Chapter 1334
Chapter 1334
"Prince, why are you unhappy? If what the princess said just now is true, it is good news." Wei Lang's guard Halle said.

"This king wants to meet her first. This king really likes her and hopes that she will marry me sincerely." Wei Lang said.

"However, according to the etiquette here, Ms. Lian is a woman who has not left the court. It is impossible for the prince to meet her in private. I heard that if a woman meets a man in private, it is considered a serious crime." Halle said.

"That day at the banquet, I originally wanted to take the opportunity to talk to her, but Wei Rui's snake dance ruined this opportunity. It's a pity..." Wei Lang showed a regretful expression.

"The prince has never been tempted by a woman. Now that he has someone he likes, the emperor and the queen mother are willing to betroth the one you like to you. What a wonderful thing. This time I came to the capital to propose marriage. It is not in vain." Halle Said.

"You're right, if my king gets what he wants, it will be considered a blessing." Wei Lang thought of Ling Yue'er's vivid and bright face, and couldn't help feeling extremely joyful in his heart. As he said, he suddenly remembered a He asked, "Haler, I will choose one of the treasures I brought, and you will send it to Prince Heng's mansion for Miss Lian for me. Just say it is my king's kindness, please accept it."

"Yes, prince, I will do as I please." Halle said.

Therefore, Wei Lang opened the box carrying the treasures, made a careful selection, and finally chose a fur collar made of white mink with red orbs inlaid on it, and asked Halle to send it to Prince Heng's mansion.

"Prince, don't you want to write a letter?" Haller asked.

"No need." Wei Lang said, but told Halle to wait, went outside to pick up a stone, cleaned it, and said, "Give this to her."

In Mobei, a stone represents a man's firm heart, and this stone is his heart for Lian Lingyue.

Feng Jue and Ling Yue got into the carriage and drove towards the palace.

Lingyue tightly grasped Feng Jue's sleeve, her heart was pounding. She had lived in that deep palace for more than ten years. Abandon her place.

But now, to go back together with Feng Jue, "fight" side by side, without knowing the consequences, there is no turning back.

Finally, we arrived at the gate of Zhengyang.

Lian Lingyue raised her head, glanced at the fence, then turned her head to help Feng Jue get off the carriage.

"Lianjue, after passing through this gate, we will have no turning back." He said.

Feng Jue stretched out his hand, held her wrist, and said, "I can't see, just go forward, there is no other way."

"it is good!"

The two of them were going to step over the Zhengyang Gate and walk inside step by step.

Lian Lingyue led the way, Feng Jue walked behind her, and the two maintained an appropriate distance, so that Feng Jue could walk without hindrance. He had practiced how to use his eyes, so he watched according to his feeling. In front of him, such gazes looked no different from ordinary people, and they were not at a loss.

Under the sunlight, the figures of the two people overlapped.

The distance from Rongyuan Hall was getting closer and closer, and the sun was shining on their heads, and slight beads of sweat appeared on the faces of both of them.

"Lian Jue, are you okay?" Ling Yue asked as she walked forward.

"I'm fine, how about you?" Feng Jue said, stepping on her shadow.

"I'm fine too." Ling Yue said with a clear voice, "Are you afraid?"

"To be honest, a little bit." Feng Jue said.

"Actually, in fact, I also have a little bit. When I was a child in the palace, I was often scolded by the emperor..." Ling Yue said.

"What I'm afraid of is that if he refuses to promise us, I'll have to find another way." Of course, what he's afraid of is not the loss of fame and fortune.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I will face it with you." The two walked for a while, Lingyue raised her head and said, "The Hall of Rongyuan is just ahead."

"Go in." Feng Jue said.

"Wait!" At this moment, a slightly panting voice came.

Lingyue was taken aback for a moment, then looked back, "Ninth brother?"

"Brother Nine Kings?" Feng Jue was slightly taken aback.

"You two go to Changchun Palace with me, if you meet someone, say that you came to Changchun Palace to find my mother." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Brother Nine Kings..."

"You guys have said everything about what you want to do." Feng Yunzheng said, "Listen to me first, and talk about it in Changchun Palace.

"Let's go to Changchun Palace first, since Brother Nine is here, we have something to explain." Ling Yue said.

In the end, several people returned to Changchun Palace.

"Neither Yue'er nor I agree with you doing this." Feng Yunzheng looked at the two children in front of him, and said.

"Brother Jiuwang, I know your and sister's concerns, but I also have my own concerns, I guess the Queen Mother will announce Ling Yue'er in front of many people at the celebration banquet held for Ling Yue at Prince Heng's Mansion. For the envoys of the two countries to marry the Xiongnu prince Wei Lang, once the decree is issued, it will be too late, so even if I have every chance, I am not willing to take this risk." Feng Jue said.

"Jue'er, I fully understand how you feel. When someone coveted Si Yue, I changed my usual calmness and sat on pins and needles for fear of losing her!

However, it is better for you to find another person to find the emperor. That person will be better than the two of you going to the palace together to find the emperor. "

"Who?" Feng Jue asked, when he heard Feng Yunzheng say that name, he froze for a moment, "Will she be willing to help?"

"It depends on the two of you, whether you can get her to help you willingly, if you can get her blessing, it will be much better than you asking the emperor." Feng Yunzheng said.

Feng Jue and Ling Yue looked at each other.

"Jue'er, remember these words: restraint and patience." Feng Yunzheng urged.

In the end, instead of going to Rongyuan Hall, they went to another place.

And after Lingyue returned to the mansion, she also received a gift from Wei Lang's order, she frowned and asked someone to take the original back, but she didn't accept it no matter what.

After dismissing the visitor, Ling Yue returned to the room, remembering that she and Feng Jue entered the palace together today, a smile appeared on her face.

Although in the end he listened to Brother Jiu's words and was unsuccessful for the sake of caution, but the passionate and desperate feeling at that time may be unforgettable in his life.

the next day.

Led by Feng Yunzheng, Lian Lingyue entered the palace together, met the emperor, and thanked the emperor.

As a result, the news that Lian Lingyue became Princess Guchun spread quickly. Everyone in the capital knew that Lian Yue, the younger sister of Princess Heng, and the daughter of the former concubine, Lian Yue, The names are the same, Lingyue'er is called Lianyue to the outside world, and Lingyue is a private name among acquaintances), and she has the rank of a princess.

For two consecutive days, many people came to Prince Heng's mansion to congratulate him with presents, including gifts from several princes.

(End of this chapter)

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