First-class daughter

Chapter 1319 Freedom First

Chapter 1319 Freedom First
Chapter 1319 Freedom First
Xue Renfu's heart trembled slightly when he heard what she said, the smile on the corner of his lips gradually disappeared, he put down his hand on the doorknob, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Xueli, Xueli..." At this time, he heard her calling the servant girl, "Where did you go?"

He turned around and pushed the door open a little, only to see that there was no one around her. The usually all-powerful Princess Anguo looked a bit bleak at this moment.

He suddenly had a feeling of displeasure in his heart, where did the servants who served her go? Didn't it mean that she was not in good health?Why don't you stay by your side and serve you all the time.

"Cough..." She covered her mouth and coughed, and Xue Renfu looked inside again, only to see her sitting on the stone bench with her sleeves covering half of her face.

Stone bench?

In such cold weather, she actually sat on a stone bench?She is a princess, don't she even understand how easy it is to catch cold?
What the hell are those minions doing?

Why let her sit on the cold stone bench!Xue Renfu didn't realize that he was so angry at the moment.

Then, I saw that she seemed to be a little uncomfortable, and she was lying directly on the stone table!

His hands trembled, he pushed open the door and walked over.

"Xueli, where have you been? Bengong called you several times but you didn't make a sound." She coughed again and asked, then turned around.

When she saw the man in the dark blue brocade robe walking towards her step by step with slender legs, she froze and stood up slowly. At this moment, she suspected that she was dreaming.

Under the faint moonlight, she was dressed in a white tunic, her face was pale and her skin was translucent, and she looked deserted and alienated, as if a white cloud in the sky might be blown away by a gust of wind in the next moment.

It wasn't until he walked in front of her that she came back to her senses.

She turned around quickly, stretched out her hands to tighten the clothes on her body, her voice became indifferent, but she couldn't restrain the trembling in her voice, and said, "Why are you here?"

Xue Renfu opened his mouth, and his eyes fell on her back. Is it an illusion caused by the moonlight?At this moment, her back looks a little thin and pitiful.

In fact, she knew about him when he first came, but he just stopped outside the village and didn't come in. She thought it was getting dark and he should have left.


"In the dewy weather, you should wear more clothes and take a good rest in your room. You are not in good health. Sitting in this cold place, are you making things difficult for yourself?" He said with a stiff face.

"You..." Princess An felt so unreal when she heard his words, "You... are here?"

Xue Renfu suddenly realized that he cared about her for some things, so he was stunned.

"I... I heard that you are not in good health." After a while, he said.

"Not in good health?" She paused, laughed, and said, "Who did you listen to? I am in good health and have no problems at all. Don't listen to other people's nonsense. If you want to know, just ask me." .”

Xue Renfu frowned slightly, and said, "But you coughed just now."

"I've had something angry for dinner, just drink some water." The expression on An Guo's face looked very cold, Xue Renfu couldn't figure out what was going on in her heart, what was she thinking about his sudden appearance.

Now, there are only the two of them in the yard, and there is no one else around. This kind of relative has never happened since the wedding.

"I... went back to Xue's house yesterday." Xue Renfu was silent for a long time, and finally said.

"Oh." She nodded, he never told her about him, what are you talking about now?
"It turns out that the princess has helped the Xue family a lot over the years. My parents, siblings and younger generations have all lived well because of the princess's care." Xue Renfu said, but his tone seemed stiff and uncomfortable.

"..." Princess An didn't answer after hearing this.

Xue Renfu looked at her and said, "Anyway, thank you very much."

Finally, Princess An regained the expression on her face, she turned around and said calmly, "Is that why you came here to talk about this?"

Xue Renfu raised his head and met her eyes. There was no warmth in her eyes, as if she had already taken him lightly.

Thinking of this possibility, thinking of that letter and Li Shu, he panicked.

"I are sick, now..."

"I'm not sick." She interrupted him, with determination in her eyes, and said, "If you came to ask this question, I can tell you with certainty that I'm not sick, and I'm in good health."

"..." When she said that, Xue Renfu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

His eyes fell on the painting, and he said, "After so many years, the princess still keeps it."

"I was about to take a look, and then asked Xueli to throw it away. In the end, this girl went somewhere." Princess An also stared at the scroll and said.

"..." Xue Renfu's heart trembled, throw it away?Didn't she say it was her favorite?No matter how you throw it, you will throw it away.

"The me above is so young, but this is all in the past, and it doesn't make any sense now." Princess An said with a faint emotion in her eyes.

As she spoke, she walked to the scroll, her hands trembling, and then she picked up the scroll vigorously, rolled it into a ball, raised her hand, and threw it forward.

Suddenly, Xue Renfu stretched out his hand and grasped her wrist, and the picture scroll that was about to be thrown suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Princess An was taken aback, then looked back at him, and then at his hand holding her wrist.

Before marriage, they abided by the etiquette and never touched each other. After marriage, because he hated her and hated her for killing his wife, the two had never had physical contact.

On the wedding night in the bridal chamber, he poured wine on his body, pretending to be so drunk that he couldn't help himself up. She took off her hijab, took off her wedding dress, and calmly took off the wine-soaked wedding dress for him. Seeing that he smelled of alcohol on his body, but there was no smell of alcohol in his breath, he immediately understood what was going on.

However, she didn't cry, and she didn't expose his tricks, and she still changed the heavy him into a clean robe.

After changing, the whole person was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and then pulled the quilt to cover his body, while he lay down on the table and slept all night, without even taking off the tiara and wedding dress.

Early the next morning, she got up, changed her clothes, was familiar with him, showed her delicate appearance, and said to him nonchalantly, "Get ready, we are going to the palace to meet the emperor and queen mother."

Then, she sat quietly and waited patiently for Xue Renfu to finish washing. From the beginning to the end, the two of them didn't say a word.

Her calmness surprised him a little. He thought that ignoring her for one night, with her identity and status as a proud princess, she would definitely not be able to bear such insults, and would drive him out of the princess mansion in a fit of anger or simply Kill him like you killed his beloved wife.

As a result, her reaction was completely different from what she had imagined. She was sensible and generous, and no one could find any mistakes at all.

When she went to the palace to meet the emperor and the queen mother, she was even more generous and decent, and even praised him in front of others, and greeted her with care, and then returned from the palace to the princess mansion. A woman who was neglected by her husband on her wedding night and had to sleep on the table all night.

After returning to the princess mansion, he finally couldn't help but said, "Actually, you don't have to be like this."

Unexpectedly, after she sighed, she smiled slightly and said, "If I don't, you will be punished by the emperor for being disrespectful to the princess, and your family will also be implicated. In the emperor's mind, the importance of me as an imperial sister , Maybe it’s not what you can imagine.”


"What's wrong?" she asked.

Xue Renfu came back to his senses and said, "Since I made this painting, if the princess doesn't want it anymore, don't throw it away. It's better to return it to the original owner."

"You want it?" Princess An showed a slightly surprised expression, "I remember that you told others when you were drunk that what you regret most in your life is making this painting, now, why do you keep it? Since it’s the thing you regret the most, it’s better to give it up.”

Xue Renfu was taken aback, did he say such a thing?

A fragment flashed in his mind, as if he had said this sentence, he opened his mouth and said, "Actually, I said that at that time because... because..."

"Because of what?" Princess An Guo asked, with a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

"It's been too long, and this painting has started to turn yellow. I don't remember much." Finally, Xue Renfu said, "In short, I don't want to throw away this painting. Please keep it for me, princess."

A faint wry smile crossed Princess An's lips, and she said, "Okay, then the property will be returned to the original owner." She returned the painting to him, and slowly said, "It's also considered returning the old me to you." gone."

Xue Renfu held the scroll in his hand, secretly exerted force on his fingertips, and said, "Your hands are cold, please wear more clothes."

"Thank you, it's a good thing you just said this now. If I had said it before, I would have occupied you for the rest of my life." An Guo Princess laughed dumbfoundedly, took the cloak at the side and put it on her body, closed it, and said .

Although he had already received He Lishu from Lian Jia Lingyue, Xue Renfu still felt a little throbbing in his heart when he heard her say these words.

"I thought we would keep pestering each other until we died. Only when I received the He Lishu that you asked Lian Lingyue to bring over yesterday, did I realize that there is still a day to stop in this life." Xue Renfu said with a smile, That smile was a bit bitter.

and Li Shu?Ling Yueer?Princess An Guo was taken aback for a moment, a flash of thought flashed in her eyes, and she immediately understood.

However, she didn't point it out.

"Xue Renfu, I still have something to tell you." She said.

"Princess, please speak." Xue Renfu raised his eyes, his hands trembling slightly, and said, even his voice trembled a little, as if he had a premonition that what she was going to say next would have an overwhelming effect.

Princess An seemed to have finally made up her mind. She looked up at the tall man in front of her. For so many years, she had never opened her heart like this moment. The man is only middle-aged, and there are some gray hairs at the temples.

"Xue Renfu, I, Feng Chun'an, have really worked hard for you for many years to fall in love with you." She no longer concealed it, no longer cared about her own identity, but poured out her heart directly from the moment she opened her mouth.

"Chun'an..." Hearing her words, Xue Renfu couldn't help calling out as if his heart had been stabbed hard by a needle suddenly.

Chun'an, that's her name.

When we first met, she allowed him to call her by the name, but since his wife died, he never called her again, but called the princess respectfully like everyone else.

(End of this chapter)

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