First-class daughter

Chapter 1320 Finally Separated

Chapter 1320 Finally Separated
Chapter 1320 Finally Separated
"I, Feng Chun'an, like you, and I am overwhelmed by your talent. Because of marrying me, you have been unable to display your ambitions. You have been decadent and miserable for more than [-] years. These are all facts, and I don't deny it.

But, I didn't kill your lover, I tested her, she agreed to me, I went back to the palace happily and disappointed, I didn't expect that she would die, I didn't expect that she hanged herself on the back leg just as I went out with my front foot, I I don't know what she said to you who hurried home with that breath.But, what she said to me at the time was that she was honored, and I really didn't expect her to die.

However, I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me, so you are right to hate me, after all, that is the woman you love the most in this life.

In fact, the stupidest part of me is that at some point, I thought you had the same regrets as me, regrets that I didn’t meet each other earlier, regrets that I was not the most innocent self, and the eyes you occasionally showed made me think that you are I like mine, so I was presumptuous and didn't control my heart. "

Princess An Guo said, with a look of disappointment in her eyes, and a faint smile on her face, as if it was some kind of memorial service to the past.

Xue Renfu listened, and slowly clenched the hand holding the scroll. In fact, what she said was not wrong sometimes.

At certain times at that time, he really... liked Chun'an who was like a raging fire. He had never seen such a woman who could burn him, and regretted that he already had a family background and was not worthy of Chun'an, because she It's a princess, and she is the famous An Guo Princess.

But later, things happened so suddenly, his original wife left a letter, saying that she couldn't bear Princess An's brutal persecution, and finally chose to hang herself to death. .

With her last breath, she asked him to promise that she would be loyal to her in this life and never marry again.

At that time, he nodded in agreement.

So, when Chun'an forced him... his whole body collapsed, he rejected her, loathed her, as if he didn't want to see her more.

Princess An didn't know what Xue Renfu was thinking at this moment, so she continued:
"Renfu, these years, I have been angry with myself and you. I have occupied you. I know that you don't want to see me, that you hate me to the bone, and that you want to kill me, but I just refuse to let you go." , let you stay with me in this quagmire.

I throw so many banquets, do you think I like flattery?How could I not know that those people are just looking at Princess An's face, if I am a powerless person, who will come?

I just... want to take the opportunity of the banquet to see you. After all, on such an occasion, we must appear as a loving couple.I am greedy for that moment of false tenderness, even if you say "Princess, be careful", I can still think about it in my heart for many days.

This is what I want. "

Princess An has held back these words in her heart for more than 20 years. For these years, no matter how happy she is in her heart, she still has a cold and distant look on her face.

Now that I suddenly said this, the stone that was tightly pressed in my heart seemed to be slowly descending, and my whole body felt much more comfortable and transparent.

I was too young at that time, and I had everything at my fingertips, so I naively thought that love was okay, so when your lover died and you cursed me and rejected me, I got angry and insisted on making you a son-in-law. Wrong thing, in fact, the most unforceable thing in this world is love.

Xue Renfu, I'm sorry, I forced you for so many years, now, I let you go.Let's bid farewell and have nothing to do with each other from now on. As for the emperor and queen mother, I will talk about it. I have already thought of an excuse.You don't have to worry about your Xue family being implicated. "Finally, after saying these words, while feeling uncomfortable in my heart, I also breathed a sigh of relief. Facing my true self turned out to be a kind of relief.

"Chun'an..." Xue Renfu opened his mouth, his eyes became hot.

"Take care of yourself." Princess An finally turned around and walked into the room. The cloak fell to the ground, and a corner was blown up by the wind.

Xue Renfu stood in the yard, watching her close the door, isolating each other.

It was windy, and the weather was a bit cool, and when it blew across his cheeks, he felt a little cold.

After a long time, until the candles in her room were extinguished, he turned around and left with the scroll.


Princess An Guo looked at the distant shadow outside, and two lines of tears slowly fell.

Xue Renfu walked out of Ningde Villa in a daze. The carriage at the door was waiting for him. The guard saw him, stepped forward and said, "My son-in-law, where are you going?"

"Where are you going?" Xue Renfu's eyes flashed with confusion.

Yeah, where to go?

"Go to the bookstore." He said.

The guard was puzzled, and asked, "Where is the book shop that the son-in-law is talking about?"

When Xue Renfu heard this question, he couldn't help but glanced at the guard, yes, how could he forget that the book shop was established more than 20 years ago, and it has long since disappeared.

He raised his hand and said, "Find a restaurant, I want to drink."

"Yes, my son-in-law." The guard said.

Son-in-law?Xue Renfu corrected, "In the future, it will be a mistake to call him the son-in-law."

Saying that, he looked back at Ningde Villa again, then got into the carriage and left Ningde Villa.

In the wine shop that he used to go to frequently, Xue Renfu drank jar after jar of wine. After so many years, he was finally untied from her. He should be very happy, this is something he has been looking forward to for many years.

But why, at this moment, I don't feel happy at all. Instead, I feel that I have lost something very important, and my heart is empty. I really want to get this thing back, but I don't know where to find it.

He sat on the ground, the moonlight poured in through the window, and the moonlight shone on his whole body. When he was intoxicated, he vaguely had the appearance of the fiery woman in his mind.

Early the next morning.

Xueli walked into Princess An's room, changed her clothes, and said, "Miss Lingyue has been kneeling for more than two hours."

"What's the matter? Let her in." Princess An said after finishing dressing.

After a while, Lingyue came in, bowed her head, knelt down in front of her, and said, "Lingyue made a big mistake on her own, please punish the princess."

"What did you do wrong?" Princess An said, taking the soup from the palace maid.

"I..." Lingyue raised her head and glanced quietly, and said, "I drafted a letter of reconciliation without authorization and gave it to the son-in-law in the name of the princess. I originally planned to provoke him in this way, but I didn't expect that he Really, really reconciled."

This is a terrible situation. Not only did it ruin the princess's marriage, but it also failed her sister's expectations.

"Who said you made a mistake, but you did something for me that I wanted to do a long time ago." Unexpectedly, Princess An said.

Lingyue was taken aback, then raised her head, "Princess, you..."

"He Lishu, I've wanted to give it a long time ago, but I haven't given it all the time. You gave it for me, and it saved me trouble. You also let me tell him what I have been hiding in my heart for many years. It seems that I have sorted out my heart." An Guo Princess said.

"But..." Ling Yue paused and said, "Isn't the princess in love with the son-in-law?"

"Yes, but it's time to let him go." Princess An Guo said, "Okay, Ling Yue'er, you have done a good job, tell me, what do you want, this princess will satisfy you."

"..." Lingyue shook her head hastily, "Auntie, I'm messing around, it's the greatest reward if you don't punish me, I don't want anything."

"If you can't remember it now, don't worry. If you remember it later, you can come to me anytime. This is my promise to you." Princess An put a red gold bracelet on Lingyue's wrist and said. .

Lingyue bowed her head, stroked the bracelet on her wrist, and hurriedly knelt down and said, "Lingyue, thank you Princess for the reward."

"Okay, I've settled one of my concerns, but the second husband was 'abandoned' by me again, and there will be many rumors in the future, I want to go back and control it." Princess An said.

Lingyue lowered her head and was taken aback for a moment, control?

"Ling Yue'er, you don't understand what I mean?" Seeing her confused face, Princess An asked calmly.

Ling Yue'er shook her head and said, "Ling Yue doesn't understand, please ask aunt to clarify."

"Don't I have so many legends? Which one are you not afraid of?" Princess An said.


She suddenly realized that it is her side that the princess is trapped by love, but it is also her side that the princess strategizes and is fierce and domineering. There are many legends about her, both true and false, but every legend is enough to make people feel intimidated by her. , cowardly, dare not offend.

This is actually a strategy for the princess to manage her power: let all the gossip become a weapon, wrap this weapon around herself, and prevent anyone from peeping into the tunnel easily.

Lingyue raised her head slightly to look at the princess in front of her. My sister was right, Princess An Guo is an unfathomable woman, she must not think that she understands her just because of her side.

Two days later.

Princess An Guo left Ningde Villa and was about to return to the Princess Mansion. She looked back at the villa, and a look of sadness flashed in her eyes. This is where she ended her second relationship.

Early this morning, the imperial physician still took the pulse, and said that her pulse was better than before.

As soon as she arrived at the princess mansion, someone came to report to her, saying that Xue Renfu, Concubine Xue, drank a lot of wine in the wine shop all night and talked a lot of nonsense. Later, when the sky was about to dawn, Xue Yicai, the nephew of the Xue family, found him and brought him back. Xue's home.

There was a slight smile on the corners of Princess An's lips, but her fingers tightened her clothes, and said, "From now on, don't report to me about the Xue family and Xue Renfu. I change my clothes and go to the palace to meet the emperor and Xue Renfu." Queen Mother."

"Yes, princess, the servant knows." The servant said.

Princess Anguo and Concubine Xue reconciled. This would shock the entire court and the people. Sometimes, many people would have doubts, but she had to find a reason that the Queen Mother and the emperor could accept, so that the Xue family and Xue Ren could marry each other. Safe and sound, and let herself be safe and sound.

(End of this chapter)

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