First-class daughter

Chapter 1330 Bestowing the Princess

Chapter 1330 Bestowing the Princess
Chapter 1330 Bestowing the Princess
"You said that Wei Lang fell in love with that girl from the Lian family?" The queen mother was quite shocked in her heart.

"Yes, empress dowager, please forgive me, Wei Wei is thinking, since my brother is looking for a young lady, not a princess, if the empress dowager and the emperor make her a princess, neither you nor the emperor will lose their dear princess." , and let my brother get what he wanted, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone, I don’t know what you want, Empress Dowager?” Wei Rui said, looking secretly at the Queen Mother’s reaction.

After waiting for a while, the Empress Dowager said, "Wei Rui, Aijia already understands what you said, but Aijia can't answer you right away. Since Lian Lingyue is not a member of the royal family, if she is asked to sacrifice for Da Zhou, I'm afraid it will Wouldn't want to."

"The empress dowager, I won't sacrifice. My brother likes her and will treat her well. And..." Wei Rui raised her head, a blush flashed across her face, and said, "I am also willing to stay in Dazhou and be a hostage."

"Hahaha..." The queen mother couldn't help laughing when she heard her words, and said, "You are not polite, well, Aijia takes your words to heart, you can go down."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Wei Rui got up and walked out.

A smile appeared on her face, and she hoped that the queen mother of the Central Plains could make them all get what they wanted.

After Wei Rui left, the Empress Dowager stood up, frowning, pacing back and forth in the bedroom while thinking.

Wang Momo stood aside, and after a while, she stepped forward and said, "Empress Dowager, please sit down and rest for a while."

The Queen Mother stopped in her tracks and said, "You still remember that Aijia said that we need to find a way to get rid of Lian Lingyue and stop Feng Jue's thoughts. Right now, this is an excellent opportunity."

Wang Momo was startled, and said, "I'm stupid, I don't understand what you mean."

"The Ai family is going to discuss something with the emperor and arrange a sedan chair." The queen mother said suddenly,
Rongyuan Hall, in the sleeping hall.

A thick curtain separated Emperor Zhou Cheng from behind. The queen mother felt sour when she smelled the medicine, she wiped her tears and said, "The Ai family hopes that all these illnesses of yours, the emperor, will fall on the Ai family. , you have to deal with the matter in court by yourself, so you can rest assured."

The queen mother said, she habitually walked behind the curtain, and said, "It's hot today, and the curtain is still so airtight, how do you slaves serve you, be careful to cover your rash."

When Liang Degui saw this, anxiety flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help taking a step forward, "The Empress Dowager..."

"Especially you, Liang Degui, you have been by the emperor's side for decades, how can you still be so negligent?" The queen mother scolded.

"Mother's Queen..." At this moment, Emperor Zhou Cheng opened a corner of the curtain and came out, calling out, putting his hand on his lips and coughing twice.

Only then did the queen mother stop in her tracks, and said, "You are not feeling well, it's good for Aijia to sit with you in the past.

"It's okay, I just want to get some air." Emperor Zhou Cheng walked towards the hall without any trace.

"Alright." The Empress Dowager sat down on the wide chair and said, "You can also sit for a while."

"Yes, Empress." Zhou Chengdi sat down and asked, "I don't know what's going on here, Empress Mother?"

"Ai's family came here to discuss with you about Prince Xiongnu's marriage proposal." The queen mother said, "I don't know if you have a suitable candidate."

A flash of thought flashed in Zhou Chengdi's eyes, and he said, "Since Wei Lang expressed his intention that day, I have been considering this matter for the past two days. I have thought about letting Thirteen Tang Yaoer go."

After hearing this, the Queen Mother was slightly startled, and said, "It seems that Tang Yao'er really hurt your heart."

Emperor Zhou Cheng pursed his lips, with a cold look at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I hate sons and daughters who put on airs in front of me the most, and have duplicity. Forgive me. Now, letting her marry Prince Mobei is also a kind of contribution to the court."

"If Concubine Shu finds out, I'm afraid she will cry to death." The Empress Dowager said with a soft sigh, twisting her handkerchief.

"She has fourteen princes, so don't be too sad. As a Concubine Shu, she should know the seriousness." Emperor Zhou Cheng said with a stern voice.

"The emperor's arrangement is also reasonable. It not only satisfies the demands of the Xiongnu, but also solves his own concerns." The queen mother said, "It's just... If Wei Lang doesn't like Tangyaoer, who else does?"

After Zhou Chengdi heard this, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said, "A prince from a small country came to propose marriage, and I agree to it. It is already a great favor, how can he be picky?"

"It's not about picking and choosing." The queen mother said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Mother, do you have any other ideas? My son would like to hear more about it."

"Actually, it's up to you to decide on this matter. It's inconvenient for the Ai family to say anything more, but today, Princess Wei Rui of Mobei came to Ai's family and told Ai family that Wei Lang has taken a fancy to the young lady of the Lian family, Lian Lingyue. I implore the Ai family to betroth Lian Lingyue to her elder brother." The Queen Mother said, and glanced at Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Oh? Wei Lang has taken a fancy to her?" Zhou Chengdi was a little surprised.

"Yes, the Ai family thought, no matter how much you don't like this Tangyao'er, she is also the flesh and blood of our Feng family. It is enough to lock up her own child and punish her, but this is different for Lian Lingyue. For one thing, she is not yours." Flesh and blood, the second is that the family members are withered, it is better to operate on the Lian family than other royal relatives, and the third..." The Queen Mother's face darkened, and said, "This Lian Lingyue is not disciplined, even And the Eleventh Prince Feng Jue privately decides for life!"

"What..." Emperor Zhou Cheng was indifferent to the previous few points. Hearing this, he said, "Is there such a thing?"

"This Feng Jue is also learning from Yun Zheng now, and he wants to make decisions about the marriage!" The Queen Mother said with a cold face that Feng Jue refused the concubine he had arranged for him and insisted on marrying Lian Lingyue.

Emperor Zhou Cheng paused, and said, "Je'er didn't mean to disobey your mother on purpose, but really didn't like the person you arranged, so I found someone to use as an excuse."

"Well, even if he was making excuses, why did he choose Lian Lingyue instead of someone else? A prince should obey the orders of Aijia and the emperor, marry the person who should be married, marry more, and fill the royal blood. It's all up to you to decide, and other princes and grandchildren will follow suit in the future, isn't it a mess? What threshold is there for the royal family?" The Queen Mother said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was silent for a moment, and said, "If Jue'er really likes it, it's okay to keep Lian Lingyue as a side concubine, but she can't be the main concubine."

"Based on the ambitions of their sisters, can they agree to be concubines? Even Siyue owns Yunzheng alone, and even Lingyue wants to come here. The meaning of Yiai's family is that it is better to be a princess, to satisfy Wei Lang's wish, and Solve the obsession of Fengjue." The queen mother tried to persuade the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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