First-class daughter

Chapter 1312 Grace of Appreciation

Chapter 1312 Grace of Appreciation
Chapter 1312 Grace of Appreciation
Seeing that his nephew was upright and handsome, with a dignified appearance, Xue Renfu couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw that his nephew was not timid or retreating.

"It's rare for uncle to come back. Why don't you go to Yi'er's study to do some work. The princess gave me a copybook a while ago. I'm writing it. Uncle showed me." Xue Yi warmly invited.

Xue Renfu was stunned for a moment, his face settled, and he said, "Yi'er, you should call me aunt."

Xue Yi smiled and didn't say much, and went to the study with Xue Renfu, and took out the copybook for Xue Renfu to appreciate.

Xue Renfu paid a little attention, and found that many of the extremely rare treasures in Xue Yi's house were gifts from Princess An, and Xue Yi treated them like treasures and cherished them very much.

"Uncle, where has the princess been lately? I wrote a good poem two days ago and wanted to ask her for advice, but the people in the princess mansion said that the princess is not in the mansion, so we cannot meet each other." Xue Yi asked.

Xue Renfu paused and said, "She has gone to Ningde Mountain Villa."

"Oh, no wonder..." Xue Yi said with a lost expression on his face, "I haven't seen you for a few days, and I miss the princess's smile even more. Over the years, she has taught me many things. If it weren't for her, Yier would be the same today. A mediocre, useless person."

Xue Renfu found that when this nephew talked about Princess An, the gleam in his eyes and face was a bit unusual.

"Yi'er, how old are you?" Xue Renfu asked.

"Uncle, I'm almost twenty." Xue Yi said.

"Why aren't you married yet?" Xue Renfu asked.

A blush appeared on Xue Yi's face, and he said, "It's not in a hurry."

Xue Renfu paused, and said, "Yi'er, from the beginning when you and I met, all you said was a princess, and you didn't ask me a few words about my uncle. If I wasn't your uncle, I would think you were talking about a princess. It's someone you like."

"Yes." Xue Yi said with a smile on his face.

"What?" Xue Renfu was taken aback, the expression on his face froze, and gradually condensed, "Yi'er, do you know what you are talking about, this is something that violates the principles of ethics, and you are not allowed to say it again in the future!"

But Xue Yi didn't take it seriously, his young and bright eyes shone with brilliance, and said, "Although I am ten years younger than the princess, in my mind, the princess is the best woman, the best among all women. Model, although high and high, is very kind to me and to the members of the Xue family. I am working hard to make myself better. When one day, she can see me in her eyes, I will ask her to recruit me into the princess mansion , stay by her side forever.”

"Bold!" Xue Renfu slammed the table and stood up, "Yi'er, how dare you covet the princess!"

"No, uncle, you are wrong. I am not coveting, but admiring, admiring, admiring. I have a princess in my heart for a long time. I have had her since I was sensible."

"Absolutely not!" Xue Renfu suddenly felt very bored in his heart, as if he suddenly discovered that the people he ignored and tortured were the most precious treasures in the eyes of others.

"Why not?" Xue Yi said dissatisfiedly, "Uncle, you don't have to pretend in front of Yi'er. Yi'er has been secretly observing me all these years. When I was very young, I found out when I went to play in the Princess Mansion. Uncle, you have no relationship with the princess, and you lived separately when you were in the princess mansion. There was never a real relationship between husband and wife. Uncle, you have always loved your former aunt in your heart all these years. There is no princess at all. It is really hard Princess, and I think such a good woman as Princess deserves good care and treatment, and I will definitely cherish her."

The more Xue Renfu listened to it, the more bored he became, "Absurd! Yier, absurd!"

"What's so absurd? It's not absurd at all! I just adore the princess, and I told my uncle today to prepare him." Xue Yi didn't back down at all.

"You." Xue Renfu paused, and said, "You, all of you, are all confused by her methods. She kills people like hemp, her methods are cruel, and she is arrogant. She..."

"Uncle, that's the princess in your eyes, but the princess in my eyes is gentle and demure, generous and graceful. When we get along with her, it's like a spring breeze. No woman in this world can match her." Xue Yi said, with an attitude Very persistent.

Xue Renfu was stunned.

Xue Yi got up, bowed to Xue Renfu, and said, "Uncle, Yi'er is excited and offended, but I don't expect uncle to forgive me. My hope for the rest of my life is to hold hands with the princess and accompany her well. She is not It's not like what my uncle said, she is very lonely, very lonely, I saw her secretly watching her uncle's back and weeping when I was a child, at that moment I decided to love her well when I grow up, Don't let her cry."

After Xue Yi finished speaking, he turned and left.

Xue Renfu sat where he was, unable to recover for a long time, "Yi'er, you..."

After a while, Xue Renfu's elder brother, Xue Yi's father, Xue Renlin, came in, and when he saw him, he was stunned for a moment, "Brother, you are back, why are you sitting here, have you seen your parents?"

Xue Renfu raised his head slowly and said, "Brother, I..."

"In these years, you have been thinking about your deceased wife every day, and you have been immersed in grief. You have not taken care of your family. Your elder brother's ability is limited. Fortunately, the princess helped you, and your family has been safe. Your nephews and nieces are also fortunate to be taught and cared for by the princess. , so they didn't go astray, each of them was very promising, especially Yi'er, his literary talents and knowledge were praised by everyone.

Renfu, the princess has done her best. Maybe the sister-in-law died because of her, but she is trying her best to make up for it. I don’t think she thought at the beginning that the sister-in-law would superficially agree to her request for two daughters and one husband. Turn around and use suicide to protest the princess' behavior.

I thought, if my sister-in-law didn't agree at the time, maybe she wouldn't force it? "

"What did you say..." Xue Renfu was taken aback, "She promised the princess? Say yes?"

Xue Renlin was also slightly taken aback, "Why, don't you know about this, son-in-law?"

"In the letter she left me, she said that her dream since she was a child was to have my heart alone, and never leave each other. Now the relationship between us is no longer pure. , so go to Huangquan to wait for me first, she hopes that I can also fulfill the original promise, and she will be the only one in this life, if so, she will die a worthy death..."

"This... the relationship between you is not very clear as a brother. After all, you and her are childhood sweethearts, and the princess only met you and appreciated you later.

(End of this chapter)

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