Chapter 1335
Chapter 1335
Shouning Palace.

The Queen Mother let go of a stone, and was worried that this wild girl would cause trouble by relying on her sister and brother-in-law. Fortunately, she accepted the matter quietly.

"Congratulations to the queen mother, the first step of the plan is successful." Wang Momo said.

The queen mother showed a faint smile on her face, "Now we are waiting for the decree to bestow the marriage when Prince Heng's mansion holds a celebration banquet. When the imperial decree is issued, everything is a foregone conclusion, and no one can change it. In this way, you don't have to worry about getting married." Lingyue has harmed Feng Jue."

When she was not the empress dowager, how many people she knew in her hands, it was nothing to worry about.

Wang Momo's eyes flashed, and after a while, after the Queen Mother had a rest in the afternoon, she left the Shouning Palace and met Princess Weirui.

"How is it, nanny?" Wei Rui looked around and asked.

"Princess, don't worry, the matter is over. The Empress Dowager doesn't like Lian Lingyue very much, she can't wait to marry her off, so as to stop His Highness Eleven's thoughts. Now, just wait for the celebration to announce the imperial decree at Prince Heng's Mansion It's gone." Wang Momo said.

"Great." Wei Rui was overjoyed.

Mother Wang felt a little puzzled, and asked, "The princess is trying every means to deal with Prince Weilang and Princess Guchun, just because Prince Weilang really likes Princess Guchun?"

Wei Rui smiled slightly, a blush appeared on her face, and said, "Actually, my brother has someone he likes, and so do I."

Wang Momo's face showed joy, "Oh? I don't know which son it is?"

"Ninth prince, Feng Yunzheng." Wei Rui said without concealing it.

Wang Momo was taken aback, immediately gave a thumbs up, and said, "Okay! Good eyesight!"

"It's just..." Wei Rui sighed, "I heard that he is very devoted, and he only cares about Princess Heng."

"That's right, there is only Prince Heng and Concubine Heng in the Ninth Highness, who is very dedicated, and is regarded as a different kind." Wang Momo said.

"Hey, it's only my fault. I didn't show up at the right time." Wei Rui sighed, glanced at Nanny Wang, and touched the gold bracelet on her wrist.

Three days later.

Prince Heng's Mansion held a celebration banquet to celebrate Ling Yue'er being conferred the title of Princess Guchun. Feng Yunzheng received everyone in the front hall. The congratulatory gifts were almost piled up like a mountain, and a special nurse was required to carry them.

Prince Heng's Mansion seldom held banquets, and there was always a sense of mystery in the capital, and it was heard that Princess An would also appear, so there were a lot of people who wanted to attend this banquet, and everyone was so overwhelmed that they wanted to come in.

And Prince Heng's Mansion has been preparing for this feast since three days ago. The whole mansion is bustling and bustling, with lights and festoons everywhere, beaming with joy, as if very satisfied with Lian Lingyue being canonized as a princess.

In Lian Lingyue's other courtyard.

She is sitting in front of the bronze mirror, and the maids are carefully dressing her up. Today, Princess Guchun Lianyue will be officially revealed at the banquet. From then on, she will enter the impression of people in Kyoto.

At this moment, she looked calm on the surface, but her heart was in a state of ups and downs. Regarding today, she knew that there was hell on one side and heaven on the other, but she didn't know which would come first, heaven or hell.

At this time, Lian Siyue walked in, and she also did some dressing up today. She, who usually likes to be elegant, also put on a red and gold woven sleeveless shirt, a goose-yellow plum lace phoenix skirt, and a pair of earrings pinned to her ears. The earrings inlaid with red gold and emeralds made her look even more dazzling.

"Sister." Lingyue saw Lian Siyue's figure in the bronze mirror, turned her head quickly, and called out.

With a smile on the corner of Lian Siyue's lips, she said, "Sit down, today is your big day, come over here, my sister is so beautiful."

Lingyue blushed, a little embarrassed.

She was wearing all the clothes and jewelry her sister had prepared in the past two days, each of which was carefully selected by her sister.

"Sister, in my mind, you are the noblest and most beautiful woman in the world." Lingyue said sincerely, "Do you still remember the first time we met in the paddock?"

"I will never forget it." Lian Siyue said with a smile, "There is a little princess who is making things difficult. She wants to pretend to be a prey and shoot me with an arrow."

Ling Yue also smiled, and said, "I'll tell you a secret. In fact, when I faced you at that time, I was bluffing. I was very afraid of you in my heart, because I had never seen a person with such a strong aura. What? Needless to say, just looking at me lightly makes me feel timid.

I hated this kind of feeling very much at the time, so I deliberately found trouble with you, and deliberately used my identity as a princess to suppress you.

But then Cheng Yaojin ran out and was very aggressive towards me..."

Ling Yue couldn't help but blushed as she spoke.

"Princess, Eleventh Highness is here." At this moment, Night Breeze reported from outside the courtyard.

"He's here!" Lian Lingyue stood up abruptly, with a look of anticipation dodging on her face, and a blush on her cheeks.

"Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here, you should dress up here, I'll go and see Jue'er, he can't attend the banquet today, but he has promised to come, I will arrange for him to go to the study." Lian Siyue stood up, Said.

"Okay." Lingyue nodded, secretly looking forward to it, but also secretly worried.

When Lian Siyue walked into the study, Feng Jue was already sitting on the chair, wrapped in a blue brocade robe, exuding a touch of luxury and temperament, and the demeanor between the eyebrows was not diminished in any way because of the eye problem.

She suddenly remembered that when she was just reborn, she returned to Lianxiang Mansion from Yaocheng. At that time, the young Lianjue ran in like a gust of wind, with a bright smile on her face.

In that dark moment, he was the only one who gave her a ray of eternal light in Xiangfu, and thinking about it now, it is still the same.

"Je'er..." Lian Siyue called out.

Feng Jue was startled, stood up, and said, "Sister, sister?"

"I'll come and see you, and let you stay calm." Lian Siyue said.

"Sister, I'm still not calm enough." Feng Jue said ashamedly.

"Jue'er, you need to practice calmness. You are on the way of cultivation now. Besides, what you have to face is Ling Yue'er's matter. This is a normal reaction of a man when he is afraid of losing what he loves." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Jue shook his head in shame.

"Okay, Jue'er, let's wait quietly for tonight's result, the guests are almost gone and I'm going out now, you are fine." Lian Siyue said, turned and walked outside...

"Sister." Hearing her footsteps going away, Feng Jue suddenly shouted, "No matter what, I will always remember my sister who was in Lian's house at that time, and Lian Jue who was in Lian's house."

Lian Siyue trembled slightly, and said, "Okay, Jue'er, sister will never forget."

Feng Jue felt the sound of her footsteps going away, so she slowly withdrew her thoughts and began to think about what happened tonight,

In the vestibule.

The guests have arrived one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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