First-class daughter

Chapter 1346 Feng Ye's Ultimate Move

Chapter 1346 Feng Ye's Ultimate Move

Chapter 1346 Feng Ye's Ultimate Move

Inside Rongyuan Hall:

The sixth prince, Feng Yu, the eighth prince, Feng Ye, and the two ministers of the Ministry of War, Han Chen and Zhao Mou, knelt in the hall.

"Your Majesty, the ministers and others believe that His Highness the Eleventh is currently suffering from eye problems and is really not suitable for continuing to be in charge of training the army. We specifically ask the Emperor to change the candidate so as not to neglect the training of the soldiers. At present, Lian Yanfu is leading the army to conquer Khitan and may be needed at any time. Dispatch troops from the capital and send generals to support, because the ministers and others affirmed the emperor, let His Highness the Eleventh hand over the military talisman temporarily, and the rest will temporarily take the post of general." Zhao Mou said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes were narrowed, and there was no expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, I think that Mr. Zhao's words are reasonable, please think twice." Han Chen seconded.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at Feng Ye and asked, "What do you think about this matter?"

Feng Ye clasped his fists in both hands, bowed, and said, "Royal father, today the two lords Han and Zhao came to talk to my son about this matter, and I felt that I couldn't make a decision right away, so I brought the two lords over here, and I asked my father to make a decision." .”

"That's right, father, this matter is of great importance. The eighth emperor brother has also discussed it with his sons and daughters, but it is hard for us to make a decision. After all, the eleventh emperor has made great achievements in conquering Khitan, and the eleventh emperor brother has a very high position in the army. If this matter is decided hastily, it may cause dissatisfaction among the lieutenants." Feng Yu and Feng Ye always vented their anger through one nostril.

"Your Majesty, the two Highnesses are kind-hearted, thinking of Your Eleventh Highness, it is not easy to make a decision, so the two humble ministers came to bother the Emperor, please the Emperor to make a decision." Han and Zhao said.

Feng Ye lowered his head, with a slight smile on his lips: This is the second step in the plan, weakening Feng Jue's military power, and inserting his cronies to replace Feng Jue's original position, so that the third step can be carried out , the third step is to kill Feng Jue!
However, the key among the keys of the second step must be done well, and the third step will be a matter of course.

Emperor Zhou Cheng thought for a moment, and said, "Je'er did not commit an unforgivable mistake. It is unfair to him and all the soldiers to announce the withdrawal of the military talisman. However, what you two said is also reasonable. His eye disease has not been cured. There is no way to control this team, so I decided to temporarily assign someone to act as his responsibilities, but if the soldier amulet is not taken back, the agent must obey the orders of the Eleventh Prince."

Han and Zhao looked at each other.

When Feng Ye heard this, he looked at the two adults, bowed his hands first, and said, "Father is wise, he not only took care of the eleventh brother and the soldiers in the army, but also shared the worries and problems of the eleventh brother. It really kills two birds with one stone. feasible."

Feng Yu also hurriedly echoed, "Yes, Royal Father, I also feel that this method kills two birds with one stone."

"Do you have any suitable candidates to recommend?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

Zhao Moudao, "One of my ministers recommended me."


"Commander Jiang Keji Jiang, on the one hand, Commander Jiang is the emperor's confidant, which is easy to dispatch in the army and establish prestige, and on the other hand, His Royal Highness Eleven will not feel isolated. The emperor just sent someone to replace him temporarily." Zhao Mou Said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "You're right, so let's do this, Jiang Keji..."

"Humble position here." Jiang Keji Jiang Commander walked over from the other side, knelt down on one knee, and said.

"I order you to take the position of the Eleventh Prince Feng Jue from now on, and be responsible for the unified dispatch of military affairs." Emperor Zhou Cheng issued an order.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will obey the orders of the humble office." Jiang Keji bent down and said.

Coming out of Rong Yuan Hall, Han and Zhao bowed their hands towards Feng Ye, Feng Ye nodded and said, "You two adults have worked hard for the court affairs, you have worked hard."

"Your Highness Eighth, Your Highness Sixth, this is as it should be, and I will retire." The two ministers turned and left.

Feng Ye and Feng Yu walked from the other side, stepping on the stone road, Feng Ye always had a faint smile on his handsome face, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

"Brother Liu Wang, do you think the pomegranate flowers bloom very beautifully this summer?" Feng Ye said, looking at the fiery red pomegranate flowers.

"Looks good, it seems that this year's pomegranates will be very good." Feng Yu looked at Feng Ye and said.

"This pomegranate tree has survived a severe winter, and after all the other flowers and flowers have passed, it will put on a full posture and bloom in full bloom, hoping to bear the most beautiful fruit." Feng Ye said.

The two walked all the way, went out to Zhengyang Gate, and got into the carriage.

The smile on Feng Yu's face froze, and she said, "Feng Ye, from what you've seen, the Emperor Father agreed to send Jiang Keji today, are you really dissatisfied with Feng Jue?"

Feng Ye shook his head, and said, "On the contrary, Father agreed to send Jiang Keji instead of others to protect Feng Jue.

Feng Jue made the father think that the poisoning was to test the medicine for the father, and the father believed it, so he admired him instead. "

"I don't understand this. Since you clearly know that the father sent Jiang Keji to protect Feng Jue, why did Han and Zhao propose Jiang Keji? Are you helping Feng Jue or destroying him?" Feng Yu looked puzzled.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Feng Ye stretched out his hand, touched Feng Yu's ear, and said with a smile, "Sometimes I really think you are silly and cute, my sixth brother."

"Let go, don't touch me." Feng Yu waved him away and said eagerly, "Tell me quickly, don't panic me to death."

The expression on Feng Ye's face became serious, and he said, "The so-called knowing yourself and knowing the enemy is invincible, when we plan something, we must fully consider various factors, and this time the plan to deal with Feng Jue is the most important thing. If the most important person is the father, then we have to make every move according to the character of the father.

Father is suspicious by nature, it is not because you sued Feng Jue, he will believe you and doubt Feng Jue, no, he will doubt anyone, but he will not trust anyone easily, the only person he believes will always be himself
As for Han and Zhao’s proposal to recruit people to temporarily replace Feng Jue today, the first thing they want to dispel is the concerns of the father. If it is someone else, the father will inevitably suspect that it is Han Zhao or you and my brother. The two are taking the opportunity to marginalize Feng Jue, what's more, she will suspect that we are taking the opportunity to seize power.However, the person we propose is indeed the emperor's own person, so he can dispel his worries. On the contrary, he will believe that Han Zhao and you and I are sincerely considering him and the government.
And the most important thing is, if Feng Jue's old department showed dissatisfaction with Jiang Keji when he was in the army, then the problem would be serious, and he couldn't stand it anymore, because Jiang Keji represented the father, and dissatisfaction with Jiang Keji was dissatisfaction with Jiang Keji. The father is dissatisfied, which means that the person they are dissatisfied with is the father, why are they dissatisfied with the father, because His Royal Highness was temporarily replaced. "

Feng Yu suddenly realized, and asked, "The person who is dissatisfied with Jiang Keji, is he ready?"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Feng Ye's lips, and he asked back, "What else are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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