First-class daughter

Chapter 1323 Scary Human

Chapter 1323 Scary Human
Chapter 1323 Scary Human
Xiangjun Mansion.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" Before entering the door, they heard the sound of whips and the screams of pain from the servants.

"Princess, please forgive me, this servant is wrong, this servant is wrong." All three maids knelt on the ground, bearing the heavy whip of the Xiongnu princess, tremblingly begging for mercy.

This time the envoys from the Huns came to propose marriage, and the Ninth Highness Feng Yunzheng was in charge of entertaining them, and arranged to live in the Xiangjun Mansion. Today, a few slaves made a mistake and annoyed the princess, so they were given a whip.

The Xiongnu are a martial nation who like to eat meat. They have always been synonymous with destroyers and barbarians, and they have left horrible memories in history.

In recent years, the Xiongnu suffered from severe natural disasters and were attacked by Wuhuan and Xianbei. After retiring to Mobei, the social economy shrank extremely and their strength was greatly weakened. Therefore, they have sent envoys to ask for peace many times in these years. the prince and princess.

Wei Rui finally got tired from beating, threw the whip on the ground, and said, "Next time, this princess will tie you up and let the wild dogs bite you to death!"

"I know I was wrong, I don't dare anymore." The maids kowtowed and said.

"Little sister, what's the matter?" At this time a rough voice came, this is Wei Lang, the 32-year-old Prince of the Huns.

"A few servants spoiled my mood, I'm fine now." Wei Rui put down the whip and said to the maids, "Get out!"

"Yes, yes!" The servants hurriedly crawled out.

"Aren't you yelling that you're bored? Tonight there will be a banquet in the palace to welcome us, so you should prepare well." Wei Lang said.

"Excellent! I have long wanted to meet the men and women of the Central Plains, and see what they have that deserves the praise of my father." Wei Rui said.

"Wei Rui, this is not our Mobei, don't act recklessly, be careful, the people here are not cheap." Wei Lang told his little sister.

"Brother, don't worry, I know, I came here this time under the order of Yan Shi (yanzhi is the first sound, meaning the queen) to choose a prince and concubine for you. Take a good look." Wei Rui doesn't like men from the Central Plains, she thinks that men from the Central Plains lack wildness, they are delicate and weak like chickens, and they don't dare to eat beef with blood.

in the Royal Garden.

Several imperial concubines are sitting together, drinking refreshments, admiring the pleasant scenery. In the early summer, the flowers are flourishing, the grass is growing and the warblers are flying, which makes people feel refreshed.

Together with the concubines, there are also Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue, Princess Maoqin, Lian Lingyue and others.

Tonight, a banquet will be held in the palace to welcome the arrival of the prince and princess of the Xiongnu, to show the sincerity of the Great Zhou, and His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng will be in charge of the banquet.

"It is said that the Khitans are barbaric. When I heard that the beasts in the Huns are still barbaric, they are truly barbaric. If someone unfortunately becomes their captive, they will cut off the captive's head like cutting vegetables, and cut off the skull. Cut along the eyebrow arch, remove all the fur and meat from the head, and then wrap it in animal skin as a drinking utensil." Xinpin said.

Immediately, except for Lian Siyue, the rest of the faces showed a look of fear and panic. When she heard the word Xiongnu, she would think of Le Yan'er in her heart. Because of this, she didn't have to come to this banquet originally, but she still coming.

"It is said that the higher the status of the hunted person, the higher the quality of the wine glass made. If it is a person with status, it is often decorated with gold rims or even gems."

Everyone listened, and some people felt nauseous for a while.

"There is something even more terrifying. In the past, there was a Han princess who married the Xiongnu Shanyu (emperor, chanyu, second tone). Later, this Shanyu died, and she would marry the next Shanyu, and the next Shanyu So it is her husband's own son or grandson."

"Oh my God, these Huns are almost like livestock. Father, son, grandson and grandson can share a woman. Just thinking about it makes me feel terrible. This time, the prince Wei Lang came to propose marriage. I don't know who would be so unfortunate. He was chosen by the emperor and sent there Ah." Concubine Li shuddered as she said.

Listening to these discussions, Lian Siyue tightly held the hand in front of her.

"Sister..." Lian Lingyue found that Lian Siyue's face was a little strange, so she hurriedly called out.

My sister has always been moody and angry, what happened today?
Lian Siyue shook her head and said, "No problem, don't worry."

At this moment, two people in strange costumes came from a distance.

"Ah, this is the prince and princess of the Huns." Someone said.

Everyone couldn't help looking over, and saw that the one walking in front was probably Prince Weilang. He was short and stocky, with a big and round head, a broad face, high cheekbones, wide nose, thick beard on the top, and a There is only a small stubble, and the long earlobe is pierced with a single earring.

His eyebrows were thick, and his eyes were piercing, revealing a hint of ferocity.

He wears a calf-length loose robe with slits on both sides, a belt around the waist, both ends of the belt hang down in front, a short fur around the shoulders, and a fur cap on the head.

And the woman walking behind him is the princess Wei Wei.

This Xiongnu princess's luxuriant face has sharp and angular features, a high nose, and deep eyes. It is not as soft as the Central Plains woman, but more sharp, but it does not have a foreign beauty, but its skin is whiter than the Central Plains woman. The felt wool of the Huns, with several white jade beads hanging from the brim of the hat, made a pleasant sound between movements.

"These two brothers and sisters don't look alike. The princess is beautiful, but the one who is beautiful is different from us, but this prince..." Princess Mao said in a low voice.

She didn't know that, in fact, all the men of the Xiongnu looked like this, this Wei Lang was Zhou Zheng, and I heard that most of the men of the Huns had their legs spread out because of riding and shooting since they were young.

And Wei Rui's beautiful face is already a blessing from the heavens.

Lian Siyue didn't say a word, her eyes fell on the faces of the two brothers and sisters, watching them quietly.

The two brothers and sisters got closer and closer, thinking about the terrible things about the Huns that they just said, some of the empresses were trembling with fright.

"Kang bang" Xinpin was the most nervous, she dropped the silver drinking cup in her hand, and rolled to Ling Yue'er's feet.

Ling Yue'er went to pick it up, but the cup slipped forward, she took a few steps faster, and then picked it up.

As soon as she raised her head, Wei Lang happened to pass by, Ling Yue'er's face came into his eyes, he was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but look at Ling Yue'er more, and then walked past her.

Qing Dai hurried over, grabbed her by the arm, and whispered, "Miss, be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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