First-class daughter

Chapter 1333 The person you like

Chapter 1333 The person you like

Chapter 1333 The person you like

Sijiu was puzzled, and asked, "It's not for His Highness? Then why did you suddenly confer Miss as a princess?"

"This is what makes me uneasy." Feng Jue said while holding the scroll in his hand tightly.

"Then, what should we do now?" Sijiu asked anxiously.

Feng Jue sat on the desk and didn't speak for a long time. The sun shone on his face, casting a layer of quiet color, and a thought flashed in his eyes:
"This time, I heard from Brother Nine that Prince Wei Lang of the Huns came to Dazhou to ask for his marriage...Father is going to choose a princess to marry to Mobei..."

Feng Jue spoke slowly, then suddenly stood up and tore off the cloth strips that bound her eyes.

"Your Highness..." Sijiu was taken aback by Feng Jue's actions, "Your Highness, why did you remove the medicine from your eyes? You need to keep applying it. The two doctors have already said it." He hurried to the ground Pick up the strips.

"If I continue to wait like this and my eyes heal but I lose the love in my heart, then what is the use of my eyes?" Feng Jue said in a deep voice, "Prepare the carriages and horses, I want to go to the palace to meet the emperor, Please ask him to betroth Lian Lingyue to this king, this king is not willing to hide anymore, this king wants to fight for his love. I have lost it once, and I can never lose it again."

"..." Sijiu felt nervous after hearing this, and whispered, "Your Highness, your eyes are blind. If you go to the emperor now, the emperor knows that you think that you are not qualified to inherit the position of crown prince at all?" gone?"

"Before I was 14 years old, I was the grandson of the Lian family. I never thought about the throne. It was far away from me. Later, I became the eleventh prince. I know that I have my own responsibilities. So I have to bear it, but I have never longed for it in my heart, if I have to make a choice, I want her, not the crown prince!" His eyes were firm.

"No, absolutely not!" At this moment, a beautiful figure floated in, hugged his waist tightly, and said.

"Eleven..." Feng Jue's heart trembled, and he cupped her face with both hands, "Why are you here? Do you know everything?"

"I won't let you take this risk. The throne may be second, but if you disobey the emperor because of me, and even say that you can give up the position of prince, what will the emperor think of you? Will you be thrown away like the old prince Fengming? Falling into the cold palace and falling out of favor? I have seen with my own eyes how the deposed prince Fengming lived in the cold palace. I never want you to go through such terrible days.” Lingyue tightly grasped Feng Jue’s sleeve, Said.

"But, Eleven, I can no longer take the risk of losing you and wait here passively. What if tomorrow, no, what if my father issues an imperial decree asking you to marry to Mobei today, then everything will be impossible." It's been saved." Feng Jue's voice trembled slightly, he didn't want to take any risks!

"But, then what do you do? I don't want you to have an accident..." Lingyue's eyes were full of tears, "Let's think of other ways, and then think of other ways, maybe, the emperor didn't want to marry me The Mobei people named me Princess Guchun? Moreover, Brother Nine and Elder Sister have apparently accepted this matter. Tomorrow, they will take me into the palace to thank you, and they will also hold a celebration banquet at Prince Heng’s mansion. We can’t make it public Defy the Emperor."

"..." Feng Jue's Adam's apple slid up and down, and said, "Go to the palace to thank you, what if your father takes the opportunity to issue an imperial edict while thanking you? Eleven, I will never risk making your life painful, here Waiting with a fluke mentality, I am going to enter the palace now, to prevent this from happening before the emperor issues an imperial decree."


"Eleventh, are you willing to face it with me?" Feng Jue held Lian Lingyue's hand and asked affectionately.

Lian Lingyue shed a line of tears, nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes, of course I am, I am your eyes, I will go wherever you go, and I will never turn back if you don't look back." Lingyue Trembling said.

"Okay, then let's enter the palace together and ask Father to grant us a marriage." Feng Jue pulled her and walked outside the palace.

"Okay!" Ling Yue didn't hesitate any longer, and followed Feng Jue into the palace.

Sijiu saw that Feng Jue and Ling Yue got into the carriage so resolutely, stood at the gate of the palace, and after walking back and forth for a while, he immediately said to the guard at the gate, "Quick, get me a carriage, I'm going Prince Heng's Mansion!"


The guards rushed to the carriage, Sijiu quickly jumped on it, and asked the groom to go to Prince Heng's mansion quickly.

It's a big matter, the two little masters love you and me, but Sijiu thinks it's better to ask His Highness Jiu and Princess Heng about this matter.

"So soon?" Wei Rui heard that Lian Lingyue had been canonized as Princess Guchun, and her eyes showed surprise, "It seems that the Empress Dowager of the Great Zhou is more keen on marrying Princess Heng's younger sister than I am. Give it to brother."

She faintly felt that she fell into the queen mother's arms.

"What are you doing so fast?" Wei Lang walked in, just in time to hear what Wei Rui said.

Wei Rui quickly said, "No, I didn't do anything. After the Snake Dance incident happened, I just stayed in Xiangjun Mansion obediently and didn't go anywhere as my brother told me."

Wei Lang looked at her suspiciously, "Then what were you talking about just now?"

"Actually, I wanted to congratulate my brother." Wei Rui said.

"Congratulations? How do you say it?" Wei Lang asked in confusion.

"Don't you like that Lian Lingyue, brother? I heard that today the emperor made a decree to make Lian Lingyue a princess. I wonder if this is to make a princess and marry her to you." Wei Rui pretended not to know The whole story was deliberately said.

Wei Lang was taken aback for a moment, and was overjoyed, "She was named a princess? Seriously?"

"I just heard that too, brother, you just wait to marry the beautiful girl you like and go home, my sister will be happy for you." Wei Rui said, with a sly look in his eyes.

"But..." After Wei Lang was happy, he felt something was wrong again, "I never asked her if she would marry me. If she didn't want to, wouldn't I force her?"

"Oh, brother..." Wei Rui raised his hand and touched his temple, and said, "Why are you so brainless, you are the most brainless man I have ever seen, you are the prince of Mobei, she can't even have a family. It is great news that no one can marry you as a princess. Besides, if you treat her sincerely, she will fall in love with you. What do you still care about these questions of whether you are willing or not? Since brother likes you , as long as you get it first, as for feelings, you can cultivate them slowly in the future."

But a thought flashed in Wei Lang's eyes, he glanced at his slightly proud younger sister, and walked out after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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