First-class daughter

Chapter 1344: Phoenix's Counterattack

Chapter 1344: Phoenix's Counterattack

Chapter 1344: Phoenix's Counterattack

After Feng Yu heard Feng Ye's words, a burst of cold sweat broke out on Feng Yu's back, "You, do you really want to do this?"

"I've always thought this way, but I was just waiting for an opportunity. Now that the opportunity comes, I have nothing to hesitate." Feng Ye said.

"But..." Feng Yu was still a little uneasy, "Feng Ye, you have to think clearly, if the deeds are revealed, it will be forever."

"Feng Yu, it's not me, Feng Ye, who should be doomed forever!" Feng Ye was suddenly agitated, and a flash of pain flashed in his eyes, "Feng Yu, tell me, what did I do wrong? I want to be blocked by my father as a substitute for Feng Jue!" The man with the knife? Why me? Why not Feng Yunzheng? Why did you turn me from the proud son of heaven into a ridiculous tool. Everyone thinks that I, Feng Ye, supervise the country and are valued by my father, but in fact, my father just pulled me Come to the front, let everyone look at me, use my flesh and blood body to block those who will hurt Feng Jue!

If I hadn't arranged for someone to know in advance that my father's true intention was to establish Feng Jue as the crown prince, I would still be stupid and desperately trying to be the one who blocked the knife.

However, now I have to thank my father, thank him for not immediately announcing the idea of ​​the crown prince candidate in order to remove obstacles for Feng Jue, otherwise I would not have time to fight for myself.

As Feng Ye spoke, he felt unwilling, painful, and even...despaired, Feng Yu looked at his younger brother distressedly, "Eighth brother..."

"Feng Jue has made great achievements in battle, do I have less achievements in battle than him? Did I suffer fewer injuries on the battlefield than him?"

Feng Ye rolled up his sleeves, and a centipede-like scar was entangled on his arm, which was hideous and terrifying, "At that time, the father sent me to fight, and he held my hand and said, Ye'er, the father needs you to win the battle now, Da Zhou You want to establish your prestige in the Central Plains, let all nations congratulate you, and your father wants you to return in triumph.

Because of this sentence, the tendons in my arm were cut off, and I almost became half a useless person. At that time, I always kept in mind what my father said, and dragged a pair of hands that were almost broken, all the way forward Kill the past and hang the flag of Dazhou in the enemy camp.

I won the battle, my father said happily, thanks to me, Yeer!hehe!

Feng Jue captured the Great King of Nanyuan, I have captured the King of Xixia before, have I done less meritorious service than him?

Everyone said that I am literary and martial arts, and I was gifted and intelligent since I was a child. Am I any worse than Feng Jue?Do I deserve to be his tool?

How long has it been since he returned to his father's side?And I grew up beside my father!

why me?Why is it me? "

There was sadness and sympathy in Feng Yu's eyes, and she said, "You really didn't do anything wrong, what you got was far less than what you gave. But Feng Ye, in fact, it was your mother and concubine who harmed you, she In order to pave the way for you, Feng Jue, who was originally the prince, was exchanged outside the palace, if Feng Jue hadn't been so fateful, he might have died too."

"..." Feng Ye closed his eyes in pain.

"So, Feng Ye..."

"Stop talking! I have made up my mind. I want to turn the abyss in front of me into a flat river, and I want to turn the sharp mountain in front of me into a sunny avenue." Feng Ye said, his eyes were cold, and a determined expression flashed across his face .

"Then, have you already deployed everything?" Feng Yu asked.

"Yin Huai." Feng Ye called out.

Yin Huai bowed his head, walked in a few steps, bowed, and said, "Your Highness, I am humbled."

"This king wants you to lead someone to do something." Feng Ye handed the stack of things on the desk to Yin Huai, "This is what you have to do."

Yin Huai took a look, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes, "Your"

Feng Ye stared coldly, and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

"I don't dare, I will do it right now, Your Highness, please rest assured, no matter what, I will definitely complete the task." Yin Huai said, and immediately took what Feng Ye gave him, and left the study.

Feng Yu looked at Feng Ye thoughtfully, her heart sank slowly.

Feng Ye walked up to him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You are still willing to be by my side, which is already the greatest encouragement and trust. You should not participate in this matter, keep your distance from me recently, go out Let's go study."

It has always been like this, Feng Ye will let Feng Yu avoid any dangerous things.

The corners of Feng Yu's lips slightly raised, revealing a forced smile, and said, "Feng Ye, let me be with you this time, I won't leave, I am beside your deep abyss and fierce mountain."

"Brother Six..."

"Do you really think that I am a person without desires? In fact, I am also ambitious... Hahaha..." Feng Yu said with a smile.

Ming An Palace.

A slight indifferent smile appeared on the corner of Feng Jue's lips, and said, "It turns out that the person last night was Brother Bawang."

"Last night? Did anything happen last night?" Feng Yunzheng was slightly stunned and asked.

"Yesterday when I was talking to Sijiu in the study, I found a voice outside..." Feng Jue recounted the thing about finding a figure outside the window last night.

Sijiu on the side had already turned pale. Hearing what Feng Jue said, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said regretfully, "Your Highness, this slave deserves to die, this slave deserves to die! It's because this slave didn't observe carefully that he didn't notice the person outside the window." It is His Highness the Eighth Prince."

"You don't have to blame yourself anymore, you can't be the opponent of Brother Eighth Prince." Feng Jue said.

"I'm sorry for your highness, the servant, it's all bad for the servant." Sijiu was still filled with regret.

"Okay, you go down first." Feng Jue said.

"Yes." Sijiu withdrew while wiping away tears.

"It's better to transfer Zhang Ji and others back from the army to serve by your side." Feng Yunzheng said, "Your safety is the most important right now."

"Then what should we do now? The last time you went to the palace, the emperor asked how you were, and you only said that you had a cold. Is this considered deceiving the emperor? But the emperor has always been suspicious. He knew that you were blind but didn't say anything. It is inevitable that there will be bad associations, will you be punished." Lian Lingyue said anxiously.

The situation has just gotten better, what if something happens to Lian Jue again?
"Do you want to go to the palace immediately and tell the emperor that Xie Jinran hid a poisonous scorpion in his cloak to harm you, and I was bitten too, I can testify, oh, and, as you said, that scorpion seller Farmer, get all these people here and explain to the emperor what happened. You are a victim, you are blind because of this, you are not someone who is scheming and intentionally deceived your father." Lian Lingyue said, feeling really sorry for Feng Jue. Distressed and uneasy, this journey has gone, Feng Jue's life has been full of ups and downs, wind and rain, and has not had a good life for a few days. Now, she really can't bear to watch him suffer again.

"Ling Yueer, what we can think of, Feng Ye has thought of it a long time ago, and the matter of the scorpion was Xie Jinran's scheme, Feng Ye should have known it a long time ago, and it was even possible that he was directly involved in it at that time, he just didn't know the trick. I'm blind, and those farmers and related people, I'm afraid they have already taken care of it." Feng Yunzheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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