First-class daughter

Chapter 1322 Not a Merciful Person

Chapter 1322 Not a Merciful Person

Chapter 1322 Not a Merciful Person

"On the day of Feng Qianyue's death, a total of three prisoners were executed in the dungeon in the palace. His body is gone, and his whereabouts are still unknown," Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, "I always feel that this is not just a coincidence, but it has something to do with Feng Qianyue's death."

"But you must have more evidence before you can draw a conclusion, so wait." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Your Highness, Concubine..." The two of them were talking. At this moment, Night Breeze walked in quickly in a black robe, and said in a deep voice, "I received the news that Empress Dowager Ren Yi... died on the way back to Youzhou." gone."

died?Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other, and asked in unison, "What is the cause of death?"

"It is said that he caught wind and cold just after he left the capital, and he died repeatedly on the way, before reaching Youzhou City." Night Breeze reported.

"Sickened by the wind and cold?" Lian Siyue was slightly stunned, "I think this Empress Dowager Ren Yi is in good health, and she is not someone who can easily die from the wind and cold."

"I'm afraid that only Father knows the whole story." Feng Yunzheng said, "After all, Father has never been a benevolent person."

"When Empress Dowager Ren Yi dies, the Khitan will inevitably experience chaos. She has ruled the Khitan government for so many years and died so suddenly. She must have not yet chosen a successor for the throne. One can imagine the degree of chaos. How to deal with yourself."

It's really not as good as people's calculations, this Queen Mother Ren Yi is good at calculations, and she climbed to the pinnacle of power step by step, but she ended up dying in a foreign land.

On the same day, before the news of Empress Dowager Ren Yi's death spread, Emperor Zhou Cheng issued an imperial decree, ordering Lian Yanfu, who was stationed at Shanhaiguan, to immediately attack Khitan and plunder the city.

"In this way, the death of Empress Dowager Ren Yi is inextricably related to the emperor..." Lian Siyue said.

"I said earlier, father is not such a kind person." Feng Yunzheng said.

a few days ago.

The Xiangjun mansion will leave for Youzhou in two hours. After Yeluyan came back from Prince Heng's mansion, she felt a lot more relaxed. The sixth prince Feng Yu even sent someone to bring her a gift, wishing her a good journey.

The Empress Dowager Ren Yi was sitting on a chair, her eyes were staring at the front, her face was expressionless, but she was thinking about these days in her mind, from Youzhou to Kyoto, and getting along with Feng Qianyue, the light in her eyes slowly When it got dark, he murmured:
"He killed your mother and Aijia. Aijia wanted to take revenge, but he never thought of killing you. Your father is too cruel, even I can't match it."

"Empress Dowager, there is a master outside the door who wants to see you." At this time, Dolma came over, knelt down, and said, "He asked his servants to present this to the Empress Dowager."

Empress Dowager Ren Yi looked down and was startled for a moment, a burst of surprise emerged in her heart, "Lead him to my room."

What Dolma held in his hand was a jade wrench finger, and this jade wrench finger belonged to him!

She immediately went back to the room, went to the bronze mirror to arrange her hair accessories and clothes, but felt that it was not enough, so she took a tassel hairpin and stuck it in the bun, and pressed the red paper on her lips again to make her lips redder, and her complexion improved. Looking better, she then sat up in the chair.

A moment later, Emperor Zhou Cheng walked in, her heart trembled slightly, she couldn't help standing up, her hand holding the handkerchief tightly, still unable to restrain her heartbeat, she called out, "Feng Yao..."

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at her with deep eyes and said, "Ziying, I will do it for you."

A trace of tears flashed in Zhao Ziying's eyes, and she said, "Feng Yao, I'm sorry for you, but you can't doubt my love for you, I'm a Han woman, and becoming a Khitan empress dowager, you may not even imagine the hardships involved. "

"My harem is complicated enough, and yours must be even more dangerous." Zhou Chengdi said,

She said, rubbing her upper abdomen with her hand, and said, "In Khitan, there are people who are obviously not a few years younger than me, but also call me Queen Mother, and people who are obviously about the same age as my son, but call me Imperial Grandmother, there are no less than two people like this. Ten, but I have never had my own children because I am sterile.

At that time, I had just become the king's concubine, and the princess hated me for being favored. Although I was careful, I was still killed when I was six months pregnant. She and the imperial doctor in the mansion gave me medicine to make me pregnant. I was in the dead belly, and almost killed me, and I also lost the ability to have children because of it.

Later, although my life was saved, there was a lot of blood at that time, the whole bed was completely red, the imperial doctor was so frightened that I sat on the ground, and the servants all cried. They all thought that I could not survive.

But, I came alive, you know?That was the most difficult time for me. At that time, all I thought about was you. I thought, I was separated from you in this life, and I was really not reconciled.

After this time, I have learned from the painful experience, and I will not be soft on anyone. I will be the first to get rid of the jealous princess, and step by step to strengthen the strength of my palace. Although I have no children, I want to make myself an indispensable king. partner.

In the end, I did it and climbed to where I am today step by step. "

As she spoke, she raised her head and asked in a trembling voice, "Brother-in-law, I just want to ask you a question, and you just need to answer yes or no."

"You ask." Zhou Chengdi said, tightening his hands behind his back.

"Did you ever fall in love with me at that time? Even for a fleeting moment." Zhao Ziying asked.

Zhou Chengdi pursed his lips and looked at her without speaking.

Zhao Ziying waited for a while, knowing that there was little hope, she smiled sadly and said, "I..."

"Yes." When she was about to give up, Zhou Chengdi said suddenly.

She froze for a moment, a surprise flashed in her eyes.

"That morning, I woke up in bed and saw you lying in my arms with your eyes closed. I was moved for you. Otherwise, why would I come to Xiangjun Mansion on purpose? I am in a state of illness. Among them." Zhou Chengdi said, the edges and corners on his face softened.

Zhao Ziying finally laughed, and said, "That's enough, that's enough, this one time is enough, after all, you met your sister first."

"Have a drink and practice it for you. From then on, everyone will return to you." Emperor Zhou Cheng asked Liang Degui to bring wine and pastries over.

"Okay." Empress Dowager Ren Yi was immersed in Emperor Zhou Cheng's tenderness, drank his drink and ate his pastry, a coldness flashed in the corner of Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes.

After leaving the Xiangjun Mansion, he ordered, "Send a letter to Lian Yanfu who is stationed at Shanhaiguan, asking him to prepare food, grass, soldiers and horses, and prepare to conquer Khitan. This time, I want them to never be able to threaten the Great Zhou Dynasty again. "

(End of this chapter)

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