First-class daughter

Chapter 1345 Feng Ye's Pain

Chapter 1345 Feng Ye's Pain

Chapter 1345 Feng Ye's Pain

"Your Highness." At this moment, Night Breeze hurried in and said, "Your Highness is right, the farmer selling scorpions died last night, and according to his family, he accidentally fell into a pile of scorpions and was bitten by a group of scorpions." died of poisoning. Now, the whole field has been burned down."

"What..." Lingyue gasped, "His Highness Eight moves so fast!"

"He has been preparing for a long time. The matter of food and grass in Shanhaiguan, and the matter of Xie Jinran before, are all just probing. Now it should be the ultimate move. The previous few times, he was able to do it with ease. No matter what happens, he can fight the whole body. Retire, it can be seen that he is a very formidable opponent." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Lingyue looked at Feng Jue, and said, "Your eyesight is bad now, and you are inconvenient. Facing his offensive, I am afraid that you will be limited everywhere. In this way, our chances of winning are very small, right?"

Feng Jue's gray-black eyes exuded a touch of coldness, and said, "Brother Ba Wang so much hopes that the emperor will have a suspicion against me, and so hope that I will be suspected, it must be his first step to expose my blindness. There must be a plan waiting for me, he is a master of the game, and I am his pawn, if I follow his way of thinking to solve the crisis, no matter what, in the eyes of my father, I will become A deceitful, hypocritical phoenix formula."

"So, Jue'er, what is your plan?" Feng Yunzheng asked, and from Feng Jue's firm expression, he knew that he had a countermeasure.

"Brother Eight Princes intentionally told the news, just to let my father think that I have the throne in my heart, so I don't hesitate to lie to him. If I can make my father believe that my blindness is not because of Xie Jinran's poisonous scorpion, but because of my father's words, I think On the contrary, my father will trust me even more.

"It's true that there were poisonous scorpions in the cloak that Xie Jinran gave me, but I noticed it early in the morning, so I threw the cloak away. I was not bitten, poisoned, or injured. The reason for my blindness lies with my father. I I lost my sight because of my father."

"Feng Jue said.

Feng Yunzheng nodded slightly, "Feng Ye is playing psychological tactics this time. He makes full use of Father's character to break down the trust between Father and you. Once trust is disintegrated, it will be difficult to build up. Looking at the In the past, no one who was suspected by the father was reused, or even gradually marginalized, no matter whether it was the ministers of the court or the princes and grandchildren, without exception. So your first step to deal with it is not to directly and Feng Ye opposed, but chose to keep your father's trust in you, this is the correct way.

"The emperor is suspicious by nature, will he trust you?" Lian Lingyue was still worried, would Feng Jue be better than the scheming eighth prince?The eighth prince grew up in the palace, and he has been fascinated by everything in the palace
"Let's give it a try." Feng Jue said, "Ling Yue'er, don't worry, I've been on the battlefield anyway, I'm not easily defeated, I still want to live a good life with you."

When Lingyue heard this, her heart pounded.

Rongyuan Hall.

Feng Jue knelt in front of the hall, Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at him with a pair of deep eyes, and said, "Jue'er, raise your head and let me see your eyes."

"Yes, Royal Father." Feng Jue slowly raised his head.

Emperor Zhou Cheng leaned forward slightly and looked at it, only to realize that Feng Jue's eyes were not the crystal black before, but a layer of gray, confused and sad.

"Jue'er, your eyes..." Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart trembled, what a pair of bright eyes they used to be, when he saw them for the first time, he was touched by the bright and clear eyes.

But now, these eyes have lost their brilliance and agility, as if the morning star in the dark night has disappeared, and they are confused and gloomy.

He felt sorry for him, felt distressed.


Emperor Zhou Cheng clenched his fists in his sleeves, but he hid it from him, didn't tell him about his father, and even said in front of his face that he needed to recuperate from the cold.

"What's going on here? Why are you blind? Why didn't you tell Father? If it wasn't for your eighth brother, I would have been kept in the dark." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Going back to my father, I was accidentally injured, I hurt my eyes, I have no excuse, my son is guilty, I shouldn't hide it from my father." Feng Jue said.

"Injured? What kind of injury? Blindness is not a trivial matter, Jue'er, I hope you will tell the truth." Emperor Zhou Cheng continued to ask.

"Father!" Feng Jue bent down and prostrated on the ground, as if unwilling to elaborate on the reason, said, "My son is guilty, please punish Father."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's loving eyes gradually darkened, and he said, "Since you don't want to elaborate, I won't force you, you can go back first, your eyes need to be treated and you can recover as soon as possible. Healthy you."

"Yes, thank you, Father, I will keep this in mind." Feng Jue stood up, and slowly left the Rongyuan Hall with the support of the servants.

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned slightly, and said, "Liang Degui, look at the eleventh prince, why don't you open your heart to me?"

"Your Majesty." Liang Degui stepped forward and said, "I don't know about it, but I feel that, as His Highness the Eleventh, he would not intentionally deceive the Emperor."

"Really?" Emperor Zhou Cheng stood up slowly and said, "I really want to know why he concealed it."

"Prince Rong, please see me." At this moment, Doctor Rong came outside to see you.

"Let him in." Zhou Chengdi said.

As soon as Doctor Rong came in, he knelt down in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, and said, "The emperor forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned slightly, and said, "What is your crime?"

"His Eleventh Prince's eyes, yes, it's the fault of his humble position, and it's his humble position that caused His Eleventh Prince to lose his eyes." Imperial Physician Rong said sadly.

"What's going on, be more specific."

"His Eleventh Highness is full of filial piety. Seeing that the emperor's dragon body is always ill, he urged the humble official to study a prescription that can take care of the emperor's body. A few days ago, the humble official prepared a new medicine, but the Eleventh Highness said that this new medicine cannot be taken directly by the emperor. He offered to test the medicine first, and the emperor would take it after confirming that it was not harmful to the body. However, he often did not expect that there was something wrong with my medicine. His Highness drank it three times in a row, and his eyes became a little blurred, and then became more and more blurred. It became like this." Imperial Physician Rong regretted it hard, "In any case, the humble official should not let His Highness the Eleventh test the medicine, everyone deserves to die!" Imperial Physician Rong knelt on the ground and cried.

"What..." Emperor Zhou Cheng was taken aback, "Did Jue'er become blind because he wanted to test medicine for me?"

"The prescription is still here, please look it up..." Imperial Physician Rong took out a prescription and said.

Never thought that Jue'er was trying to test the medicine for him?
This kid, why didn't you say it just now?
(End of this chapter)

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