First-class daughter

Chapter 1324 Approaching

Chapter 1324 Approaching
Chapter 1324 Approaching
"It's okay." Lingyue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated a little.

Concubine Li also hurried over and said, "Are you alright, I think that Wei Lang gave you an extra look just now, that look is really scary, as if he would cut off human flesh and eat it at any time."

"Concubine Li, don't scare Miss Lian." Concubine Xin hurriedly said, "What do you say these words for, it's just a casual glance."

Lian Lingyue shook her head and said, actually, she is not afraid of this Wei Lang, but just curious about foreigners.

After walking far away, Wei Rui let out a chuckle and said, "Brother, you saw it just now, those women are like kittens one by one, they are all scared by you."

"Not necessarily." He clearly saw that there was no fear in the eyes of the woman picking up the cup.

"Oh?" Wei Rui blinked, "Is there anyone else who isn't afraid of you?"

"Please refer to Your Highness Ninth Highness for a humble job!" At this moment, a voice came from the front, and the two brothers and sisters looked up at the same time.

I saw a man walking over in front of him. He was well-dressed like snow, with clear eyebrows, and his alienated eyes gave people a sense of unattainable distance. When the wind blew, his white robe fluttered, and the purple jade crown on his head exuded a radiant luster. , the jade belt around the waist reveals elegance and nobility.

Wei Rui was stunned for a moment, everything around her seemed to be far away, and all she could see was the man in front of her who was magnificent and exuding a sense of immortality.

When he walked over, it was as if he had stepped out of a painting, untouched by dust, especially those deep and distant eyes, when she looked at her, she felt as if her soul had been sucked away by him.

"Prince, princess." Feng Yunzheng said with a slight bow.

Wei Lang bent down, bowed, and said, "I have seen His Highness the Ninth Prince."

Wei Rui, on the other hand, had a smile on his face and looked at Feng Yunzheng foolishly. Wei Lang turned his head and saw his sister's eyes. Your Highness the Ninth Prince."

Wei Rui (weirui, second voice) came back to his senses and said, "I've heard of the name of His Highness the Ninth Prince a long time ago, but now that I see it, it's really well-deserved."

Feng Yunzheng nodded lightly and said, "Princess."

Wei Rui's eyes fell on him, with a smile in his eyes, "Your Highness is polite."

After seeing it, Wei Rui, who originally thought the trip was boring, suddenly became interested, and the journey was no longer dull, but uncharacteristically, he became talkative.

Along the way, he blocked his elder brother Wei Lang and asked Feng Yunzheng many questions about the palace.

Feng Yunzheng answered her questions slowly, without rushing. When the two walked side by side, he put his hands behind his back, maintaining a distant attitude.

After Feng Yunzheng left, the smile on her face bloomed, and her fair face was like a blooming flower.

"Little sister, you seem to be very interested in His Highness the Ninth Highness. Just now, you kept asking questions, and you never took your eyes off him for a moment."

"I want him!" Wei Rui said firmly.

"However, it is said that His Ninth Highness is already married and has a pair of children. Is it possible that you are an imposing princess who is going to be his side concubine?" Wei Lang said.

"No." Feng Yunzheng's handsome face appeared in Wei Rui's mind, and said, "I want him to follow me back to Mobei."

The Huns are full of predatory nature, and Wei Rui is no exception. If they like it, they will show their true skills and take it down in one fell swoop.

After hearing this, Wei Lang warned, "Little sister, don't mess around. Since the emperor sent the Ninth Prince to receive us, it means that this prince's status in the court cannot be underestimated. If not, then neither can we." Take it lightly, don't forget, the person who came to propose marriage this time is me, not you,"

"The older brother has someone he likes, and the younger sister also has someone he likes. The older brother wants to propose marriage, and the younger sister also wants to propose marriage. The younger sister will help the older brother, and the older brother will also help the younger sister." Wei Rui thought of Feng Yunzheng A smile flashed in her eyes, she was lucky to meet such a man.

After Lian Siyue came back to Changchun Palace from the Imperial Garden, she kept silent, and asked Qingdai and Mother Tai to serve her on the low couch, closing her eyes and feigning sleep.

Qingdai and Mother Tai looked at each other in puzzlement: What's wrong with the princess?
When they were wondering, a white figure walked in, and when the two were about to salute, they were stopped by Feng Yunzheng and sent them away.

He walked to the low couch, bent down, slowly approached her face, and stared at the person in front of her. Her eyes were closed, her brows were slightly frowned, and he reached out and gently stroked her brows.

Feeling that touch, Lian Siyue opened her eyes, Feng Yunzheng's handsome face was reflected in her eyes, she murmured, "Yun Zheng, you are here."

Feng Yunzheng sat down in front of her couch, leaned lightly on her body, kissed her cheek with his lips, and said, "Did you see that brother and sister of the Huns just now?"

Because he knew, he found an excuse, left the Zhengshitang in a hurry, and came to her.

"Yunzheng, am I being too stubborn? It's a matter of my previous life. Since I came to this life, the people and things of my previous life will stay in my previous life. Le Yan'er is a broken nightmare in my previous life, something I can never touch in this life. Because of our rebirth, the fate of this life has changed, everything has deviated from the path of the previous life, and everything has started again. There is no Le Yaner at all, is it? She is a dream, a dream " Lian Siyue leaned in his arms and said.

Just as Lian Siyue thought of Le Yan'er, she felt a piercing pain, Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue, why are you so cruel!

You can demote Le Yan'er to a commoner, or even make her a slave in Dazhou, why, why did you send her to a place like Mobei.

Because she was in poor health when she gave birth, Le Yan'er was slender and weak. What should she do in a place full of plunder and killing like Mobei?What should she do?

"Yue'er, Yue'er..." Feeling her trembling, Feng Yunzheng held her tightly in his arms, comforting her softly.

At this moment, I can only use my arms to drive away her annoyance and anxiety.

"Yue'er, after the Huns leave, I will ask my father for leave, and I will take you out for a walk to relax. Tell me, is there any place you most want to go?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Where do you want to go most?" A thought flashed in Lian Siyue's eyes.

"Don't worry, think slowly, there is still a lot of time." Feng Yunzheng said while stroking Lian Siyue's back.

"Your Highness, Princess Weirui of the Huns invites my servant to come over, Your Highness, please come over." At this moment, the servant came to report that Princess Weirui wanted to find His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince.

Feng Yunzheng frowned, he disliked being interrupted when he was talking with Yue'er, his eyes flashed coldly, and said, "Go back, my king will come later."

(End of this chapter)

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