Chapter 1318 A crushing defeat

Chapter 1318 A crushing defeat

Lian Siyue looked at the only younger sister and younger brother in front of her, thought about the prosperous Lian family in the past, thought about Ling Yueer's current status, and suffered the pain she shouldn't have suffered, and even more thought about not leaving it to Feng Qianyue. There was a slight chance of escape, but she had to confirm it anyway.

She suppressed this concern and said, "Tomorrow will be Qingming, we are going to pay respects to grandma, father, mother and all the uncles, you two should go to sleep in my room tonight, the three of us, siblings, have a good talk .”

"Okay, sister." Lian Lingyue said, thinking of the deceased person in the family, but feeling sad and sad in her heart.

And Lian Yan lowered his head slightly, burst into tears, choked up and said, "I miss mother, mother..." He began to cry.

Lingyue bent down, hugged her younger brother in her arms, and said, "My dear Yan'er, cry, cry, it's okay, cry."

Lian Siyue looked at Lingyue, this poor child, no matter what, he kept his heart hidden, afraid of causing trouble to others, but always wanted to comfort other people around him.

"Ling Yue'er..." she called out.

"Sister..." Ling Yue turned her head to look at her, with a slightly puzzled look in her eyes.

"It's okay." Lian Siyue stretched out his hand, patted her head lightly, and said, "No matter what time, sister is here to rely on you, no matter what difficulties you have, or what you want, I will be with you My sister said, do you know?"

"En!" Ling Yue nodded heavily.

The next day, Ching Ming Festival.

Early in the morning, the three siblings, accompanied by Feng Yunzheng, went to the Lian family cemetery to pay homage. God seemed to respond to the occasion, and there was a drizzle.

After the Qingming ceremony, Lian Lingyue bid farewell to Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, and went back to Ningde Villa. She never mentioned Feng Jue to them from the beginning to the end, and left silently.

"This child, you don't want to cause us any trouble, and you don't want to burden Jue'er." Lian Siyue said as she looked at her carriage going away.

And not long after Lingyue left, Feng Jue came over and said something to Feng Yunzheng Lian Siyue.

"What..." Feng Yunzheng was taken aback, "You replied to the queen mother like this?"

Even Siyue was slightly surprised when she heard this.

Only Feng Jue, with a calm face, said, "Yes, I have already done so."

"I just don't know how the Queen Mother will react?" Lian Siyue said.

Shouning Palace.

After reading the scripture presented by Lian Jue, the Empress Dowager's face suddenly changed, she threw the scripture in front of her face, and said, "Bold!"

Seeing this, Wang Momo hurried forward, picked up the booklet, and said, "The Empress Dowager calm down, be careful that you will burn yourself out of anger."

"Although this Feng Jue is a prince, it is wild and difficult to train. He was asked to choose one of the daughters selected by the Ai family as Princess Ming'an. He did choose, but he did not choose from the range designated by the Ai family. The one that the Ai family hates the most!" The Empress Dowager held the back of the chair tightly, and her face became extremely ugly.

Wang Momo asked cautiously, "Which family's lady did His Highness Eleven choose?"

"Hmph." The queen mother snorted coldly, and said, "It's not that Lian Lingyue! The two sisters are the same, and they won't let go unless they occupy a man! Look, look at what is written in Feng Jue, What is it except that Wushan is not a cloud, what is it that you just take a scoop to drink, the sound is so sloppy, it's pissy, what is the behavior that a dignified prince should have?"

It turned out that Feng Jue did not choose from the brochures sent by the empress dowager, but before going to meet Zuo Gonggong, he made a temporary brochure, which was all about Lingyue, so as to show himself to the empress dowager mind.

"But..." Wang Momo hesitated for a moment, and said, "Empress Dowager, if His Royal Highness insists on doing this, what should we do?"

"Hmph!" the queen mother said coldly, "he is not a child of just any family now, he is the eleventh son of the emperor, and he must marry according to the wishes of the Ai family and the emperor. If every prince can do whatever he wants like him, Isn’t that a mess? So, no matter what, the Ai family will not do what he wants! The emperor has high hopes for him, and he will not agree to it!”

"Then the empress dowager must find a way to make His Highness the Eleventh speechless, otherwise His Highness the Eleventh will not give in..." Wang Momo said.

"A way?" The queen mother stood up, walked while thinking, "Yes, Aijia must think of a way, we can't let Feng Jue, like Yun Zheng, decide what marriage contract he wants, and break the rules. Set a bad example."

Ningde Mountain Villa.

A carriage was parked at the door, and the man in the carriage put his hands on the curtain and tightened his hands.

"My son-in-law, we have been here for a day and a night." The guard outside asked.

"No need." Xue Renfu opened the curtain of the carriage, got out of the carriage, and looked up, the lantern at the gate of the villa glowed with a dim light.

The guard waiting at the door saw him, stepped forward respectfully, and said, "My son-in-law."

Xue Renfu nodded and said, "Open the door, I want to go in."

"...This..." The guards looked at each other in embarrassment, "The princess said that no one is allowed to visit."

"Let the son-in-law go in, he came with me." At this time, a girl's clear voice sounded. —

Xue Renfu looked back and saw that it was Lian Lingyue who brought He Lishu to him. He tightened his lips and said, "Why did you come so soon?"

"If I don't come, won't you be unable to get in?" Ling Yue jumped off the carriage, clapped her hands, and said.

"Then I should be grateful to you." Xue Renfu pursed his lips and said.

"Why, He Lishu's son-in-law has already obtained, is there any dissatisfaction with the princess?" Lingyue asked pretending to be puzzled.

"Of course." Xue Renfu said.

Lingyue smiled and said, "Then the son-in-law, please."

The gate of the villa opened, Lingyue walked in first, arched her hands, and said, "It's getting late, and the princess is about to rest, please hurry up, don't delay the princess's rest." Before leaving, she glanced at Xue Renfu out of the corner of her eye, with a sly smile in her eyes.

At the turning, I happened to meet Xueli, the maid of honor of Princess An. She hurriedly pulled Xueli aside, and said, "Xueli, remove all the people around the princess now."

Xue Li was puzzled and asked, "Miss, what do you mean, the princess is not well and needs to be taken care of."

Ling Yue glanced back, and whispered, "Xue Renfu is here."

When Xueli heard it, she showed a surprised look, "The son-in-law is here? How is this possible?"

For so many years, the son-in-law has never taken the initiative to find the princess. No matter what the princess does, he always responds indifferently. At most, he pretends to be a married couple at the banquet. Now, for some reason, he actually found Ningde Villa.

Xue Renfu looked at Lingyue's back and left, and said, "This mouth can really hurt people."

After a while, he walked into the villa.

It was just after dark, but the villa was already completely silent, and there was no scene of singing and dancing as she imagined.

During the years of his marriage to Princess An, she seemed to be unable to live without banquets and singing and dancing.

After asking several servants on the road, Xue Renfu knew the exact address of Princess An Guo, but everyone who saw him couldn't help showing surprise in their eyes.

Xue Renfu walked for a while, and when he was about to approach Princess An's other courtyard, he heard a mournful voice from inside. The voice was low, and he was reciting a poem:

The wind is living in the dust and the fragrant flowers are exhausted, and I comb my hair day and night.

Things are people and nothing is done, and tears shed first.

It is said that Sungai Spring is still good, and it is also planned to go boating.

I'm afraid that the Zemeng boat in Shuangxi will not be able to carry many worries.

His heart trembled slightly, and he looked through the half-opened door, only to see a woman in a plain jacket, her black hair was casually tied into a bun at the back of her head, and the rest was poured out on the back of her head. side.

Lanterns were lit in the courtyard, the woman was facing the sky, her face was clear and beautiful, but looking at her from a distance, she could also feel her paleness, and it was she who was reciting the poem.

She was no longer domineering, she was more like a tender woman, there was a trace of tiredness on her always proud face, her brows were slightly frowned, she didn't know what she was thinking of, and there was a touch of loneliness in her eyes.

And there was a picture scroll in front of her. The picture scroll was a young, beautiful and reckless woman with stubborn and arrogant eyes. This woman's temperament is rare in the world. Rong's aura came to her, and it seemed so reasonable.

A smile appeared in Xue Renfu's eyes involuntarily. He still remembered that when he saw this woman for the first time, he was already amazed in his heart, but the etiquette and habit of being a literati made him pretend not to care.

On that day, for some reason, this beautiful and noble princess suddenly came to the bookstore where this group of literati gathered. Now that I think about it, it should be to attract concierges.According to the legend, Princess Anguo was cruel by nature, but in order to fill the princess mansion with talents, she was always informal and courteous and virtuous.

Although she is a lofty princess, Xue Renfu is proud of her talent and has always despised the royal relatives, thinking that they are just a bunch of ignorant people, and he has never bowed to this beautiful and proud princess.

At that time, the princess didn't mind, instead she often came to the bookshop to look for him, which made him a famous figure among a group of literati.

Unknowingly, a subtle change occurred in his heart, he became a little looking forward to her arrival, and her beautiful figure would often appear in his mind from time to time.

When she came, she would discuss poetry and songs with him, and occasionally, she would ask him about the situation of the book shop.

However, once, I don't know what happened, and she didn't come for a long time, so he drew such a portrait, hung it up for appreciation, and couldn't help composing poems.

His paintings are excellent, and his poems are also excellent, which is touching.

Some people laughed at him, and said that he already had a wife in his family, so how could he be worthy of the famous Princess An.He hastily took down the portrait, refuted that humanity, he only admired the princess, and never took out the portrait again.

Somehow, the story of this portrait reached the ears of Princess An.

A few days later, she appeared in the book store again and asked him for the painting. He wanted to say that it had been destroyed, but he couldn't tell a lie when facing the princess' eyes.

And when she saw the painting for the first time——

"When I saw this painting for the first time..."

Just as he was thinking, he was interrupted by the people inside, when she stretched out her hand, stroked the face on the scroll, and murmured, "I was so young at that time, and before I knew it, some white hair grew on me." The hair is here, my whole life, it was when I saw you that I began to fall...

God is really fair. In my life, I have been smooth in terms of power and wealth, but in terms of relationships, I have suffered a complete failure. "

(End of this chapter)

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