First-class daughter

Chapter 1317 Confused

Chapter 1317 Confused
Chapter 1317 Confused
She has something on her mind!

"It's because I'm not good enough that you can't open your heart in front of me freely, Yue'er..."

Lian Siyue raised her head from his embrace, and said, "You are very happy now, but I still have a part of my life in the past."

"Are you thinking... Le Yan?" Feng Yunzheng asked tentatively.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Yes."

Two days ago, Changchun Palace.

Lian Siyue and the empress sat together to talk, and they couldn't help talking about Feng Qianyue again.

"You have destroyed hundreds of people in your family at his hands. Now that he has ended up decapitated, he deserves to die. It will be clear in a few days. Yue'er, take Lingyue and Lian Yan to pay homage to him. Come on, my palace has already arranged for you." The queen said.

"Thank you, Empress, I will send someone to Ningde Villa to call Lingyue back before Qingming Festival." Lian Siyue said.

At this time, Nanny Li stepped forward and said, "Empress, the King of the Huns has sent a prince and princess to visit. Your Majesty and Queen Dowager invite you to come over."

"..." Lian Siyue's hands trembled suddenly, the tea almost splashed out, King Hun?

In the previous life, Feng Qianyue, a bitch, listened to Lian Shiya's mother and daughter and Xiao Zhenhai's instigation, and sent her Le Yan'er... to the wild land of the Huns. Le Yan'er was only eight years old!

"Yue'er, what's the matter?" The queen just stood up and noticed that something was wrong with Lian Siyue, so she asked with concern.

"Queen, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about the purpose of the Huns' sudden visit." Lian Siyue calmed down and said.

"I'll find out when I go and have a look." The queen said, and walked out.

Lian Siyue sat on the chair, her hand holding the tea cup trembling slightly, she sat for a long time, until the tea in her hand was cold, then she put down the cup, stood up slowly, and walked outside, her heart was There was a piercing pain.

Lian Siyue raised her head from his arms and said, "I feel like I betrayed you."

After hearing what she said, Feng Yunzheng hugged her tightly, kissed her face one after another, and said heartbroken, "Fool, how could this be betrayal, you and I are one , I know how bitter you were in the previous life, now we are reborn from Nirvana, we have children and companionship, but there are still people you care about the most suffering, your pain, I understand everything, you said Half of you are still in the past, and I am not. What is yours is mine, and you think of Le Yaner because you saw the children of the Hun King, I understand, I understand."

"Yun Zheng..." Lian Siyue hugged her most beloved man tightly, only in front of him could she have such an uncontrollable and soft side.Fortunately, this man will tolerate everything about her, cold-blooded, ruthless, weak, painful, everything, and never has any dissatisfaction.

"I love you, Yun Zheng, I will love you forever and ever." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled, his face flushed, and he hugged the person in his arms even tighter. No matter how many times he had heard Yue'er's love words, he could still make him feel excited like a young man. .

"Yue'er..." He lowered his head and kissed her lips, and gently held her psoas with his hands.

Lian Siyue responded enthusiastically to his kiss without hesitation.

The curtain fell, and there was a lingering sound, giving each other the most cherished experience.

After about an hour (really long), Lian Siyue was wearing white silk and laying on Feng Yunzheng's chest, with her eyes closed, her cheeks flushed, and beads of sweat on her forehead.

Feng Yunzheng held her hand, put it on his lips and bit it lightly, and said, "The prince and princess of the Xiongnu are here to ask for a kiss. The emperor will choose one of the princesses to marry, this time not to marry Shan Yu. (the name of the Huns), it was the prince who proposed to marry, and the princess came with her because of her longing for the culture of the Central Plains. During the period, the father asked me to be in charge of entertaining. If you want to meet them, just tell me, I Come and arrange."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "I really want to meet, but I don't want it for now, let's wait and see."

"Okay." Feng Yunzheng kissed him on the forehead and said.

Lian Siyue showed a slight sneering smile on her lips, and said, "It is said that I want to marry a princess, but which princess will be willing to marry her, and the emperor will not be willing to let his own daughter suffer. Choose a suitable woman from the royal relatives to be named princess, and then marry, this time, I don’t know which family’s daughter will be chosen.”

"You're right. Father is handing over this matter to the Empress Dowager to arrange. These two people heard that the Shouning Palace was extremely uneasy. The Empress Dowager took a stack of papers to read. Those princes and ministers were all frightened, afraid of their own The daughter was chosen." Feng Yunzheng laughed dumbly.

"The daughters who have been cultivated through hard work are all counting on a good marriage and marrying the Huns. Not to mention suffering in that barbaric land, they will become victims of the two dynasties." Lian Siyue shook her head, road.

"By the way, how old is the princess of the prince from the Huns?" Lian Siyue asked, she remembered that the Xiongnu Shan (chanyu is always pronounced the second time.) was already very old.

"The Xiongnu Chanyu has more than a dozen sons and a dozen daughters. This seat, Wei Lang, is about 30 years old, and Princess Wei Rui (weirui is pronounced the second tone) is the youngest daughter of Shan Yu, about 16 years old." Feng Yunzheng said .

Even Siyue's heart felt a prick of pain. The youngest daughter is now 16 years old. According to the time, Le Yan'er will be eight years old in eight years, and this Wei Rui will be 24 years old. Eight years old was given to the youngest daughter. The daughters of the Huns are 26 years old.

Feng Qianyue!Feng Qianyue!Why didn't you die a hundred times in my hands!
"Yun Zheng, I always feel that Feng Qianyue's death is strange. So far, no one has seen Feng Qianyue's head except the emperor and the people closest to him. What do you think?" Lian Siyue said Get rid of your doubts.

"Actually, I have been secretly inquiring about this for the past two days." Feng Yunzheng felt the same as Lian Siyue, "Is the death too sudden? It always feels unreal."

"However, I really can't find a reason for the emperor to protect Feng Qianyue on purpose. The emperor didn't like him at first, and the felony he committed later was an unforgivable crime. The emperor even offered Feng Qianyue's head 10 taels. Now that we have met, killing him like this, leaving him decapitated, seems to be a move that the emperor would hate..." Even Si Yue couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Unless there is something we don't know, no one knows what the Empress Dowager Ren Yi and Emperor Father said that day." Feng Yunzheng frowned slightly and said.

"Yun Zheng, go and find out, on the day Feng Qianyue died, was there anyone who was about the same height and build as him and was executed." Lian Siyue sat up and said with a shudder in his mind.

Feng Yunzheng looked at Lian Siyue, and said, "You suspect that the emperor found a substitute for the dead and saved Feng Qianyue?"

"This can only be confirmed when a clue is found." Lian Siyue said.

"But as you said, what is the reason for the father to do this? Could it be that he reached an agreement with the Queen Mother Ren Yi? After all, Feng Qianyue is her son, will she just watch him die? If that is the case, So Feng Qianyue has returned to Khitan with Empress Dowager Ren Yi?" Feng Yunzheng thought.

"No matter what, check it first." Lian Siyue said.

"By the way, there is one more thing. Today, the Empress Dowager sent someone to Ming'an Palace to ask Feng Jue how he thought about choosing a concubine. Feng Jue handed over the roster to the Empress Dowager." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue was startled, "Today."

"Yes, today." Feng Yunzheng said.

Thoughts flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, and he said, "Ling Yue'er is back, and went to Ming'an Palace in the morning."

Feng Yunzheng was taken aback, "She already knows?"

"I must know. Just now I saw that she was a little depressed. I thought it was because the matter of Princess An and Xue Renfu affected her. It turned out to be Feng Jue's matter." Lian Siyue said.

inside the classroom.

"Children grow up so fast. Not long after I left, Chengjun and Wanjun have changed, and they feel that they have grown up much better." Lingyue carefully picked up Wanjun and looked at Chengjun in the cradle. Jun, said in surprise.

The nurse smiled and said, "Miss doesn't know, this newborn baby looks different every day."

"That's great." Lingyue looked at the little man in her arms, touched the pink and tender little face, and said softly, "You two, but our little baby, you must be healthy. Grow up healthy and healthy, you must look very good when you grow up, just look at your father and mother..."

"Sister..." At this moment, a childish voice came.

Ling Yue turned her head and saw Lian Yan walking over, held by the wet nurse.

"Yan'er..." A surprised smile appeared on Lingyue's face.

"Sister..." Lian Yan shook off the nanny's hand and ran over with two legs. The little meaty hands hugged Lingyue's legs, raised his head, and said, "I miss you so much, sister."

After a spring, Lian Yan can say more things, and he can also say sentences like this.

Ling Yue handed Wan Jun back to her nanny, bent down, put her hands on Lian Yan's shoulders, and said, "Yan'er, sister misses you very much too, just now I heard they said you were studying, so I didn't bother you You, sister is very happy to see you now."

"Sister, I'm so happy." Lian Yan's little face rubbed against Lingyue's body, "Yan'er is studying, sister is happy."

Lingyue understood what Lian Yan meant. He meant that he would study hard to make his sister happy. During the process of fleeing to Khitan, the two siblings depended on each other for life, and they had unconsciously established a deep relationship.

"Miss, Young Master Yan misses you every day." Lian Yan's nurse said.

"Sister, you." Lian Yan said, shaking Lian Lingyue's hand.

Lian Siyue watched the scene from a distance, sighed slightly, and came over.

Lingyue looked up and saw her, and hurriedly said, "Sister, you are here..."

When Lian Yan saw Lian Siyue's expression of respect, he bowed slightly and said, "Sister."

(End of this chapter)

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