First-class daughter

Chapter 1316 Yun Zheng I'm Sorry

Chapter 1316 Yun Zheng I'm Sorry

Chapter 1316 Yun Zheng I'm Sorry

"Sijiu, present the notebook to Eunuch Zuo." Feng Jue yelled twice, and Sijiu came back to his senses.

"Oh, yes, yes." Sijiu took the notebook, glanced at Feng Jue again, and then handed the notebook over hesitantly.

at the back door.

Lian Lingyue tightly held the jade pendant, biting her lower lip, she heard the conversation between Feng Jue and Zuo Eunuch.

It turned out that the empress dowager had already asked him to choose a concubine, and he had already chosen it and handed it over to the empress dowager.

That just now he...

Her heart sank to the bottom, and she thought to herself, as the eleventh prince, he is at the height of his power, but he also has to walk on thin ice, so naturally he can't act willfully, there is no way for him to do so.

After all, their family is nothing now, and she still lives in her sister's house, so why can she be with Lian Jue.

So, she blames no one, yes, no one.

After dismissing Eunuch Zuo, Feng Jue got up and walked towards the back garden.

Sijiu followed behind without saying a word.

When they arrived in the back garden, Feng Jue said, "Eleven, are you still here?"

Sijiu raised his head, looked around, and said, "Your Highness, I didn't see Miss, it seems that she has already left."

left already?

Feeling lost in Feng Jue's eyes, she said, "I should be rushing back to Ningde Villa, she said that she also asked Princess An for leave before she came out."

"Yes." Four or nine times, he suddenly saw the jade pendant on the table, quickly stepped forward to take it over, and said, "Your Highness, your jade pendant fell off at some point, and it is on the table."

"Put it on for me." Feng Jue said, but suddenly he was taken aback, and asked, "Sijiu, did you go to the front hall on Shishi just now?"

Sijiu paused, and said, "Probably not, the servant didn't see it just now."

Thoughts flashed across Feng Jue's eyes.

"Your Highness." At this moment, Dong Shen and Ye Feng's master Ye Hongfei walked over together.

Feng Jue turned around.

The two raised their hands at the same time, bowed, and said, "Your Highness, the two of us have developed a new medicine, please give it a try, Your Highness."

When Sijiu heard this, he said happily, "New medicine? Great, Your Highness, there is a new medicine. Maybe after using this new medicine, your eyes will be fine."

Dong Shen and Ye Hongfei looked at each other in the same way, and said, "My brother Sijiu, because His Highness has never seen this symptom before, so we two dare not say that we are completely sure, but I just hope His Highness will test the medicine more. Don't be discouraged."

"How can a person's eyes recover so easily? Some people have been blind for a lifetime and have never seen the light. I am not long in this world. Sijiu is too anxious for me. You two don't need to worry about it." Pressure, take your time." Although Feng Jue couldn't see it, but with a clever mind, how could he not know what the two of them were thinking.

"Your Highness, let's start testing the medicine now." Dong Shen said.

"Okay." Feng Jue returned to the room, sat on a chair and waited.

Dong Shen and Ye Hongfei began to add the ground medicinal powder into warm water, stirred it, and applied it on the white gauze. A strong medicinal smell floated in the room.

Feng Jue waited quietly, but when Dong Shen was about to wrap the gauze around his eyes, he suddenly stood up.

Dong Shen was taken aback, "Your Highness, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Jue paused for a moment, then said, "It's okay, it's probably because this king is overthinking."

Dong Shen said, "Then let's start now, Your Highness. This medicine must be applied once a day. Before all the powder is used up, Your Highness should try not to go out and avoid the sun and wind."

"En." Feng Jue nodded and said.

Ling Yue hurriedly left Ming An Palace, got into the carriage, and the servant girl asked, "Miss, are you going back to Ningde Villa now?"

She was in a daze, she didn't hear what the servant girl was asking, her mind was full of the situation when Feng Jue handed the booklet to Eunuch Zuo just now.

Yes, she has known for a long time, with her current status, how can she be worthy of him?
However, she still couldn't help being a little angry. The affirmation of what he said to her just now made her think that their future only belonged to each other, but she didn't expect that he already had a candidate for the princess, so where would he put her?

Are you planning to make her a concubine?Or is it not even considered a concubine, and has no status at all?

So, what is a kiss like that?
To her, his kiss today is not only an expression of affection between a man and a woman, but also has the function of a ceremony. It is a mutual recognition and recognition of each other's meaning.

Doesn't he see it that way?Thinking about it, Lian Lingyue felt a sharp pain in her heart.

However, she soon started blaming herself:
No, Ling Yue'er, you can't blame Lian Jue, he also has his own difficulties, after all, he is no longer the Lian Jue of Lian Xiangfu, he is the prince, more likely the future heir.

Ling Yue'er's world can only accommodate Lian Jue, but the world of Lian Jue has to accommodate not only Ling Yue'er, but also the imperial court, Jiangshan Sheji, and more women.

Perhaps, he also thought about only allowing her, but he couldn't do it, he is not Brother Jiu, and I am not sister, if he is forced to be like Brother Jiu, wouldn't it be harming him?

and so……

Lingyue exhaled softly, swallowed the sad feeling forcefully back into her stomach, a difficult smile appeared on her face, and said, "Madam Xue probably went to Ningde Mountain Villa, Xiangxue, let's go back to Prince Heng's Mansion first Well, I want to inherit the king and take the king away."

"Yes, Miss." Xiangxue instructed the coachman to drive the carriage towards Prince Heng's Mansion.

When she arrived at the gate of Prince Heng's Mansion, she tried her best to hide her unpleasant feeling, adjusted her face to a happiest and lively smile, got off her horse, and flew into the palace like a butterfly, like something It was as if nothing had happened.

When Lian Siyue heard that her sister was back, she was about to go out to greet her, when she saw that graceful body bump into her eyes, and said, "Sister, I'm back."

"Ling Yue'er, come here and let me have a look." Lian Siyue naturally held her hand and looked him up and down.

"I'm fine. I have to do some small things when I'm back this time, and I've also filed a leave with Princess An." Ling Yue was afraid that her sister would be worried, so she immediately explained.

Lian Siyue had a faint playful smile on her lips, and said, "My sister can change now, after she comes back, the first place she comes back to is no longer by my sister's side."

After hearing this, Lingyue was startled slightly, blushed, and said, "Sister, you already know."

"How about it, seeing Feng Jue and knowing about his eyes, isn't it very sad." Lian Siyue asked.

The smile on Lingyue's face slowly froze, turning into a touch of sadness, she threw herself into Lian Siyue's arms, and said, "Yeah, I'm so sad to see him look like he can't see anything, really really sad ..."

Tears fell from her eyes, but Lian Siyue didn't know that the reason for her sadness was not just about his eyes.

"Don't worry too much, Jue'er is so good, God will give him a gift, and one day, he will see the light again." Lian Siyue comforted her by patting her back lightly.

"Well, he is so good, God will never be too cruel to him, and I believe he will see the light again." Ling Yue lay in her sister's arms, thinking about Lian Jue, her heart ached.

"By the way, there is something that you probably don't know yet. Feng Qianyue was stabbed to death by the emperor and beheaded for public display." Lian Siyue said.

"What..." Lian Lingyue was taken aback, sat up straight, with an unbelievable look in his eyes, "Fourth brother...Feng Qianyue... is already dead?"

"Anyway, the corpse was hung on the city wall for three days. Later, it was wrapped in a straw mat and was dragged away by the guards. It is said that the head was cut off. I heard that the emperor was very angry. His body was just a little bit, and he fell ill again. , I haven't gotten up for a few days..." Lian Siyue said, thoughts flashed in his eyes.

"Thinking about it, the emperor also hated him very much. Originally, when he was a child, the emperor disliked him very much. Later, he did those bad things, and even cruelly killed hundreds of members of our family. Now that he is decapitated, it is his own fault! " Ling Yue said.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Stop talking about him, how are you doing with the princess?"

Lingyue sat up from her sister's arms and said, "Sister, I didn't discuss it with you, but I did something on my own."

"What's the matter..." Lian Siyue asked.

"I... lied to the son-in-law." Lingyue told how to stimulate Xue Renfu, and said with a little anxiety in her heart, "Will it be discovered that it will not help?"

Lian Siyue smiled, and said, "You've done well, Xue Renfu is a bastard. After so many years of being blessed and ignorant of blessings, it's time to make an end. No matter what the result is, I believe that Princess An will open her heart. Her condition is beneficial. And Xue Renfu, whether he loves it or not, can also make it clear, so there is no need to waste the princess like this."

If the two get back together, then Lingyue is one of the great heroes, and she is not far from realizing her goal. Yes, her ultimate goal is to hope that Princess An can accept Lingyue as a righteous daughter. She has no children under her knees. If Ling Yue is allowed to be her adopted daughter, who would dare to say anything?
Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief when she heard what her sister said, and said, "I actually did this on impulse, because I couldn't bear to see the princess like this. I hope the son-in-law can see his heart clearly this time." , and have a happy ending with the princess."

"Then you stay at home for one night today, and go back to Ningde Villa tomorrow." Lian Siyue said.

"Okay, I'm missing the two little guys, I'm going to see them now." Ling Yue couldn't wait to see Cheng Jun and Wan Jun.

A smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, she stood up, and was about to go back to the backyard, but suddenly, her heart tightened, her footsteps suddenly paused, and her head felt a little dizzy.

How is this going?This is the second time this has happened recently.

She sat back on the chair again, pressed her pulse with her fingers, closed her eyes slowly, and listened carefully to the pulse.

Strange, the pulse condition is not abnormal, how could it suddenly feel uncomfortable?

"Princess, what's the matter with you, are you not feeling well?" Qing Dai walked in, seeing Lian Siyue feeling her own pulse, she hurriedly asked.

Lian Siyue opened her eyes and said, "It's nothing, I'm going to rest for a while."

"Yes, I will help you go." Lian Siyue was helped into the room, and fell asleep on the bed.

When Feng Yunzheng came back from the hall, she was still sleeping. He walked gently to the bedside, and wanted to see her sleeping face, but suddenly he was taken aback:
There was a tear in the corner of her eye.

Yue'er is crying?

What kind of sad dream is this?

He sat on the edge of the bed, bent over, gently kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes with his lips, and held her hand lovingly.

Lian Siyue turned around, hugged his waist, and buried her head in his arms.

"What's the matter, Yue'er, what happened?" Feng Yunzheng asked, feeling worried.

"Yun Zheng, I'm sorry, I'm not good enough for you. To you, I'm such a bad woman." Lian Siyue murmured in his arms.

Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled, and he lowered his head, "Yue'er..."

(End of this chapter)

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