Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325

"I'll go and have a look first, and you can rest later." Feng Yunzheng pulled the thin quilt over Lian Siyue before walking out.

Once outside, Feng Yunzheng asked, "Where is Wei Rui?"

"In the calligraphy and painting workshop..." The visitor replied.

When she arrived at the calligraphy and painting workshop, she saw Wei Rui was admiring the calligraphy and painting. When she looked up and saw Feng Yunzheng walking over, her heart trembled slightly, her face made no secret of her admiration for him.

"The ninth prince came down just in time. When I was in Mobei, I was very interested in the poems, calligraphy and paintings of the Central Plains. I happened to pass by here today, so I came in to have a look. However, in fact, I don't know the characters of the Central Plains, so I want to ask the ninth prince Ask for advice." Wei Rui said.

Feng Yunzheng glanced at the calligraphy and painting she was holding in her hand, and didn't even know it was upside down.

"Will I delay His Highness Ninth Prince's time?" Wei Rui asked.

"No." Feng Yunzheng came over, turned the calligraphy and painting in her hand, and said, "My Central Plains culture is profound and inclusive. It has been spread everywhere and has far-reaching influence. The princess likes Central Plains culture, which is very good."

Seeing him approaching, Wei Rui's heart couldn't help jumping up. Seeing him holding the calligraphy and painting hand again, his fingers were long and slender, with clear and strong joints, very beautiful, not as short and thick as his brother's,

He broke her prejudice against men from the Central Plains who are weak and delicate, and every part of him is heart-stirring.

"I, I want to learn to write. I wonder if you can teach me." Wei Rui raised her head, looked at him, and asked.

"Yes." Feng Yunzheng nodded.

Wei Rui felt a burst of joy, and said, "Thank you, Your Highness." She raised her head, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and her deep facial features became more vivid.

Learning to write takes time and effort, so that she can get along with him more, I feel very yearning when I think about it.

"Come here, go and invite His Highness the Sixth Highness over here." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Your Highness Sixth?" Wei Rui was stunned for a moment, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"The princess doesn't know something. My sixth brother is very knowledgeable in poetry and poetry, and he has traveled to various countries and has seen a lot. He has also been to Mobei. It is perfect for him to teach the princess." Feng Yunzheng Seemingly explained very seriously.

"Ah? But, I..." She didn't have any interest in the Central Plains culture. How could she be interested in such a complicated and difficult word, but she said it deliberately in order to get in touch with him more.

However, he found another person to teach, so didn't her purpose fail?

"His Royal Highness..."

"Brother Liu Wang will be here soon, please be patient." Feng Yunzheng said.

"..." Holding the calligraphy and painting in his hand, Wei Rui suddenly felt that this man Feng Yunzheng was too incomprehensible.

Didn't it mean that Central Plains men like spending time with women the most?Why doesn't she see him like this?

After a while, the sixth prince Feng Yu came to inquire, walked up to Feng Yunzheng, and said, "Brother Ninth Emperor suddenly invited me here, why?"

Feng Yunzheng bowed slightly, and said, "Brother Liu Wang, Princess Wei Rui of the Xiongnu is very interested in calligraphy and painting, and the calligraphy she is holding in her hand happened to be written by you, Brother Liu Wang, so the owner of the calligraphy and painting Come to teach her, there will definitely be twice the result with half the effort, it really couldn't be better."

"Hehe." The corners of Feng Yu's lips were raised, her face was stiff, and her smile looked extraordinarily fake, "Brother Nine Emperors, I'm actually a brother..."

"Actually, Brother Wang really wants to find someone who is eager to learn calligraphy and painting. Princess Weirui is just right for you. My brother has found it for you, haha..." Feng Yunzheng replied "haha".

"Brother Nine Emperors..." Feng Yu's eyes showed a "warning" look, pretending that Feng Yunzheng hadn't seen it, she cupped her hands.

As soon as Feng Yu grasped Feng Yunzheng's wrist, she turned her head and said to Wei Rui, "Please wait a moment." Then, she pulled Feng Yunzheng aside, and said in a deep voice, "You find me such an errand, What's the meaning?"

"Brother Six, you are not a womanizer. It is very appropriate to entrust this Hun princess to you. For the well-being of other brothers, you sacrifice a little bit." Feng Yunzheng said solemnly.

"You..." Feng Yu was angry, what's wrong?It's a good excuse for him not to be a womanizer, right?

This is the case with Yeluyan, and it is also the case with this Wei Rui.

"If that's the case, it's hard work, brother six." Feng Yunzheng said loudly, turned around and left.

"Hey..." Seeing this, Wei Rui quickly put down her calligraphy and painting, and ran forward a few steps. How did he get away? The person she wanted was him, not anyone else.

However, Feng Yunzheng had already left quickly, and she could only return to her original seat.

Feng Yu glanced at the calligraphy and painting in her hand, and said, "Since the princess likes calligraphy and painting, then this king will lead you to appreciate the profound and profound culture of our Central Plains."

"...Then thank you very much." Wei Rui smiled on her face, but she didn't feel happy in her heart.

He and Wei Rui stayed in the calligraphy and painting workshop for about two hours, this Wei Rui clearly dozed off while listening, and finally they both breathed a sigh of relief, said well to each other, and left in a hurry.

Feng Yu arrived at the Political Affairs Hall, caught Feng Ye, vomited bitterness, and said, "You said, I have never had much contact with Feng Yunzheng, what does he mean by asking me to do such a thing?
That princess Wei Rui doesn't even know a single word of ours, and she can't hide her yawns when teaching her. Where did she get interested in the Central Plains culture? She clearly fell in love with Feng Yunzheng, and deliberately used this as an excuse. That's good, leave this hard work to me, pat your own butt, and leave in style!How can there be such a dishonesty. "The more Feng Yu talked, the angrier she became.

Feng Ye glanced at him and said, "This job is the most suitable for you, so you can bear it well. It is said that Princess Weirui is beautiful and has the heroic spirit of a man, maybe..."

"Hey!" Feng Yu suddenly stood up, "Why are you venting your anger with him on this matter?"

"Since they came to propose marriage, they didn't say that only Wei Lang begged, and Wei Rui also begged. You should cultivate your relationship with her well, and when she asks her father to ask for you, you can show your true preference, so that she You can't marry you, and you can't look down on other people when you are heartbroken, you can be regarded as saving all living beings." Feng Ye said seriously.

"I'm mad at you, I'm mad at you! A bunch of wolves!" Feng Yu jumped her feet angrily.

"This time, maybe it's a good opportunity." Feng Ye said suddenly, with a smile on his lips.

Feng Yu was taken aback, "You..."

Feng Ye stood up, patted Feng Yu's shoulder, and said, "The banquet is about to begin, let's go."

The banquet officially began, and the singing and dancing in the hall was peaceful, and the atmosphere was extraordinary.

Ever since the full moon banquet of Chengjun's wanjun, there has been no banquet in the palace. Many concubines, princes and ministers of the harem attended the banquet, and many people wanted to see the true face of the Xiongnu prince and princess. , Is it really as wild and terrifying as in the legend.

(End of this chapter)

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