Immediately take out the fetus from Lian's womb, and make medicine for the imperial concubine!" the cold man ordered.

The woman suddenly raised her head and looked at him in horror, as if she couldn't believe what he said.

"No, it's not possible." The woman struggled vigorously, but how could she be a match for a group of guards with knives as a weak woman suffering from cold.

"Impossible? Since you cast a curse to make the noble concubine suffer from heartache, it is really reasonable for me to take your fetus to treat her illness." The man said leisurely, his tone was cold and ruthless like the ice of winter.

She cried and begged, "What's in your stomach is your own flesh and blood. Are you really not afraid of thunder?"

When the man heard this, his eyes were slightly startled, yes, it was his son.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I am wronged, I have a whole heart for the Emperor, and I have never done anything to be sorry for you!"

Seeing that he was indifferent, she begged desperately, only hoping to save the child's life...


Feng Qianyue sighed, and finally, he closed his eyes slowly. Before leaving, he stretched out his hands, trembling, as if he wanted to grab something, but finally dropped his hands.

Liang Degui stepped forward, put his hand on his nose, trembled, and said, "Your Majesty, there is no more."

"Next, do everything as I said." Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Liang Degui said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Feng Qianyue for the last time, and walked out of the cell slowly.

"Commander Jiang, take the knife." Liang Degui said.

"Yes, father-in-law." Jiang Keji slammed, pulled out the saber from his waist, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised it fiercely...



"What?" Feng Yunzheng was stunned for a moment, then said to the visitor, "Say it again."

"Yes, Your Highness, His Royal Highness, the fourth princess, is dead. He was given poisoned wine by the emperor himself. He was also given the crime of decapitating. The head was buried first because of its ugliness. The body was hung on the city wall and displayed to the public for three days," the visitor said.

"What's the charge?" Lian Siyue asked, her heart trembling slightly.

"I didn't say anything," said the man.

Lian Siyue stood up abruptly and said, "I'm going to take a look!"

After she came back to her senses, she was shocked for a while, and felt lost for a while.

"Yue'er, wait!" Feng Yunzheng got up, stood up, and walked out of Changchun Palace with Lian Siyue.

I thought that there would be another fierce battle. I thought that Feng Qianyue was the son of Empress Dowager Ren Yi, which meant that it would take a lot of effort to get rid of him, because his background meant that behind him was the entire Khitan. Emperor Zhou Cheng had to think twice before acting.

However, now they are suddenly told that Feng Qianyue has been executed, all this happened too fast, neither of them is ready yet.

"Yue'er." Feng Yunzheng stepped forward and held Lian Siyue's hand, her fingertips were cold.

"Yun Zheng... my heart is empty, and it's like this all of a sudden..." Lian Siyue said.

"Because we hope so much that he dies in our hands..." Feng Yunzheng said, "I want to go and see."

The two of them rode a carriage all the way to the outside of the tower.

From a distance, I saw a group of people gathered around the tower, Lian Siyue lifted the curtain of the carriage, and saw a dead body hanging there, wearing the clothes that Feng Qianyue wore that day, looking at the legs, it looked like a lame man.

"Really... dead?" Lian Siyue said, his heart throbbing.

"Feng Qianyue has committed a heinous crime, and he is the son of Empress Dowager Ren Yi. If Empress Dowager Ren Yi takes him away, he will inherit the Khitan dynasty in the future, which will be detrimental to Da Zhou. In this way, before others know his life experience, he will be taken away." Execution, avoiding future troubles, makes sense." Feng Yunzheng said so, his eyes continued to carefully look at Feng Qianyue's body.

Lian Siyue couldn't help but think about all the things in the past, and murmured, "It's a pity that I died just like that. I didn't die by your hands..."

Emperor Zhou Cheng quickly promulgated the imperial decree announcing the news of Feng Qianyue's death, which can be regarded as an explanation to the hundreds of people who died in the Lian family.

Royal Palace.

Empress Dowager Ren Yi paled, "You, Feng Yao, this is my sister's child, and you actually... executed him."

"If I execute him, I won't give you another chance to use him. Once he knows the truth about his life experience, how much will he hate me, father? Isn't this what you want to use?" Zhou Chengdi said coldly.

"You are so ruthless! You keep saying that you love your sister, but it turns out that it is nothing more than that. In the end, even her child has not committed a crime. How can beauty and love be as important as power? The only thing you love is yourself." Empress Dowager Ren Yi said with a trembling voice.

"So, let's go, you are the Queen Mother of Khitan, I will not kill you." Zhou Chengdi said,

Empress Dowager Ren Yi shed tears in her eyes and said, "Actually, I don't have no feelings for this child at all. After all, he..."

"Enough, stop talking! There is no Zhao Ziying in this world, only Empress Dowager Ren Yi. If you are Zhao Ziying, I have given you death a hundred times!" Zhou Chengdi stopped her.

In the end, Empress Dowager Ren Yi turned around and left the Rongyuan Hall. Emperor Zhou Cheng closed his eyes deeply, turned around and walked back to the bedroom, his eyes fell on his own dragon bed.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Yeluyan cupped her hands and said to Lian Siyue, "Princess Heng, Yeluyan has offended me a lot, please forgive me, I am going back to Youzhou today, once I go, I will never come again."

Lian Siyue's eyes fell on her face, and she said, "Didn't you say you want to marry His Highness the Sixth Prince? Why..."

A smile appeared on Yeluyan's face, and he said, "Grandmother gave up, and the emperor of Dazhou didn't ask about this matter anymore. This is a good thing for me, and I am relieved."

"Then I wish Princess Yan a smooth journey and all the best in the future." Lian Siyue said.

Yeluyan said, "I have seen the best appearance of love and marriage in Princess Heng and His Royal Highness, I hope you can continue to be happy, and I..." Holding Xiao He's sword, she paused and said ,"goodbye!"

As she said that, she turned around and left Prince Heng's mansion, Lian Siyue looked at her leaving back thoughtfully.

"Yue'er, what are you thinking?" Feng Yunzheng walked over and asked.

"...It's nothing...I don't know what I'm thinking." In short, there is something wrong, but I can't tell for a while.

Yeluyan left Prince Heng's mansion in a hurry, she walked with her head down, but accidentally bumped into a person in front of her.

"Sorry." She said quickly, and when she looked up, she found that the person she bumped into was Feng Yu.

Feng Yu was surprised, "Princess Yan? Why are you?"

Yeluyan paused, and said, "Your Highness Sixth, I have some good news for you."

"What good news?" Feng Yu's heart tightened. If it was a marriage contract, it would be extremely bad news!
"I'm leaving the capital today and returning to Youzhou. From now on, His Highness the Sixth Highness won't have to worry about your marriage anymore. There's no such thing."

"Really?" Feng Yu laughed until she opened her mouth, but when she saw the woman in front of her, "Ahem, my over-excited appearance may have hurt your self-esteem, but I want to tell you that it's not that you are not good enough, but It's me... it's really..."

"I know, His Highness the Sixth Highness does not need to feel guilty, I am leaving!" Yeluyan turned and left.

Looking at her back, Feng Yu suddenly felt a stone fall, and said, "If the person I like is a woman, I would like to get to know you."

Feeling a little lost, he turned his head and walked into Prince Heng's mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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