Chapter 1332
Chapter 1332
Lian Lingyue suddenly raised her head, the emperor conferred the title of "Princess Guchun" on her, this, this is for no reason, why is this?
She couldn't help turning her head to look at Brother Nine and Elder Sister.

The eyes of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue also showed unexpected expressions, making Yue'er not perform any meritorious deeds, and secondly, her identity is already special. At the beginning, the princess was abolished, and now another princess is named. What's the point?
However, if the imperial decree is below, it must be accepted. If there is doubt in person, it is considered disrespectful. If the emperor wants to pursue it, it will be the crime of beheading.

So Feng Yunzheng reminded, "Ling Yue'er, why don't you take the order to thank you soon?"

"Yes, yes, Ling Yue'er took the decree to thank you, thank the emperor for the reward, long live, long live, long live." Ling Yue'er recovered from the shock, bowed her head quickly, and said.

The eunuch handed over the imperial decree to Lian Lingyue, and said, "Congratulations, Princess Guchun."

Holding the imperial decree, Lingyue felt her palms burn.

Lian Siyue looked beaming, and motioned Qingdai to take out the silver and handed it over to the father-in-law who came to deliver the decree, and said, "Eunuch, we are very happy with the emperor's love, please convey our joy for us. .”

The father-in-law said with a smile, "Yes, yes, Wangfei, I must tell the emperor about my humble position."

"Tomorrow, I will lead Princess Guchun into the palace to thank you." Feng Yunzheng also said, the two seemed very, very happy to have Yue'er be named Princess Guchun.

"Yes, this servant is going back to the emperor and the empress dowager." The father-in-law said happily and walked out.

As soon as the messenger left, the smiles on the faces of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue froze at the same time.Turning around, she looked at Lingyue who was still sitting on the ground blankly, holding the imperial decree with trembling hands.

She raised her head and said, "I think it's too unreal, and I also feel that something is wrong, I really can't figure out why you want to make me a princess, and I haven't done any meritorious service, I just stay in the mansion to study and attend classes every day. "

Holding this decree is like a hot potato, without any surprise.

Lian Siyue frowned, and said, "Could it be that the queen mother told the emperor that Feng Jue wanted to marry you as a concubine? gone?"

Even when Si Yue said it, she didn't believe it.

Feng Yunzheng nodded and shook his head again, and said, "What is Father's true intention? Could it be for..."

The Huns courtship?
His heart trembled suddenly, and even Siyue raised his head suddenly, the two looked at each other, and his heart tightened slightly at the same time——

Worse, could it be... the daughter of the emperor's relatives was made a princess, and she was married to a foreign country and became an envoy between the two countries? !

"Yes, what is it?" Lian Lingyue suddenly felt very uneasy in her heart, her heart was pounding, and she was holding on to the imperial decree and asked.

"Ling Yue'er, don't worry, since you have received the imperial edict, you must be happy in front of others, and if you are seen with a frowning face, the emperor will be unhappy." Lian Siyue warned, I can't tell Ling Yue'er about things that haven't been confirmed, lest she be overly frightened.

"Yes, not only that, we will hold a banquet in two days, congratulations on becoming a princess." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Yes, Ling Yue'er knows, but this news is too disturbing." Lian Lingyue said.

"I will secretly go to find out, why did the emperor make you a princess. If you want to take the imperial decree, go and rest." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Okay, I, I'll go back to my room first." Ling Yue'er took the imperial decree and went back to her room.

After she left, Lian Siyueming said, "Yun Zheng, I think Ling Yue'er was named Princess Guchun not because of Fengjue, but because of the Huns. go."

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "I think so too. If I want to fulfill Feng Jue and Ling Yueer's words, I will directly decree the marriage. Why should I confer the title of princess first? Only if she is married to the Huns, will she be married?" Unnecessary."

"Your Highness, Concubine..." At this time, Night Breeze hurried back and said in a tight voice, "I just sent the father-in-law out, and the humble official inquired about it, and the father-in-law said that Miss Feng's title of Princess Guchun is actually the meaning of the empress dowager. The queen mother went to the emperor and persuaded the emperor to make an order.

When Lian Siyue heard this, she felt a chill in her heart, "That's right, Jue'er told the Queen Mother that the person she wanted to marry was Ling Yue'er, and the Queen Mother took the opportunity to ask the emperor to confer the title of Princess Lingyue'er, and will make Ling Yue'er Yue'er married to the Huns! In this way, firstly, the matter of the Huns asking for marriage was solved, and secondly, it also cut off Jue'er's thoughts.
My Lian family was originally a thriving family, hundreds of people died under Feng Qianyue's hands, now there are only a few people left, my fourth uncle is still attacking Khitan in Shanhaiguan, and the emperor actually agreed to the Queen Mother's request, it's really chilling! "

Feng Yunzheng frowned, and said, "Father's move is too unjust. As a sage, he actually married his family to a barbaric place when the ministers were fighting! The queen mother has the heart to publicize her selfish desires, which is a shame for a queen mother." Demeanor!"

"I will never let Ling Yue'er marry into the Huns! Never!" In the previous life, I did not protect Le Yan'er. In this life, I must protect Ling Yue'er. Never, never!

"Yue'er, I will not allow Ling Yue'er to marry to that kind of place, let me think about it, how should I stop the idea of ​​the father." Feng Yunzheng said.

"..." Behind the door, Ling Yue'er's face was pale, her hands and feet were cold, her limbs were almost numb, and the imperial decree in her hand slipped to the ground.

It turned out that she was conferred the title of princess because she was going to be married to that Wei Lang.

How could this be?
Why choose her?Just because, don't they have no one at home?
Mobei is far away from the capital, if she goes, she may never come back for the rest of her life!
No, she will never marry the Huns, she promised Lian Jue to take care of her and be his eyes, she will not marry anyone else, never!

Ling Yue'er bent down, picked up the imperial decree, and walked into her room step by step.

She calmed herself down, thinking of ways as she walked, how to escape the fate of marrying Mobei!
Ming An Palace.

"What did you say?" Feng Jue was stunned and asked.

Sijiu looked beaming, and said, "Miss Lingyue has been named Princess Guchun, now His Highness doesn't have to worry about her status, she can marry Miss Lingyue openly, I think, the emperor must know His Highness's idea, so fulfill His Highness."

However, Sijiu found that His Highness's face didn't have any joy, but instead looked heavy. He was taken aback, and asked, "Your Highness, are you unhappy?"

"However, this king feels that Ling Yue'er was sealed as Princess Gu Chun not because of me, but because of some other purpose." Feng Jue said, feeling a little cold in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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