First-class daughter

Chapter 1331 Makeover

Chapter 1331 Makeover
Chapter 1331 Makeover
The face of Lingyue appeared in Emperor Zhou Cheng's mind, and he said, "However, if such a child is sent to a place like Mobei, I am afraid that Yun Zheng and his princess will come to talk to me, besides, Lian Yan Fu is now conquering Khitan for me in Shanhaiguan, this Lian Lingyue is his niece, and there are not many people in his family."

"Emperor!" The queen mother said sternly, "You have changed, you have become so sad that some people don't know you anymore."

Emperor Zhou Cheng was slightly taken aback, "Mother."

"How did you become so benevolent as a woman, looking forward and backward, afraid of the east and the west! It's just making Lian Lingyue a princess and marrying to Mobei. Is it worth your thinking so much?

Besides, it is also a good thing for Lian Lingyue to marry to Mobei. The friendship envoys of the two dynasties made contributions to the imperial court and made contributions to their family. In the future, she will be famous in history, so what's wrong? " said the Queen Mother.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart trembled.

"What are you worried about? You are the king of a country. You pretend to be ill to test these princes here. The Ai family already doesn't understand. Now you are conferring a woman as a princess, and you are also worried!" The Queen Mother frowned. , said, "You have become a woman, not to mention the benevolence, but you are still indecisive! Aijia said that he was optimistic about Feng Ye as the crown prince, and you said you want to see it again. I said that you can also Li Yunzheng. You must ask him to fill the back house. Marry a few more, and continue to have children for the royal family, you can talk about it and see. Aijia doesn't know, what are you waiting for."

The queen mother's words hit Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart hard.

"Emperor, you are the emperor, think about how you and An'er suppressed your elder brother, the prince, why are you still afraid of your sons now?" The queen mother said earnestly.

"The queen mother doesn't know something. I have my own considerations. The position of the crown prince should not be rushed. Look at Fengming. You know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"The Ai family doesn't care how you choose the crown prince, but this Lian Lingyue, the Ai family doesn't want her to have anything to do with the royal family. In the future, Feng Jue will be controlled, just like Lian Siyue and Yunzheng. This princess, you can make an order "The Queen Mother issued an ultimatum and said.


"Aren't you going to test your sons' loyalty to you? You can take the matter of Lian Lingyue bestowing the princess to marry Mobei to test your nine sons and see if he values ​​a sister-in-law as important, or The emperor's order is very important, if he argues with you because of this, it means that he does not have you as an emperor in his eyes." The queen mother said with a strong attitude.

"Okay, since my mother insisted, then I will obey my mother's words and canonize this Lian Lingyue as Princess Guchun. However, in order to avoid trouble, I think that the canonization should be made first, and I don't want to give Wei Lang a marriage order. I will accept the princess's affairs." After that, the canonization of the wedding will be done." Emperor Zhou Cheng finally made a compromise.

Only then did the queen mother show a smile on her face, and said, "It's possible. Immediately canonize, and immediately confer marriage is not very good. After the canonization is over, a celebration banquet was held in Prince Heng's mansion to let everyone know that there is an extra Princess Guchun in Kyoto. , and then canonized, they have nothing to say."

"Yes, my son obeys." Emperor Zhou Cheng then ordered Liang Degui to draw up an edict to confer Lian Lingyue as Princess Guchun.

After hearing this, Liang Degui said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Liang Degui wrote while listening to what Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

The queen mother glanced at the curtain in front of Zhou Chengdilong's bed, and said, "Your illness has been cured long ago, and you still wrap the curtain so tightly, and the air is not good, so it's fine to act like you are, why bother to be so serious?" what."

Emperor Zhou Cheng paused his hands slightly, and a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and said, "What the queen mother said is that I will make people change the curtains into thin ones later."

"Yeah, be careful if you really get sick again." The queen mother frowned and said.

"Yes." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"Your Majesty, the imperial decree for canonization has been drawn up." At this time, Liang Degui came over and knelt down.

"Yes." Emperor Zhou Cheng took a look and said, "Send the imperial decree to Prince Heng's mansion tomorrow morning, and give it a decree."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this servant is in command." Liang Degui bowed.

The queen mother felt that a major matter had been resolved, and a heavy stone in her heart was finally put down, and said a few words to Emperor Zhou Cheng, and then left the Hall of Rongyuan.

"Close the palace gate." After the queen mother left, Emperor Zhou Cheng's expression froze and ordered.

"Yes." Several servants walked over and slowly closed the heavy palace door.

Emperor Zhou Cheng turned around, walked back to the curtain, stayed for a while, stretched out his hand, opened the curtain, and walked in.

Then he walked around behind the dragon bed and opened a curtain, and saw a man with a rough and ugly face lying on the bed, his eyes were closed, and he was tall and tall.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's gaze fell on his overly destroyed face, and his heart suddenly throbbed. He stretched out his hand to caress this face, and said, "I'm sorry for your mother, it was I who ruined her life and let her die I still miss you when I was young, and I blame myself for not taking good care of you, not keeping your life, I will be guilty for the rest of my life!
You are not a slut, your mother is the most noble person in my heart, the purest woman in the world, I lied to her, and let her down... You have never received the care a prince should have since you were a child, I thought you were the child of your slut Zhao Ziying, so I made you grow up with a maid in the House of Internal Affairs, making people think that you are the remnant of a court lady. You have suffered a lot and suffered a lot, but I have already killed this bitch Zhao Ziying I avenged your mother, and I also avenged you..."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's voice trembled, and tears glistened in his eyes.

"Don't worry, since I have found you, I won't let you suffer any more. This is my little consolation to your mother's spirit in heaven."

"Your Majesty..." At this time, Jiang Keji called out from outside the curtain.

"You're back? How?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Your Majesty, I went to Qizhou and found the genius doctor you mentioned." Jiang Keji said.

"Let him in!" Zhou Chengdi said with joy in his heart.

"Yes!" A moment later, the curtain was raised, and the miracle doctor that Emperor Zhou Cheng was looking for came in.

"Your majesty." Divine doctor Gong bowed and said.

"I remember that the hand of Miracle Doctor Gong was once known as the hand of the gods in Qizhou. Now more than [-] years have passed, and the skill has become more sophisticated. I brought you here to ask you for a favor." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

"Please give orders from the emperor." Divine doctor Gong said.

"This person's face has been severely injured, and his face is beyond recognition. I want you to change his face and change his face into another person's." Zhou Chengdi opened the curtain and led Miracle Doctor Gong to the bed where he was lying. In front of people, said.

Miracle doctor Gong walked over, carefully observed this person's face, and said, "Your Majesty, the surface of this person's face has been completely damaged, if you want to change it, you have to change it into a completely different face. At that time, except for the similarity of the eyes, nothing else will be the same as before."

"This is exactly what I mean." Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

Feng Qianyue committed a heinous crime. If he still lives in his original form, he will not be able to survive in the capital. Only by changing to a different form and surviving as another person can he take care of him and let go of all the past.

"Okay, I am willing to give it a try." Divine doctor Gong said.

(End of this chapter)

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