First-class daughter

Chapter 1313 You Are Free

Chapter 1313 You Are Free
Chapter 1313 You Are Free
Although you are a concubine and it is not my turn to speak, I still want to say something to you, take pity on the person in front of you, aside from those rumors, the princess is really a good woman, otherwise, I am afraid that one day, Fan Ran repented, but it was too late. "

Xue Renfu sat in the study for a long time. It was not until sunset that he bid farewell to his parents and elder brother, left Xue's house, and returned to the princess mansion.

"My son-in-law, Miss Lian Jialingyue is waiting for you." As soon as he entered the mansion, a servant stepped forward and said.

Xue Renfu was slightly taken aback, Miss Lian Jialingyue?I heard that she was with An Guo this time, why did she come back suddenly?
When he entered the mansion, he saw the girl in the water-red dress standing inside, saw him, stepped forward, and said, "Lingyue has seen the son-in-law."

Xue Renfu's eyes turned cold, and he asked, "Are you the younger sister of that rude Princess Heng?"

When Lingyue heard someone say that her sister was rude, she was not happy, and said, "My son-in-law is quite rude to talk to a junior like me."

Xue Renfu smiled and said, "As expected of the two sisters, they are both the same. Why didn't you stay with the princess in Ningde Villa well?"

"The princess is about to die." Lian Siyue said.

"What did you say?" Xue Renfu was taken aback, can't do it? "When I left that day, there was no..."

"The imperial doctor said that she has been depressed for a long time and hurt her body fundamentally. It seems that she is joking and laughing in peacetime, nothing unusual, but in fact there are problems with her heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys." Lingyue interrupted him and said, "Princess, she ...The whole body is full of problems, and when I am with her every day, I know that she is not happy."

"Then she...then she..." Xue Renfu wanted to ask a question of concern, but he didn't know how to say it. In fact, all these years, he had never given her any real concern, only superficial respect and inner real indifference.

"Why, does the son-in-law still care about the princess' body?" Lian Lingyue said with slight contempt in his eyes.

Xue Renfu clenched his hands in the sleeves, and said, "She asked you to come back and talk to me about this?"

"No, the princess is a proud woman. She will never tell you that she is uncomfortable or unhappy. After all, she has to maintain the appearance of that wicked woman in front of you, so that you have the strength to continue to hate her, and then you have the strength to continue to hate her." Missing your past wife, if she wants to do this, you won't be so sad, son-in-law." Lian Lingyue looked closely at Xue Renfu and said.

"..." Lingyue's words hit Xue Renfu hard in his heart.

Yes, for more than ten years, he has never seen her fragility, but he keeps hearing how powerful she is, how the princes and princesses fawn on her and respect her.

Ling Yue took a piece of paper from the hand of the maid behind her, and said, "However, the princess did tell me to come back and look for the son-in-law."

"What?" Xue Renfu looked at the paper and asked.

"He Li Shu." Ling Yue looked at him and said, "This is the He Li Shu that Princess Ran brought back for my son-in-law."

and Li Shu?Xue Renfu was taken aback for another moment, took it with trembling hands, unfolded it, and saw that it read:

"The reason for a couple is that they were married in the past three lives, and then they are married to the couple in this life. If the relationship is not compatible, it is like an enemy, so we come to each other. Since two hearts are different, it is difficult to come to one mind, and soon we will meet all relatives and return to our own ways. I hope that after the separation of husband and lord, he will regain his glory, be free and carefree, show off his graceful posture skillfully, and choose someone else to marry, you and I will be different from each other, and each will be happy..."
Xue Renfu never expected that Princess An would send her a copy of Heli Shu.

She also thought that with her strong possessiveness, he would never be able to escape from her palm in this life. Even if she knew that there was only one person in his heart, she would always tie him by her side to satisfy her terrible vanity.

Lingyue looked at Xue Renfu's stunned and trembling look, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and said, "My son-in-law, congratulations, from now on, you are free, the princess said to let you go, let you live the life you want, And she will spend the few days left alone, whether the son-in-law is resentful or hates her, how long the resentment is, and how deep the hatred is, she no longer cares, so please don't care about it.

She said that she took away the love of the son-in-law, and she must have lost her love for the rest of her life. Everything is settled and there is no debt to each other. Let all the past go with the wind. "

"Actually, I have been waiting for her Helishu for more than ten years, but she really brought it to me today..." Xue Renfu murmured while holding the Helishu paper in his hand.

But why, I didn't feel happy, didn't feel relaxed, only a misty, unreal feeling?

"My son-in-law, He Lishu has been brought here. I have to go. The princess can't sleep at night these days. I have to stay with me all night." What, turned around, and said, "The princess is as beautiful as a flower and has the pinnacle of power, but she has no children and no daughters all her life. It's a pity, her mistake is falling in love with you. If she fell in love with someone else, now There are already a group of children, Xue Renfu, you often say that the princess is cruel, how can the princess be half as good as you, you keep calm, she is already defeated, this round, you won, and you won thoroughly, now, you can go Your past wife has done you a favor. In the days to come, hold her portrait and wait until you die!"

After Lian Lingyue finished speaking, she turned around and left quickly. As she was leaving, she took another peek at Xue Renfu's face.

Xue Renfu looked at Li Shu and this, and took a few steps back.

Lian Lingyue walked out of the princess mansion——

"Wait!" At this time, Xue Renfu chased him out, and Lian Lingyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is there anything else? Prince Consort?" Lian Lingyue asked.

"I'm going to Ningde Mountain Villa!" Xue Renfu said.

"Why? He Lishu is in your hands. Didn't you say that you have been waiting for more than ten years? Now that it's finally here, you should go drink and eat meat to celebrate, oh no, you should celebrate with your deceased wife , in fact, others don't care about you."

"Your teeth and mouth are exactly the same as your sister, I won't tell you any more!" Xue Renfu got into the carriage that Lian Lingyue came back, and ordered the driver, "Let's go!"

"Hey, me, what should I do?" Seeing the carriage leaving, Lian Lingyue hurriedly shouted.

But when she saw that the carriage was really going away, a smile appeared on her face, and she touched her forehead, God, the sweat on her forehead was so dangerous.

I hope this time, both the princess and the son-in-law can see their hearts clearly and come to a complete end. I also hope that the princess can open up her heart no matter what happens, so that the depression in her heart will dissipate and she will have a healthy body.

What about her?
Lian Lingyue bit her lower lip, suddenly her heart felt a little ready to move.

(End of this chapter)

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