First-class daughter

Chapter 1339 The truth is revealed

Chapter 1339 The truth is revealed
Chapter 1339 The truth is revealed
Seeing everyone's expressions like this, Princess Wei Rui of Mobei didn't take it seriously, and whispered, "Who is this woman, is it amazing to be adopted as a righteous daughter by her?"

The Seventh Princess on the side heard this, her lips curled up slightly, and she said, "This woman? Princess Weirui, you really dare to speak, first figure out what the word An Guo Princess means before you speak."

Hearing what the Seventh Princess said, Wei Rui was slightly taken aback, and said, "Sorry, Seventh Princess, forgive Wei Rui for being narrow-minded, can you tell me what it means?"

"This imperial aunt is the elder sister whom my father respects very much. Women in the Great Zhou Dynasty are not allowed to interfere in the government affairs, except for Princess An Guo. However, Princess An Guo will not interfere in politics easily. Sometimes she will shirk when my father asks her about court affairs. Therefore, the four characters of An Guo Princess mean power, status, and even..." If there is something, the Seventh Princess did not dare to say it clearly, but said, "In short, the noble sons and thousands of princes in the whole capital Ladies and gentlemen, there is no one who does not dream of becoming the righteous daughter of An Guogong. Only Lian Lingyue has achieved this. Even my own princess, I am afraid that I will have to curry favor with her a lot in the future. I say that , do you understand?" Seventh Princess said. .
Wei Rui was taken aback for a moment, the only woman who can interfere in the government affairs?In this way, right and wrong is more powerful than usual.

However, Wei Rui smiled lightly, so what, she still wants to marry her elder brother Wei Lang.


At this moment.

The maid Xueli next to Princess An walked to Lingyue, bent down, and said, "Princess Guchun, the princess told you to call me mother, you call me."

Lingyue couldn't come to her senses for a long time. Princess An asked her to call her mother. This is not a formal recognition of a righteous daughter, but she is really regarded as a daughter.

"Mother!" She opened her mouth and called out, tears fell from her eyes in an instant. It was not because of the honor of being the daughter of An Guogong, but because she was moved and deeply grateful. She and Lian Jue begged her for help, but unexpectedly She actually helped this far.

When Princess An heard the mother, her heart trembled slightly.

She is a legendary woman who combines power and wealth in the whole world, but she has never enjoyed the feeling of being a mother, and she has never heard anyone call her a mother. At this moment, when Lingyue called her like that, she actually felt a little moved in her heart.

"Good boy, from tomorrow onwards, you will move to Princess An's Mansion and stay with me. From now on, you will no longer be a man without father and mother. You have your own palace." Princess An said.

The sentence "You have my own palace" is the best gift!

This sentence once again shocked all the people present. Moving into Princess An's Mansion means that Princess An really regards Princess Guchun as her real daughter. Inherited by Princess Guchun?

This Lian Lingyue, how could she be so lucky? What good deeds did she do in her previous life to receive such good care in this life? Moreover, it can be seen that Princess An is not using her as a pawn, but truly loves her.

"Aunt Huang, thank you Siyue for kowtowing to you." Even Siyue's cold heart was touched. If it is said that everyone does things for their own purposes, then Princess An recognized Lingyue as a righteous daughter. It is purely out of loyalty to help, or in other words, to find a companion.

Princess An Guo said, "It's not easy for you. At that time, hundreds of people in your family disappeared overnight, and Yun Zheng was not in Beijing. You alone took care of the loss of hundreds of people in an orderly manner. Now you have to take care of your younger siblings, so I will take care of you."

Princess An's words also reveal her appreciation for Lian Siyue and her closer relationship than ordinary people.

"Aunt Huang, thank you Yun Zheng!" Feng Yunzheng stood beside Lian Siyue and bowed.

"Okay, don't thank me again and again, it seems unreasonable, let's continue the banquet, I have to go to the palace first, report this matter to the queen mother and the emperor, and let Yue'er sleep in Prince Heng's mansion again." In the evening, I will go to the Princess Mansion tomorrow, so you can tell your heartfelt words." Princess An said.

"Princess An Guo, if Princess Guchun marries me, Mobei, she will leave from Princess An's mansion?" At this moment, a very discordant voice suddenly came from the audience.

Everyone looked back, only to see that Mobei Princess Wei Rui stood up and said.

"Wei Rui! Hurry up and back down!" Wei Lang didn't expect the younger sister to be restless again, so he hurriedly stopped.

But Wei Rui's words had reached Princess An's ears, and she stopped immediately.

There was silence in the hall, and they mourned silently for Princess Weirui. This princess has no purpose, she has become Princess An's adoptive daughter and moved to live in the Princess Mansion.

"Where did the pheasant come from, making a noise in front of this palace?" Princess An yelled, and immediately, everyone lowered their heads.

Even Wei Rui herself was taken aback, her legs went limp.

Lian Siyue showed a slight smile at the corner of her lips, this Princess Weirui was really muffled, and she wanted to teach her a lesson, but now it's not her turn.

She stepped forward and said, "Aunt Huang, this isn't a pheasant, it's Princess Wei Wei of Mobei."

"Wei Rui pays homage to Princess An Guo." Wei Rui stepped forward and followed Mo Bei's courtesy.

"Hmph." Princess An snorted coldly, not paying attention to Wei Rui at all, and said in public, "Little Mobei, she wants to be picky and picky when she asks for a kiss. Even my daughter dares to covet it. It's really slippery." It's a big joke."

"...Hahaha..." Immediately, the audience roared with laughter.

Wei Rui's face turned pale immediately, she never expected that Princess An would not show any sympathy, and even ridiculed the Mobei Xiongnu in public.

Wei Lang, on the other hand, was self-aware, and hurried forward, knelt down, and said, "Princess Anguo, please forgive me, Wei Lang has no way to teach my sister, and Princess Guchun is a star in the sky. Xiao Wang dare not think too much, please ask the princess Calm down."

After Lian Siyue heard this, she took another look at Wei Lang, this Wei Lang has been here since he came to the capital, and it's his duty to have a younger sister who is unwilling to be lonely, as if wishing to swallow Yun Zheng every time.

"Brother, Queen Mother..."

"Shut up!" Wei Rui wanted to say something, but was blocked by Wei Lang.

"There is one thing, I originally wanted to announce it some other day. Since that's the case, I'll say it in advance. Regarding Princess Guchun's husband-in-law, I have already made plans in my heart. No one is allowed to think about my daughter!" Princess An announced in public.

Princess Weirui was taken aback for a moment, already has plans?Well, doesn't that mean her plan has failed?

However, the empress dowager meant that Lian Lingyue would be betrothed to her elder brother to be the princess of the Xiongnu.

After hearing Princess An's words, everyone couldn't help guessing, what kind of marriage would Princess An choose for Princess Guchun?

"Siyue, send me out, I have something to tell you." Princess An Guo turned her head and said to Lian Siyue.

(End of this chapter)

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