Chapter 1315
Chapter 1315
"I won't regret it, I won't back down, I won't pretend I don't remember you, Lian Jue, a lifetime is so short, we don't have so much time to waste." Ling Yue's voice was like a plum blossoming in winter, gentle and firm.

"Okay." With trembling hands, Feng Jue stroked Lingyue's cheek based on feeling, tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her face, but there was a smile in her eyes.

Lingyue mustered up her courage, stood on tiptoe, touched his lips lightly, and then left quickly, her face was so red that she was about to bleed.

Feng Jue was startled, his heart was beating wildly, just when Ling Yue was about to turn around and run away shyly, he suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand.

Just when Lingyue showed surprised eyes, his subordinates pulled her into his arms with force, and she threw herself on him with all her strength, and her whole body was tightly pressed against his chest.

"Lian, Lianjue..." Her heart was beating violently. For the first time, she felt his hard chest, wide and warm, which made her feel an unprecedented sense of security.

"Eleventh..." Feng Jue's face was also flushed, and his voice trembled nervously. This was the first time he hugged a girl like this. Her fragrance lingered in his nostrils, stronger than spring nectar. sweet.

"I... um..." As soon as Lingyue opened her mouth, Feng Jue suddenly lowered her head and kissed her soft lips awkwardly and greenly.

Lingyue's heart beat even harder, as if it was about to jump out of her mouth.

This is the first time Lian Jue kissed her. She kissed him on the cheek before, but he didn't respond, but this time...he, he actually... Her ears were so red that they were about to bleed, and she held him tightly gown.

The wind blows slowly past the ears, like honey and sugar.

Not far away, Sijiu was running over quickly, and seeing the intimacy of the two young masters in front, he immediately stopped and covered his eyes with his hands.

However, after a while, I couldn't help but spread my fingers to peek at it, and laughed twice.

"Brother Sijiu, someone is looking for His Highness outside..." At this moment, two servant girls came over behind him.

Sijiu hurriedly turned around, put his finger on his lips, "Shh! Go, go, now, the sky is falling, so please don't disturb His Highness, you hear me, go, go!"

Looking back, Sijiu pushed the two away.

Walking to the corner, the servant girl said, "It's not that we want to disturb Your Highness, yes, it's someone sent by the Empress Dowager. It seems to ask His Highness to choose a candidate for the princess, and they are urging for it."

After hearing this, Sijiu's heart skipped a beat, "What, this..."

The relationship between these two little masters has just heated up, why...


I don't know how long it took before Feng Jue finally let go of Lingyue, Lingyue buried her head in his arms, she was so ashamed that she didn't dare to raise her head, the blush on her face became even worse.

Feng Jue's face was also flushed, the two of them were like all those who are in love at the beginning, shy, excited, and looking forward to it, this sweet feeling was the most beautiful experience at the moment.

After the kiss, Feng Jue was also a little at a loss, not knowing what to do, and a little worried that she was too abrupt and would make Lingyue angry.

"I..." After a while, he opened his mouth and said, "Eleventh, I, I will take responsibility for you. Don't worry, I won't let you be wronged."

He is an upright and dignified man. If he occupies Lingyue's lips like this, he will naturally give her a title, and will not make her sad.

Lingyue stretched out her hand, patted his chest lightly, and said, "You, what are you talking about, I don't know how to answer you."

"You, you just need to follow what you said, and don't regret or back down!" Feng Jue said.

"Hmm!" she said with a blushing face, and then she bit her lips quietly, the smell of Lian Jue remained on it.

Feng Jue couldn't see, so she didn't know how gentle, shy, and... happy Ling Yue looked at him now.

However, this blissful time did not last long, because since the queen mother sent someone, Sijiu had to come out for the sake of His Highness the Eleventh to break the anti-air atmosphere between the two of them, and carefully glanced at Feng Jue , said, "Your Highness, the Empress Dowager sent someone to ask how your decision is going."

The expression on Feng Jue's face paused, and the smile gradually disappeared.

"What's the matter? The Empress Dowager is here, is there anything I can't solve? You both look like this." Ling Yue asked a little strangely.

"It's nothing. I'm asking about some things in the palace. I'll come back as soon as I go. You wait for me here." Feng Jue didn't want to tell Lingyue these things yet. On the one hand, she didn't want her to be troubled; After all the problems are solved, then marry him generously, except for Ling Yue who can be the Princess of Ming An, he will never agree to the rest.

"Okay, then you go, I'll wait for you here, but your eyes..." Lingyue learned that he recently stayed in the mansion under the pretext of recovering from his illness, and just didn't want people to know that he was blind.

"It's okay, Sijiu is with me, besides, I'm familiar with everything in my mansion, those servants just stand far away and talk to me, they won't find anything." Feng Jue reassured her and said.

"Okay, but, be careful around." Ling Yue urged.

"it is good."

Feng Jue turned around, and the expression on his face sank. It seemed that he had to speed up his pace and solve this matter quickly. He didn't want to make Yue uncomfortable, and he didn't want her to think too much.

After leaving the garden, Feng Jue asked in a deep voice, "Have you seen the Queen Mother's attitude?"

Four or nine said, "Grandpa Zuo means that the empress dowager is here to collect the notebooks, so His Highness should hand over the notebooks of the young lady he likes to the empress dowager today."

Feng Jue stopped in his footsteps, and said, "You go back to the room with me first, and I'll change clothes."

"Yes, Your Highness." Sijiu replied.

After a while, Feng Jue went to the front hall, where several servants knelt down and said, "My Highness."

Ling Yue'er sat at the stone table and waited for Feng Jue. After waiting for a while, she suddenly found that his jade pendant fell to the ground at some point, so she stepped forward to pick it up. After thinking about it, she decided to give him the jade pendant. Send it over.


Eunuch Zuo knelt on the ground and said, "Your Highness, the Empress Dowager servant came here to ask Your Highness if there is a result of your choice of princess?"

"Grandmother seems to be in a hurry." Feng Jue lowered her head slightly and said.

Eunuch Zuo said cautiously, "The Empress Dowager has always been very concerned about His Highness Eleven's marriage. Her old man said that His Highness Eleventh is a prince who is proud of the emperor. She must find a concubine for His Highness who is worthy of His Highness in all aspects. Let His Highness have no worries."

"I would like to thank Grandmother for your concern." Feng Jue said in a tone of joy and anger.

"I don't know if His Highness has already chosen it. The Empress Dowager sent servants here today to retrieve the booklet." Eunuch Zuo said.

"It's been chosen." Feng Jue took out a booklet and said, "Submit it for me."

Sijiu on the side listened, was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Feng Jue in surprise, His Highness has chosen?Who did you choose?Then... what about Miss Lingyue?
(End of this chapter)

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