Chapter 1328
Chapter 1328
"Hahaha..." Immediately, the people around burst into laughter, and a doting smile appeared on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips.

At this moment, Lian Siyue showed no fear, grabbed the snake by seven inches and threw it in front of Wei Rui. The snake was thrown in the air and landed precisely in Wei Rui's arms.

Wei Rui took a step back, her expression changed, and she grabbed the snake.

Feng Yunzheng came over, took the handkerchief from the hand of the maid at the side, wiped Lian Siyue's hands clean, Lian Siyue approached Feng Yunzheng's ear, and said, "Her snake has no teeth, so I'm not afraid of it." .”

When Feng Yunzheng heard this, the smile on his face deepened.

When she turned to face Wei Rui, she said, "Princess Wei Rui may be used to acting wild when she was in Mobei, but this is above the main hall of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and there are children here, so she must follow my Great Zhou's rules." Etiquette, pay attention to propriety. Besides, since you are here to propose, you should look like a proposal, what do you think?"

Feng Yunzheng didn't scold, and spoke in a leisurely manner, but it clearly carried a stern warning, which made people feel great pressure.

Seeing this, Wei Lang hurried forward, cupped his fists and bowed, and said, "Little sister Wei Rui doesn't know how to measure, she offends me so much, I will definitely teach her a lesson when I go back, and please forgive me, His Highness the Ninth Prince Heng."

Wei Rui's eyes widened, but Wei Lang gave him a hard stare. They came to propose marriage. Mobei's current strength is far inferior to that of the Great Zhou Dynasty, so they have to be cautious.

"Wei Rui, hurry up and apologize to Princess Heng!" Wei Lang knew that his sister's refusal to give in was probably because of Feng Yunzheng, so he was jealous, but for Mobei, he had to bow his head.

Although Wei Rui was unwilling in her heart, but forced by the current situation, she had to lower her head and said, "Princess Heng, Wei Rui doesn't know etiquette, and offends me so much, please forgive me, Wei Rui will pay attention to propriety in the future."

"Those who don't know are not guilty. The princess just wanted to play a little joke with this princess. Naturally, this princess won't take it to heart. Please don't pay too much attention to it and enjoy the banquet." Lian Siyue's answer seemed generous. Appropriate, not caring at all.

"Your Highness, Princess Nine, don't worry, this snake will be removed later, and it won't reappear." Wei Lang decided to kill Wei Rui's snake to show his sincerity.
The banquet continued, and Wei Rui returned to her seat. She wanted to embarrass Lian Siyue, but she didn't expect that not only was she not frightened, but she also laughed at her snake, and was finally reprimanded by her brother.

She was unwilling in her heart, and couldn't help looking at Lian Lingyue who was sitting beside Lian Siyue.

After the banquet, the brother and sister returned to Xiangjun Mansion.

"Little sister, don't mess around anymore. If something happens to us here, our father will punish us when we go back." Wei Lang entered the room and warned, "Brother knows that you like this Ninth Highness, but look at this Princess Heng is not easy to mess with, you better give it up, it's better to have the Sixth Highness."

"Your Highness Sixth?" Wei Rui frowned, "That man who has been chattering for hours?"

"He's not chattering, chattering. He's knowledgeable and eloquent. I've inquired about it. The Sixth Highness is a nice man. He hasn't had a woman so far. He usually cleans himself up. In the future, he will obviously be a very dedicated person. You If I can marry her and stay in the capital, I will feel at ease." Wei Lang said.


Prince Yu's Mansion, in the study.

Feng Yu suddenly sneezed violently. Feng Ye raised his head and asked, "Is it cold? I sneezed three times in a row."

Feng Yu pinched her nose and said, "No, the weather is fine, and I wear a lot of clothes, so why do I sneeze so often? Could it be that someone is plotting against me?"

"Couldn't it be the woman in Mobei who played with snakes? She obviously hit a wall with Lao Jiu today, and she might have targeted you. I guess the people in Mobei who don't know will think that you are clean and self-sufficient. Qingqing is an excellent husband-in-law candidate, after all, she married here from Mobei, so far away, if the husband-in-law is not good, it would be too unfortunate." Feng Ye said seriously.

"Hehe, I have become a panacea, and I need to move it wherever I need to." Feng Yu said with a smile, but her teeth were clearly chattering, and she wanted to slap Feng Ye twice.

"Don't say I didn't persuade you, you should find a suitable person to marry and go home to deceive others, otherwise, you will marry a concubine sooner or later. Didn't your father mention it before? It was delayed because of his dragon's health. "

"First of all, what kind of woman should I marry? What kind of woman is willing to marry someone who will leave him alone for the rest of his life?" Feng Yu said, "You can't lie to other girls, right?"

"Maybe there will be that kind of person who only wants the position of the princess and doesn't want your favour." Feng Ye said.

"Forget it, both men and women are greedy. Maybe at the beginning she wants the position of princess, but after a long time, she will definitely have plans for me. Don't talk about others, Xie Jinranzhi So he was burned to death, isn't it because of greed?" Feng Yu said.

After hearing this, Feng Ye was silent for a moment, and said, "I originally thought that I would marry her, but the timing was wrong. When I chose her, it happened to coincide with my three-year filial piety. Later, I made a wrong step, a wrong step... "

Feng Yu patted him on the shoulder and said, "You talk about me, what about you? I know what I like, but you, now you don't even know what you like and need. Those who love themselves will do well, but there will be no result, you say, the one who is really suffering is not yourself?"

Feng Ye was silent for a moment, put down the scroll in his hand, and said, "Speaking of which, I haven't had a good drink for quite a while, so go out for a walk with me."

"Okay." Feng Yu got up, and the two brothers walked out together, heading to the restaurant where they often drink.

However, when he was about to go up the stairs of the restaurant, suddenly a middle-aged man holding a flag came over and said, "Young master, please stop, I can't help but want to make a fortune for you when I see your face." .”

Feng Yu frowned, waved and said, "Where did you come from, a charlatan, don't disturb our interest in drinking, go away and go away."

Feng Ye also ignored it, and walked forward together with Feng Yu.

"My lord, my lord, you are destined to have no daughter!" At this time, the fortune teller suddenly said loudly.

Hit without a girl?Feng Ye stopped suddenly, turned around, his eyes narrowed, and asked in a deep voice, "What did you say?"

"My lord, I was just across from you and accidentally saw your face. You are destined to have no daughters, and you will never get what you love in this life. If any daughters marry you, they will not end well..." said the fortune teller.

Feng Yu was stunned, and when she saw Feng Ye, she quickly reprimanded, "Nonsense, he has as many women as he wants, he doesn't know where the sorcerer came from, get out! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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