Chapter 1311
Chapter 1311
Princess House.


It has been a while since Princess An Guo left the mansion to go to Ningde Mountain Villa. During this time, the princess was not in the mansion, and Xue Renfu did not stay in his residence all the time, but came out occasionally.

Many people still came to see the princess, but they were all sent back. For a while, there were rumors in the capital that Princess An Guo was seriously ill and wanted to take care of her life and not to care about worldly affairs.

Xue Renfu was walking on the promenade of the Princess Mansion. When the wind blew, the blue hair on his forehead fluttered with the wind. He had lived in the Princess Mansion for a long time and lived with his deceased wife's relics. His handsome face looked a little pale, and his fingers by the sleeves were slender. Fair-skinned, he used to be a first-class handsome man in the capital, and he was extremely talented and quite famous.

He used to have lofty ambitions, and he also had the ambition to serve the court, but later, his wife died, and he has never recovered from it. He can no longer write amazing articles, and he has no amazing opinions. Later, some people feel sorry for him. He only said that benevolence won the wrong love of the princess and wasted her whole life.

The implication is that An Guo Princess killed his ambition and his life.

At that time, this word reached Princess An's ears. It is said that she was furious and scolded him for not knowing what to do.Hearing this statement, he hated Anguo even more in his heart.

He looked as far as the eye could see. In the past, he seldom took a good look at the Princess Mansion. He only knew that she was very powerful, so it was not surprising that the Princess Mansion was as luxurious as a palace. Moreover, Princess An was very happy. , every time there is a banquet, he will appear as a son-in-law.

Thinking about it now, it seems that the Princess Mansion has not held a banquet for a long time.

Once the deserted, I feel that the scenery here is pleasant.

At this time, a few maids came towards him, holding some sacrifices in their hands, and when they saw him, they bowed their knees respectfully to him, and said, "Your servant pays homage to the son-in-law."

Xue Renfu looked at the sacrifices in their hands and asked, "What day is today? Who are you worshiping?"

Several court ladies looked at each other, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

"Why can't I say it? Is the princess not letting me say it?" He subconsciously thought that An Guo was doing something cruel again.

Said, "Back to the son-in-law, today is the fifteenth day, the fifteenth day of every month the princess ordered us to worship, worship..."

"Who do you worship?" Seeing them hesitating, Xue Renfu couldn't help feeling curious.

"My son-in-law, take a look..." One of the palace maids presented a yellow paper with the characters of birth and date on it.

Xue Renfu's heart trembled suddenly when he saw the words written on it. All the words on it were his deceased wife's birthday.

"This is……"

"I beg the son-in-law to hide the truth from the slaves and maidservants. The princess has said that the son-in-law should not know." Several palace maids knelt down and begged.

Xue Renfu's hand holding the yellow paper trembled a little, and asked, "Every fifteenth day of worship, when did this start?"

"It's been more than ten years since I returned to my son-in-law." The maid replied.

It has been more than ten years, and he has been separated from her for a long time because he is immersed in grief, and he has not noticed that she has done such a thing.

"My son-in-law, the slaves are leaving." Several maids left with paper money and other offerings.

Xue Renfu stood where he was, and when the wind blew, he trembled all over, and felt a little cold in his heart...

"Come on," he said.

"Yes, son-in-law." A guard came over.

Xue Renfu looked at him and asked, "Are you..."

"Back to the son-in-law, the humble job is responsible for protecting you."

"And the princess ordered it?" he asked.

The guard hesitated for a moment, then said, "Yes, the princess specially chose a humble job."

Xue Renfu paused, and said, "I want to go back to Xue's house, you and I prepare the carriage."

"Yes, Prince Consort."

After a while, Xue Renfu set off from the Princess Mansion, and the carriage headed towards Xue's house.

In the past, when Princess An was in the mansion, he had never come in and out freely like this. He knew she would be unhappy. She was under one person and above ten thousand people. She was cruel and perverted. Whenever she was unhappy, someone would suffer. wife, and later he was afraid that his family would suffer
On the way, he opened the curtain of the carriage and looked at the bustling traffic and the crowds. He suddenly felt as if he had been in a lifetime. How long had it been since he looked outside and breathed in the fresh air.

Thinking about it, he suddenly thought of the few maids just now. She has been worshiping his dead wife for more than ten years. What is she doing?
She is lofty, cruel and non-toxic. In order to fight for the throne for her brother, she even killed her former husband without hesitation. Would she care about an insignificant woman?
"This must be her conspiracy. She let me see it on purpose. She wants me to be grateful to her and feel guilty for her. I won't be fooled. I have persisted for more than ten years. I have never looked at her directly, never loved her, In the future, I will still be like this, how cruel she was, I will pay her back in this way!" He clenched his fist in his sleeve, as if deliberately reminding himself.

All the way back to Xue's house, he was a little dazed when he saw the majestic door plaque in front of him.

The nursing home at the door looked at him as if, and said harshly, "This is the Xue family, who is here?"

Xue Renfu paused for a moment, then remembered that he hadn't been back for a long, long time. He was so sad that he had no time to take care of family affairs. It was understandable that they didn't recognize him.

"Second young master, ah, no son-in-law, master son-in-law, you are back!" At this time, the old housekeeper who appeared at the door saw it at a glance, and immediately shouted excitedly, and then scolded the guard at the door, saying, "I'm blind!" Your dog eyes, you don’t even know that this is the son-in-law.”

When the two nurses heard that they were sons-in-law, they were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

Xue Renfu walked into the mansion with the butler, and was even more surprised. The Xue family did not know when they had a rest, and the pavilions and terraces were well arranged and magnificent.

He couldn't help being surprised, the butler said as he walked, "The princess sends a large sum of money every year, so that the master and madam can live comfortably. The two old people are full of praise for the princess, saying that our Xue family is really blessed... ..."

He was thinking in his heart that she really knew how to please people, and used money to fool his family who had never seen the world, making them forget his wife and only remember her as a princess.

However, these things were easy for her, Princess An.

"Uncle..." At this moment, a clear voice came. Xue Renfu turned his head and saw a handsome young man walking towards him, clasped his hands and said, "Yi'er has seen Uncle."

"Yi'er? You are so tall!" Xue Renfu had a look of surprise on his face, Xue Yi, the eldest son of his elder brother.

"Uncle is free to come back, Yi'er is really happy." Xue Yi said with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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