Chapter 1326
Chapter 1326
Wei Rui dressed up carefully and entered the hall. When she appeared, there was a little commotion in the hall, especially the eyes of the men showed some surprise.

It turned out that she was not as burly and terrifying as imagined, and that exotic face exuded a unique beauty.

Noticing these gazes, Wei Rui pursed her lips slightly, remembering what happened this afternoon:
Princess Wei Rui listened to the poems and songs spoken by His Royal Highness Feng Yu for several hours, she was deaf and dazzled, she kept nodding, and her neck was sore. In fact, she couldn't understand a word at all. After Feng Yu left, she Complained to Wei Lang:

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness, with a yumu head, can't he see it, and I can't understand it at all? He keeps talking about it, what flies in the sky is a bird (willing to be a lovebird in the sky), and the one on the ground is a bird." Together (I would like to be Lian Lizhi), talking nonsense, he can find an excuse to leave, I have to sit there and listen to him buzzing for a long time."

Wei Lang said, "Didn't you say that you like the culture of the Central Plains and want to learn poetry and songs? Then it's not wrong for His Royal Highness to find an expert to accompany you."

"Then it seems that next time I will mention something he is best at." Wei Rui said.

"However, don't place too much hope on His Highness the Ninth Prince. I have inquired about it. His concubine, named Lian Siyue, is a remarkable woman." Wei Lang said, and listed some things related to Lian Siyue. He also added, "I heard that His Royal Highness Ninth Prince loves this princess very much. He made great achievements back then, and he didn't want any rewards such as power and money. He just asked the emperor to allow him to make his own decisions about the marriage. He only married one wife, no side concubine, no Concubine room, this is very rare in the Central Plains."

"Brother, if you say so, I really want to meet Lian Siyue, and see what kind of beauty makes Feng Yunzheng so fascinated." Wei Rui became very interested in Lian Siyue.

"No matter how beautiful she is, since she can win over a man, there must be something extraordinary about her. You have to keep a sense of proportion and never offend her." Wei Lang knew that his younger sister, Wei Rui, had a strong nature, so he warned her.


Thinking about these things, Wei Rui came to her seat and sat down, looked around, searching for the woman named "Lian Siyue", but after looking around, she didn't see anyone.

She sat down, glanced at the exquisite jade cup in front of her, and saw that the people around her were drinking in small sips from the jade cup. She felt bored, so she ordered, "Hulan, bring my wine cup."

"Yes, princess." Na Hulan took out a wine vessel from the slanted cloth bag she carried with her, and put it on the table.

"Ah, that, that's really a human skull!" The wine glass was put on the table, and suddenly there was an exclamation. The women turned pale with fright, and saw that the wine glass was wrapped with a skull. Made of animal skin, it is several times larger than the jade cup next to it, and looks very scary.

Dang Weirui didn't take it seriously, and calmly filled the skull cup with wine, picked it up, raised his head, and drank the glass of wine into his stomach in one go.

"God, this princess is really scary." Concubine Li was so frightened that she trembled all over, she couldn't even drink the wine in her jade cup.

"Yeah, she didn't change her expression and didn't panic. She drank such a big glass of wine with a human skull, and most people would be drunk to death, but she acted as if nothing had happened." Concubine Xin's hand holding the wine glass trembled, "It's even rougher than a man. .”

Wei Rui noticed the reactions of these delicate and weak women around her, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and a look of disdain flashed in her eyes. These women only know how to embroider at home, and they probably have never even ridden a horse. I despise these people from the bottom of my heart.

"His Royal Highness is here, Prince Heng is here..." She was thinking, when a voice came from the door of the shop, her heart trembled slightly, she put down the human skull wine glass, and looked over:

I saw that Feng Yunzheng was wearing a silver robe with flowing clouds and dark patterns. The edge of the robe was inlaid with dark golden velvet trim, and a pair of deep eyes were like obsidian, shining with light, making people involuntarily indulge in his gaze. His lips are like vermilion, his posture is elegant, calm and restrained.

He was attached to the princess Lian Siyue's hand and walked in together. Lian Siyue's face was as smooth and white as jade porcelain, and her eyes were particularly radiant. She was wearing a long dress of ink and blue, flowing colors, dark flowers and clouds. She wore a tassel hairpin obliquely on her head. , emerald green drop earrings. There is an indescribable luxury and aura.

Wei Rui looked at her without blinking, she was a beauty, she was not as delicate as other women, there was a trace of tenacity in her eyes.


Her eyes fell on Feng Yunzheng again, and she felt unhappy in her heart. She thought that His Highness Ninth Prince was alienated and indifferent by nature, and he didn't understand the style, but now it doesn't seem to be the case:
The way he looked at his princess was not alienated at all. On the contrary, he was very affectionate and gentle. Moreover, he was the only one who walked in holding the hand of his princess, and he also held her waist with one hand. His movements were full of emotion. Compassion and love are the same as what my brother said.

Lian Siyue noticed this fiery gaze, and turned her head to look at Wei Rui. It turned out that she was staring at Yun Zheng without blinking.

She couldn't help laughing, did this Hun princess fall because of Yun Zheng?Looking at that look, the infatuation is so hot that it is embarrassing.

And when Wei Rui looked at Lian Siyue, she realized that she was at school, and felt displeased in her heart. Lian Siyue smiled so eccentrically, it was really annoying.

Lian Siyue withdrew her gaze lightly, as if nothing had happened, Feng Yunzheng held her hand and walked to her seat, and settled her down.

His Royal Highness Ninth Prince cared for Princess Heng in such a way, and did not shy away from doing these things in public, which still made all the women envious.

"Sister..." After the two of them came in, Ling Yue also came in and sat next to Lian Siyue.

Someone whispered on the other side: This young lady of the Lian family looks alike, almost exactly the same as the eleventh princess who died of illness.

"Ms. Lian's family has been homeless for many years. She only returned to Lian's family last year, but her life was hard. Not long after she came back, Lian's family was gone. Now she lives in Prince Heng's mansion. Although His Highness Ninth Prince and Concubine Heng Treat her very well, but always depend on others."

"That's right, have you heard that she died because of her bad luck?" Someone said with ulterior motives.

"No way, it's so scary!"

"Shh, stop talking, be careful to be heard, Princess Heng is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

The discussion among the crowd gradually became quieter, and they dared not speak any more, after all Miss Lian was the one protected by Princess Heng and His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince.

(End of this chapter)

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