First-class daughter

Chapter 1347 Feng Ye's Thoughts

Chapter 1347 Feng Ye's Thoughts

Chapter 1347 Feng Ye's Thoughts

"Why do you need to find such people in person? There will definitely be people in the army. They obey Feng Jue and treat him like a god. In the army, they think Feng Jue has the highest prestige. There are not a few people like this. , It's just that they need to be led by one person, and when they gather together, they will become a powerful voice, a voice that will attract everyone's attention, and will also become a voice that makes the emperor dissatisfied."

Feng Jue explained.

He himself led troops to fight, and he knew that among the soldiers he led, there were also such people who only supported and obeyed his orders. This is beneficial on the battlefield, which means that they have promised to give their lives to him , Everything follows him.

However, if such a thing happens to Feng Jue, hehe...

"However, I don't think Feng Jue is an easy person to deal with. Look at him, his last move was beyond our expectations. We thought he would say that Xie Jinran poisoned his eyes with a poisonous scorpion, and he was in a hurry All the evidence was wiped out, but in the end, he didn't mention Xie Jinran at all, and even said that his father became like this because he tested the medicine for his father. In this way, not only did his father not blame him, but he was also moved by his filial piety. righteous.

You see, the father didn't even take back the soldier talisman, which shows that his trust in Feng Jue and his thinking have not been disintegrated. "

"It's not a good thing to disintegrate too quickly. With such a slow and silent method of moistening things, the result will be better." Feng Ye said.

"I hope so." Feng Yu still felt uneasy in his heart, the more confident Feng Ye was, the more nervous he felt.

This time, involving the matter of marching into the army, the chess game is very big. I am afraid that in the end, either you die or I die.

He walked behind Feng Ye, his gaze gradually became serious.

In a deep hole, if the person in front is walking, if the lantern in his hand falls off, it will become pitch black, he will go the wrong way, and he may hit the south wall.

Therefore, the person walking behind has to look farther.

"Brother Liu Wang, let's go have a drink together and see if we can still see the charlatan who told the fortune." Feng Ye said.

Feng Yu concealed the flash of emotion in her eyes, and said, "Okay."

"Do you know why I would mind what that person said?" Feng Ye asked.

"Because you need a woman?" Feng Yu blinked and said.

"Haha..." Feng Ye laughed out loud, and said, "Brother Liu Wang, you are the only one who still jokes with me at this time."

"Then why?" Feng Yu asked seriously.

Feng Ye's face slowly froze, and he said, "In all dynasties, there has been no emperor more than the Sangong and Six Courtyards, but I don't have a single woman. This shows that I don't have the fate to sit in a high position. Previously, my mother and concubine did the same. As I said, before Feng Jue was born, some masters said that Feng Jue would be born with seven red moles on his feet, which is the natural fate of an emperor. Sure enough, when Feng Jue was born, there were seven red moles on the soles of his feet. Red mole, so in order to protect my future, my mother and concubine replaced Feng Jue with the civet cat for the prince.

The reason why my mother and concubine took the risk and even wanted to kill Feng Jue was because she believed in the legend of the seven red moles,

But I don't believe it, I just don't believe it, I don't believe that the imperial concubine can't marry each other, unfortunately, I have to give it a try to match the will of God, and see if I can conquer the sky. "

Feng Yu's heart trembled, and she said, "Are you going to have trouble with God's will?"

"Don't you also believe that I am destined to have no daughters? Why do you believe that the seven red moles are God's will?" Feng Ye said with a faint smile,
"...I..." Feng Yu was suddenly stopped by him.

"Okay, let's go to the bar, the bowstring on the arrow has been drawn, if you don't pull it hard and shoot it, the arrow will fall to the ground, and it will be your own foot that was stabbed." Feng Ye patted him. hand, said.

"Okay, let's drink, I get a headache from thinking too much, I need wine urgently." Feng Yu said.

However, the two of them reached the top of the restaurant together, and when they pushed open the door of the private room, Feng Yu jumped back in fright, "You..."

It turned out that Princess Wei Rui of Mobei was sitting inside, drinking with her head vessel and holding a pile of white bones in her hand, she was so calm, Feng Yu's eyes were opened.

"Why is she here?" Feng Yu asked Feng Ye in a low voice.

"Your Highness Sixth, His Highness Eighth invited me." Wei Rui stood up and said with cupped hands.

Feng Yu was even more puzzled, she turned her head to look at Feng Ye, what is he doing?
"We're all friends, sit down." Feng Ye said with a natural expression all the time.

friend?Feng Yu looked at Feng Ye questioningly, followed him and slowly sat down opposite Wei Rui.

"Your Highness the Sixth Highness doesn't seem to want to see me very much." Wei Rui said.

"It's not that I don't want to see you, it's just an accident." Feng Yu said.

"It doesn't matter, the more times we see each other in the future, the Sixth Highness will get used to it." Wei Rui said with a slight smile.

How many times have you seen it?What does it mean?
Ming An Palace.

Feng Jue knelt on the ground, listening to the hadith.

"According to the emperor's orders, the Eleventh Prince Feng Jue suffers from eye disease and cannot continue to carry out military affairs. From now on, Jiang Keji, the commander of the imperial army, will temporarily take over the position. The Eleventh Prince will still be in charge of the military talisman. Wait until the day when his eyesight recovers, and then continue." Conduct military affairs."

"Yes, my son obeys the order, long live the father." Feng Jue lowered his head and said.

"Your Highness the Eleventh, the Emperor is very concerned about your health, that's why he asked Commander Jiang to act temporarily. Don't think too much about it." Liang Degui said.

"My father-in-law, please spread the word. I support and firmly support my father's decision, and will actively cooperate with Commander Jiang to hand over relevant matters. My son, thank you for your concern. Long live your father."

"It would be best if His Highness the Eleventh can think about it. I also hope that His Highness the Eleventh will recover soon and return to the court." Liang Degui said, as a courtier of Emperor Zhou Cheng for decades, he has a clear heart for Emperor Zhou Cheng.

He knew that the imperial edict already issued by the emperor was to appoint the eleventh prince as the crown prince, and he hoped that nothing would go wrong during this period, so that the emperor's mind would change again.

He thought for a while and said, "Your Highness the Eleventh, you have to be careful about everything."

Feng Jue's heart trembled slightly, a thought flashed in his mind, and he said, "Eunuch, be careful all the way."

"Yes, my servant is leaving." Liang Degui said.

After Liang Degui left, Feng Yunzheng came out from behind the screen.

Hearing the footsteps, Feng Jue said, "I heard that Han Zhen and Zhao Mou from the Ministry of War went to Rongyuan Hall today, and Brother Liu Wang and Brother Eight Wang went together. It seems that they were going to advise Father The emperor dismissed my military power, but my father mistakenly thought that I was blind because I was testing medicine for him, so he had some reservations and didn't take back my soldier amulet, but asked Jiang Keji to take over my affairs temporarily."

"Jue'er, what effect do you think this will have on you?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

(End of this chapter)

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