First-class daughter

Chapter 1340 The crime of deceiving the king

Chapter 1340 The crime of deceiving the king
Chapter 1340 The crime of deceiving the king
"Yes, princess." Lian Siyue got up, and walked out with Princess An under the gaze of everyone. .
After a while, she came in with a thoughtful look on her face.

Feng Yunzheng was waiting for her at the door, and when she came in, she stepped forward and asked, "Yue'er, what did Aunt Huang say? You look serious"

"Warning." Lian Siyue said.

"Warning?" Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled slightly.

"Princess An Guo said: The Empress Dowager is old, so it is inevitable that she is a little confused. You who are juniors, you should be more considerate. In the folks, you are just a grandmother who is good for your children and grandchildren." Lian Siyue repeated what Princess An Guo said, "Worthy of being Princess An, what I said was a bit bitter, but it clearly reminded us that no matter what the queen mother does, we can't blame her. This is her mother. Therefore, we are right about the white fox. The Empress Dowager is right to keep some, otherwise Princess An would not recognize Princess Guchun as her adoptive daughter. For some people, it is always right to keep a line in everything."

"Aunt Huang's heart is as deep as dust. Although she seldom goes out in the princess mansion for the past six months, the outside affairs can't escape her eyes. Back then we planned to let the Empress Dowager step down from Concubine Liu's affairs, but finally stopped. If so, she will definitely Will protect my own mother." Feng Yunzheng said.

"It's a great favor for her to recognize Ling Yue'er as a righteous daughter. In the future, we will remember to prevent the queen mother from doing things that are not good for us. This is a reward for Princess An." Lian Siyue said.

"..." Feng Yunzheng nodded, and said, "Presumably the emperor's aunt will have a long talk with the emperor's grandmother when she enters the palace, I hope the emperor's grandmother will not target you two sisters again."

at the banquet.

Lingyue still felt a little dazed, and everyone had taken turns to congratulate her before she came back to her senses.

And that Wei Rui clenched her fists tightly, her face flushed red, she was really ashamed to be reprimanded by Princess An of the Great Zhou just now, so her resentment towards Lian Lingyue deepened.

And Wei Lang walked up to Lian Lingyue with the wine glass, put his left hand on his right shoulder, bowed and said, "Princess Guchun, congratulations, Wei Lang respects you."

He had a sincere expression on his face, and when facing Lian Lingyue, he was a little cautious, for fear of offending the meaning of the beautiful woman in his heart.

Although Lian Lingyue didn't like the Xiongnu, she didn't show any repulsion when facing the honest prince. Instead, she picked up the wine glass and said, "Thank you, Prince Weilang."

Wei Lang drank the fine wine in the cup in one gulp, his fleshy face flushed slightly, and said, "Don't take what Wei Wei said just now, you are a star in the sky, and I am just a speck of dust on the ground, no matter what , dare not think too much."

"Prince Weilang, you are a good person, I believe you will find what you love." Lian Lingyue said with a slight smile on her face.

Wei Rui looked at his elder brother's cautious expression when talking to Lian Lingyue, and said, "Worthless, you are a man and I am a woman, otherwise, I will grab the person I like no matter what."

"Princess, that Princess Heng doesn't look easy to mess with, and Princess An Guo looks even more difficult to mess with, let's forget it, the prince has given up. Mo Bei is not the opponent of Da Zhou, nor are we the opponent of these women. Hu Lan was a little scared, the aura of Princess An Guo was so powerful just now, her legs were weak.

"It's really worthless!" Wei Rui couldn't help being very angry when she saw her brother and her servants insulting others like this, and hurriedly left Prince Heng's mansion before the banquet was over.


And Lian Lingyue, who stayed at the banquet to accept the congratulations from everyone, was also a little absent-minded. She was always thinking about another person in her heart. With an excited heart, he ran towards the study.


Feng Jue was sitting in front of the desk, holding a palace fan in his hand, pursing his lips tightly, the expression on his face looked calm, but in fact, his heart was in a state of turmoil, if it wasn't Princess An who was waiting, It was the queen mother's will to marry Lingyue to Mobei, so he would immediately enter the palace to face the saint.

"Lian Jue!" At this moment, the door of the study was pushed open suddenly, and a gust of fragrant wind blew in.

"Eleventh!" Feng Jue stood up abruptly, his heart skipped a beat, he felt he had never been so nervous, "How?"

"Here we come!" Lian Lingyue said.

"Who? Who's here?" Feng Jue asked tremblingly.

"Princess An Guo." Lian Lingyue couldn't hide the excitement in her heart, and said, "She announced that she would accept me as a adopted daughter, and she will live in the Princess Mansion tomorrow. Then Princess Weirui said that I would be married to Mo Bei. Stopped her in public, saying she had delusional disorder."

"Great! Eleven!" Feng Jue quietly held Lingyue's hand, tears almost welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, yes, it's really great, Lian Jue, no matter whether the queen mother's order comes or not, I don't have to go to Mobei anymore." Lian Lingyue said excitedly.

Feng Jue let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Next, I will prepare for a good day to report to my father and marry us two."

When Lingyue heard this, she couldn't help but blushed, lowered her head slightly, and said, "I, I haven't said I want to marry you yet."

Feng Jue couldn't see Ling Yue's shy expression, and thought she really didn't want to marry, so she said anxiously, "Then, what will happen, you are willing to marry me, Eleven!"

"I..." Lingyue blushed until she was about to bleed.

"How about you, you said, as long as I can do it, I will do it, even if I can't do it now, I will try my best to do it, Eleven." Feng Jue was sincere and enthusiastic, just like the fiery young man back then.

"Idiot Lianjue, I won't tell you!" Ling Yue lowered her head, turned around and ran out.

Lian Jue is so stupid and bad, why keep asking her such questions face to face, she is a girl, how can she be so straightforward, she is really stupid!

"Hey, eleven, eleven..." Feng Jue ran out in a hurry, but because he was not familiar with the terrain, the chairs and vases were crackling.

Seeing this, Sijiu quickly ran in and said, "Ah, my dear Highness, Princess Guchun is from a girl's family. How dare she answer what you said."

"You mean, she ran away because she was shy?" A smile suddenly appeared on Feng Jue's face.

"Of course, her face is flushed, but the corners of her lips are smiling, which means she is shy." Sijiu said.

"So that's how it was. I broke out in a cold sweat and thought she wouldn't marry me." Feng Jue said with a heartbroken heart, showing a silly smile.

Not far away, in the dark night.

A slender and cold figure watched Lian Lingyue running past him, and slowly looked towards the direction of the study.

Feng Yu said in disbelief, "It turns out that Feng Jue's eyes are blind, so the reason why he didn't go to court was not because he caught the cold, but because he was blind. Isn't this a crime of deceiving the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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