First-class daughter

Chapter 1343 Sending him out of the palace

Chapter 1343 Sending him out of the palace
Chapter 1343 Sending him out of the palace
A slight smile appeared on the corners of Feng Ye's lips, shaking the palace fan, he walked towards the Rong Yuan Hall.

Father, Father, you thought Feng Jue was a ray of white moonlight in this palace, but my son will let you see that he is actually a flood dragon that has been lurking in the deep pool for a long time, waiting to bite back. People are terrible.

Feng Ye knew that her father was suspicious by nature, and hated her sons and daughters and courtiers lying to her the most, so she said that the thirteenth emperor's sister, Feng Tangyao, used to be her father's favorite daughter, but because he discovered Feng Tangyao's true face, she fell out of favor. , until now, even getting married has become a difficult problem. If Concubine Lian Shu hadn't been uplifting, and later gave birth to fourteenth princes, she might still be living in the cold palace.

Father is such a person, once he becomes ruthless, it is difficult to change his mind.

Feng Jue was blind, and if he didn't hide it, it was hard not to make the suspicious him feel disgusted by Feng Jue.

and so……

Feng Ye raised his eyes, looked at the words "Rongyuan Hall", the smile on his lips deepened, and he said to the eunuch at the door, "If this king wants to pay a visit to Father Emperor."

"Yes, Your Highness the Eighth Prince, please wait a moment, the servant will report right away."

After a while, the servant came out and said, "The emperor invites His Highness Eighth to enter."

Feng Ye raised his foot, walked over the three steps in front of him, and walked into the Rongyuan Hall.

"Cough..." Emperor Zhou Cheng coughed slightly from behind the curtain, and the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine permeated the hall. Feng Ye felt as if he wanted to vomit. Why did the smell of the medicine change?like

"My son has met my father, long live my father." Feng Ye knelt in the hall and bowed his head.

"Ye'er is here." A slightly vicissitudes voice came, Feng Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, father, father, I have nothing wrong with you, why do you treat me like this?

"Father, my son came to plead guilty." He said with a humble and cautious voice.

"Father's dragon body is sick, but my sons can't help me. I watched my father suffer from the pain. My sons can't sleep at night. One is worried about my father's dragon body, and the other sons have been in charge of the country. I am always trembling and trembling, for fear that I will fail my father's great trust and disappoint my father, thinking about it today, I feel very anxious, so I want to come to my father and tell my son that I feel useless." Feng Ye said, with a trace of helplessness and warmth in his eyes. Pain, this kind of affection will not be too much, and let people really feel his sadness and helplessness.

"Ye'er..." Emperor Zhou Cheng revealed a gratifying smile on his lips, and said, "You are doing well, and you have done a good job. Father is very satisfied. You don't need to be so trembling, just let go boldly."

very good?very satisfied?A sternness and sarcasm flashed across Feng Ye's eyes, since he is satisfied, why are you playing tricks on me, Father!
"Yes, father." Feng Ye showed a look of emotion on his face, "as long as my son is affirmed by father, I will feel at ease. It has been like this since I was a child. I only hope that I can become a son that father likes, father. "As he said, there were tears in his eyes. The tears were not intentional, but the thought of the intimacy with Emperor Zhou Cheng, and the thoughts of each other, and the fate of the mother and concubine. to.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes trembled slightly, and after a while, he said, "Ye'er, Father has neglected you for a while."

"No." Feng Ye shook his head, "Father didn't neglect my son, but because I felt sorry for my father, I never dared to get too close to my father. I was afraid that when my father saw my son, I would... think of it and don't want to think about it." People who are afraid that the father will be disappointed with the son because of this..."

"Ye' are a very good child, you have been like this since you were a child, so your father loved you the most when you were young and had high hopes for you. Even though your mother and concubine are like this later, your father still can't bear to implicate you, So I tried my best to save you." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Yes, I know this, so I am very grateful to my father, I am afraid that my efforts will not be worthy of my father's favor." Feng Ye said tremblingly.

"You don't have to think so hard. Father wants to ask you another matter." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Father, please tell me." Feng Ye knew that Emperor Zhou Cheng was going to start asking questions about Feng Jue, and a wicked look flashed in his eyes.

"What do you think about Feng Jue?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"My son is guilty!" Feng Ye said.

"Oh? What is Ye'er guilty of?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"I was negligent. Yesterday, when I participated in the celebration banquet of Princess Guchun's conferment of the moon, I found out that the eleventh emperor's eyes were blind. It turned out that he had been blind for many days. I always thought that he was just suffering from a cold. It's because the minister doesn't care enough about him, as a brother he's far inferior to a younger brother of the Nine Emperors."

In fact, Feng Ye's words revealed a central thought in the open and in the dark: Feng Jue even deceived him, Feng Jue and Feng Yunzheng deceived Emperor Zhou Cheng together.

Sure enough, Emperor Zhou Cheng's face darkened, and he asked, "Why do you think Jue'er kept this matter from me?"

"My son thinks, he didn't do it on purpose. It should be because he felt that the royal father was sick and couldn't bear to let the royal father worry about it, so he didn't tell the truth." Feng Ye said, of course he would not be so stupid as to be in the Zhou Dynasty at this time. Speaking ill of Feng Jue in front of Emperor Cheng, even if it could anger him, once he came to his senses, he, Feng Ye, would only end up hurting his brother, and the thing that father disliked the most was the killing of brothers.

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned slightly.

After Feng Ye left the Rongyuan Hall, he breathed a sigh of relief, the first step of this plan has been implemented, and then, it is time to start amplifying the move!
Emperor Zhou Cheng sat on the dragon seat for a long time, his eyes were slightly cold, and his face was thoughtful, Jueer, isn't that what he thought?That child's heart is the purest. Could it be that he has misjudged him?
"Your Majesty..." At this time, a voice came from behind the curtain, and he came back to his senses and returned to the back of the curtain.

I saw that the face of the person lying on the bed was completely wrapped in white gauze, only a pair of eyes were exposed, and the eyes were closed, looking very calm, as if he was just asleep, and he was checking his recovery.

"How?" Emperor Zhou Cheng asked, his gaze fell on Feng Qianyue's face.

"Your Majesty, I have already changed the face of this person, and it will take a little longer to reveal it." Divine Doctor Wu said.

"I plan to send him out of the palace, and I have already found a place to put him. You go with him to take care of his face. When he is completely healed, I will find a way. From now on, you will be his man." Zhou Chengdi ordered .

"Yes, I obey."

Emperor Zhou Cheng called Liang Degui over again and asked, "Has the place been arranged?"

"Going back to the emperor, it's already been arranged. That place is beautiful with beautiful mountains and rivers, surrounded by immortal energy, and it's the most suitable place to take care of your body." Liang Degui bowed and said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng said slowly, "I hope that place can get rid of the unhappiness and evil thoughts in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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