First-class daughter

Chapter 1341 Follow my wish

Chapter 1341 Follow my wish
Chapter 1341 Follow my wish
"Hush." ​​Feng Ye put his finger between Feng Yu's lips, and said, "Brother Liu Wang, we didn't see anything, let's go."

As he spoke, a calculating expression crossed the corner of his lips. .
Shouning Palace.

"It's almost done. The imperial decree of granting marriage can be sent to Prince Heng's residence." The queen mother ordered.

"Yes, Empress Dowager, this slave will go to Rongyuan Hall to get the imperial decree." Zuo Gong said fairly.

At this moment, Liang Degui came to see him outside the door. When he saw the Queen Mother, he knelt down on his knees and said, "I want to report to the Queen Mother, the emperor's imperial decree to marry Princess Guchun and Prince Mobei has been burned."

"What? Burned?" The queen mother stood up abruptly when she heard this, and said, "What's going on? The Ai family had already made an agreement with the emperor yesterday, why did they suddenly go back on their word..."

"Mother, mother, my daughter is here." At this moment, Princess An Guo walked in all the way, calling the queen mother enthusiastically and heartily, with a beaming look on her face, she took the queen mother's hand and said, "Mother queen, daughter Come to see you."

Seeing this daughter, the Empress Dowager's complexion became a little better, and she said, "Here we come, Aijia still thinks that you may be in a bad mood recently, and plans to talk to you in the palace tomorrow."

"Mother, my daughter is in a good mood. The incident with the son-in-law is over. Besides, my daughter is here today, and I have good news for my mother." Princess An said with a smile.

"Oh? What good news?" The Queen Mother asked, holding her hand.

"I found a granddaughter for my mother." An Guo Princess blinked and said.

"Granddaughter?" The queen mother froze for a moment, looking at Princess An's abdomen.

"Pfft! Haha, queen mother, you are so cute." Seeing the look in the queen mother's eyes, Princess An laughed, "It's because I want a child, so I recognized a foster daughter, and I will take her into the mansion tomorrow. Come and stay with me."

The queen mother was taken aback, and said in surprise, "A foster daughter? Still moving into the princess mansion? Which girl are you looking for?"

"Actually, you also know Lian Lingyue, the daughter of the Lian family." Princess An Guo said with a smile, "I like that child so much, she is clean, transparent, and sincere."

"What?" The Queen Mother stood up abruptly when she heard this, "Who are you talking about?"

"Princess Guchun you just made, didn't you like her so you made her a princess? The daughter saw that her mother liked her, so she simply accepted her as a righteous daughter. Anyway, the daughter can't bear children at this age. It's more fun to accompany the children by your side." Princess An continued to speak carelessly.

"You!" The queen mother's face turned pale, "Cong'an, you are still stupid in front of the queen mother, you can clearly think of why she was conferred the title of princess, and you deliberately rushed to recognize her as righteous in front of the queen mother." Girl, have you also been bewitched by that girl and her sister, otherwise, there are so many children in the capital city, how many people want to be your adopted daughter and adopted son, and you have never been tempted, but it is cheaper even the girl of the family!" ( The princess is Cong'an, and Chun'an was wrongly written earlier.)
"Mother's Queen." Princess An said coquettishly, "How dare my daughter deliberately snatch you in front of you."

"You also said that you went to the emperor first to let him destroy the imperial decree! Didn't you make it clear that you were against the queen mother on purpose?" The queen mother deliberately said with a straight face.

"Queen, Cong'an can't hide anything from you, it's still the same as when I was a child." Princess An said, resting her head on the Queen Mother's arm.

"Tell me, why did you do this? What's so good about that girl, that she was adopted as a foster daughter and kept by her side. This is the treatment of a real daughter. You and the queen mother are so hard to get through. You have to face her." Come." The Queen Mother said angrily.

"Mother's queen." Princess An Guo sat up and said, "My daughter is seriously ill, and the imperial doctor said that her time is numbered, but because of that girl, her illness has improved a lot. Speaking of which, she is a panacea, a lifesaver. .”

When the Queen Mother heard this, her heart trembled, "Cong'an, what are you talking about, you are seriously ill, and you won't have much time? What does this mean? Why doesn't the Ai family know anything?"

"It's my daughter who told everyone in the mansion not to talk nonsense, so that the empress mother can worry about it." Princess An Guo said.

"What the hell is going on?" The queen mother was extremely worried.

"It's Xue Renfu. The imperial doctor said that her daughter has been depressed for many years and is terminally ill. When she opened her mouth and let out that breath, the blood gradually went smoothly. If it wasn't for the courage of Lingyue, she gave Xue Renfu a piece of paper without telling me. My daughter still doesn't know how to sort out the grievances and grievances of these years." Princess An Guo sighed slightly, thinking of the person who once grew up on the tip of her heart, she still felt heartbroken, after all, it was pulled out abruptly .

"Well, what's going on here? Isn't Xue Renfu in love with you? Isn't it because you have a new love that you reconciled with him?" The Queen Mother looked astonished.

"Mother, you are really a daughter." Princess An told the Queen Mother about the events of these years.

"Xue Renfu, a bastard who doesn't know what is good or bad, actually abused my good daughter like this. Isn't this bullying us? The Ai family will immediately issue an order to kill the entire Xue family!" The queen mother was so angry that her face was livid, and she stood up suddenly.

"Queen." Princess An said softly, "That's the one I loved."

The empress dowager was so angry that her eye circles turned red, and she said with a trembling voice, "My Cong'an has suffered so much, and the Ai family and the emperor don't know about it, you silly girl, why are you so stupid, and pretend to be so stupid every time?" You are so good, let us think that Xue Renfu is obedient to you, you..."

"Mother's Queen." An Guo Princess said, "My daughter loves him, so she is happy with her. She doesn't feel bitter at all, but it's all over, she's reconciled and divorced, so Mother's Queen doesn't have to worry about it."

The queen mother raised her hand to caress Princess An's face, and said sadly, "My Cong'an, for this man, ended up not even having a child of her own."

"So, Queen Mother, I like Ling Yue'er. When she was the Eleventh Princess, I liked this girl the most. Queen Mother will do what I want, and give her to me. Don't marry her in Mobei. Daughter Living to this point, I don’t lack anything, but I lack some sincerity, I have observed for a long time, this child is a good one, take her as a righteous daughter.” Princess An said.

The queen mother sighed deeply, and said, "You've said that, and you really like her, so you can do what you want, but if that girl hurts you without knowing what is good or bad, Aijia will take care of you." Divide her body into pieces and let her family be buried with her!"

"Queen Mother, if that girl is really like this, let alone you, my daughter will not spare her." Princess An hugged the Queen Mother's arm, leaning on her, and said.

The Empress Dowager sighed, "Don't go back today, stay in the Shouning Palace and accompany the Empress Dowager."

(End of this chapter)

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