First-class daughter

Chapter 1329 My brother likes her

Chapter 1329 My brother likes her
Chapter 1329 My brother likes her
The fortune-teller knelt on the ground with a plop, and said, "My lord, I'm not lying."

"Oh? I didn't lie, so let's figure out who he and I are?" Feng Yu said.

"This..." The fortune teller paused, not knowing what to say.

Feng Ye didn't say anything, and walked into the restaurant, Feng Yu turned her head, gave the fortune teller a hard look, then followed Feng Ye, and said, "A bullshit warlock who eats and drinks, even counts as our identity No, can you still tell fortunes? Don't take his words to heart, you nonsense! With your status as the eighth prince, you don't want as many women as you want, it all depends on your mood. You look so outstanding, there is no room for a woman who likes you in Zhengyang Street, if you don’t believe me, if you say that you want to get married now, you will be squeezed out of your head."

"Stop racking your brains to comfort me, aren't you tired?" Feng Ye said lightly.

"..." Feng Yu was startled, "I..."

"I am destined to have no daughter, in other words, I am destined to have no throne, otherwise, which prince is truly lonely and does not even have a woman." Feng Ye said.

"You don't really believe it, if anyone on the street says something casually, you just... then tomorrow I will arrange a magician to wait on your way to catch you and say that you will have a hundred women , two hundred children and grandchildren, don't you believe it too?" Feng Yu said hastily.

"It doesn't matter whether there is a girl or not, but what he said is right, all the girls who get close to me will end badly." Feng Ye thought of his mother and concubine, Wei Ruhao, Xie Jinran...

"That's not your reason, but like I said, greed, they are too greedy, that's why they ended up like this." Feng Yu said.

"If I wasn't the eighth prince, would they still be greedy? Would my mother and concubine go to great lengths to consolidate my status and influence? Would Wei Ruhao not hesitate to destroy her innocence and climb into my bed without a name? Xie Jinran would From a smart person to a panic-stricken person?" Feng Ye said with a trembling voice.

"But Feng Ye, it's not like you, other emperors and emperors are also like this, don't take coincidences as fate." Feng Yu continued.

Feng Ye smiled, and said, "Okay, of course I don't believe it, but I'm just feeling emotional with this argument. Let's go, go drink."

Feng Yu stood at the same spot, watched Feng Ye walk away, shook her head, and said, "The magician should really catch him and see through it, to see how the Eighth Emperor is so handsome, how can he not be accompanied by a woman, it's really nonsense! "

Outside the restaurant, the fortune-teller who was kneeling on the ground raised his head and said, "Cao Min has counted, and you two are relatives of the emperor. However, Cao Min will first figure out that you are destined to have no daughter, and then expose your identity. Didn’t he seek his own death? Which royal family member can forgive the person who said he had no daughter in his life, tsk tsk tsk, it really scared me to death.”

Shouning Palace.

The slaves outside came to tell the Queen Mother that it was the Xiongnu Princess Weiwei from Mobei who was begging to see her.

After hearing this, the Queen Mother frowned, and said, "I heard from Concubine Li that at yesterday's banquet, Princess Mobei had no sense of restraint. She took out a snake to play with in the hall, which frightened many people, even children. I was frightened, the Fourteenth Prince was so scared that he had a nightmare last night, saying that snakes would bite him even when he was asleep."

"What the queen mother said is that this foreign woman is really barbaric, and she even dared to play with snakes. However, she also met an opponent." Wang Momo said, "Later, it was Princess Heng who grabbed the snake in her hand and subdued her." Only then did this farce stop."

After hearing this, the queen mother asked, "Has she even subdued the snake?" As she spoke, her heart trembled.

"It's absolutely true, she even threw the snake back on Wei Rui, her expression didn't change and her heart didn't beat." Mother Wang said.

The queen mother shook her head and said, "I really don't know what kind of woman she is."

"Queen Mother, do you want to meet Princess Weirui?" Mother Wang asked.

"Let her come in, the Ai family would like to see, this snake-playing woman will never be able to subdue Princess Heng," said the Queen Mother.

"Yes." Wang Momo went out to lead Weirui in, a smile flashed in her eyes, she weighed the heavy gold in her sleeves, it was given by Princess Weirui, and asked her to speak well in front of the queen mother.

As soon as Princess Weirui heard that the Queen Mother was willing to see her, she immediately thanked Wang Momo and said, "Thank you so much, Momo."

Wang Momo lowered her head slightly and said, "Princess, please, the queen mother doesn't have a good impression of the princess now, the princess should be careful."

When he arrived in the hall, Wei Rui saw a graceful and luxurious woman sitting there from a distance. Compared with the queen mother of the Xiongnu in Mobei, this queen mother was much richer.

Walking to the center of the hall, she knelt down, remembering Wang Momo's advice, she made herself look extremely pious.

"Wei Rui pays homage to the Empress Dowager."

The queen mother glanced at Princess Mobei from a distance, and said, "You raise your head."

"Yes." Wei Rui raised her head respectfully, "I have seen the Queen Mother."

Seeing her attire, the queen mother said, "It's not too hot now, won't you be cold with your bare calves like this?" She had heard that Hun women were dressed boldly, but at first sight, the queen mother was still very surprised.

Wei Rui said, "Go back to the Empress Dowager, we girls in Mobei wear this all year round, so we won't be cold."

"Oh." The Queen Mother nodded and said, "Then what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

"One is to apologize to the Empress Dowager. Yesterday I took out my own snake and performed a dance on the main hall, but it scared some people. Wei Rui really shouldn't, and I will never dare again." Wei Rui Said, this is what Wang Momo secretly taught her.

Sure enough, the Empress Dowager's expression softened, and she said, "It seems that you didn't do it on purpose, but you are not yet familiar with the customs of Dazhou, and today you came here to plead guilty, you are considered a sensible person, let's stop here. "

"Thank you, Empress Dowager!" Wei Rui said with a sigh of relief.

"Get up." The queen mother raised her hand and said.

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Wei Rui stood up, paused, and said, "Actually, Wei Rui still has something to report to the Queen Mother."

"What's the matter, tell me." The Queen Mother asked slowly.

Wei Rui thought for a moment, and said, "Actually, I came here for my brother. My brother is embarrassed to say that, but I, the younger sister, came to speak for him."

"What is it?" asked the Queen Mother.

"Empress Dowager, in fact, my elder brother has taken a fancy to Princess Heng's younger sister, Miss Lian, and hopes to marry her back to Mobei as the princess." Wei Rui said.

"What did you say?" The queen mother was taken aback, then raised her head suddenly.

"Empress Dowager, although my brother is a prince, he is honest and honest. So far, he has never had a woman by his side. If he likes a woman, he will really love her, and that woman will be happy. It's a pity that Miss Nalian is not a princess. ...So, Wei Rui came here to ask the Empress Dowager to help figure out a solution." Wei Rui said.

(End of this chapter)

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