First-class daughter

Chapter 1348 The Difference of Phoenix Art

Chapter 1348 The Difference of Phoenix Art

Chapter 1348 The Difference of Phoenix Art

"Influence?" Thoughts flashed across Feng Jue's dark eyes, and he slowly let go of his hands behind his back, and said, "Brother Nine Kings, this time, Brother Eight Kings is here for me, you and sister have already Protected me many times, this time, let me do it myself."

Feng Yunzheng was slightly startled, "Jueer?"

"Brother Jiuwang and sister can't protect me for the rest of my life. I always have to be alone in the court. Besides, I still have someone I want to protect. If I can't even protect myself, what else can I do to protect her? Brother Jiuwang In order to protect my sister, I will spare everything, and I also think that I am a reliable person for Ling Yueer." Feng Jue said.

"You mean, you want to settle the matter with Feng Ye by yourself, without letting Prince Heng's House interfere?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"Yes." Feng Jue said, "Prince Heng's Mansion has nothing to do with this matter."


After Feng Yunzheng left, Zhang Ji walked over from the side. Seeing Feng Jue's serious expression, he paused and said, "Your Highness is afraid that Prince Heng's residence will be involved. After all, this time, the matter is not trivial."

"This matter is a matter between Prince Ming'an's House and Prince Yu's House, between me and Brother Eighth Prince, there is really no reason for Prince Heng's House to be involved in it.

Furthermore, Brother Nine and Princess Heng already have a pair of children, they are still very young and will need the protection of their parents in the future, if anything happens, the future life of the two brothers and sisters will be very difficult.

Brother Bawang is no better than anyone else, and his strength is even higher than mine. Dealing with him this time will be more difficult than imagined. I don't want two people who cherish me to be in a dangerous situation, so I will solve this matter by myself. "Feng Jue said to Zhang Ji.

"Yes, I understand." Zhang Ji bowed his head and said.

"Jiang Keji will enter the army tomorrow, so you go back tonight, observe carefully and pay attention, and report to me immediately if there is any disturbance," Feng Jue ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness." Zhang Ji cupped his hands and left.

When Jiang Keji entered the army, Zhang Ji was the first to greet him at the gate of the barracks with his soldiers. Accompanied by Zhang Ji, General Jiang Keji made a round of inspection.

Zhang Ji introduced the military affairs and important personnel of various departments to Jiang Keji along the way. He kept Feng Jue's instructions in mind, was modest and cautious, respectful, but he would not flatter or follow others.

It took half a day to go all the way, and Jiang Keji already had a superficial understanding of the general's affairs.

After entering the military tent, Zhang Ji knelt down on one knee and said, "Commander, Your Highness has ordered that you must assist and assist you in managing the affairs of the army."

Jiang Keji also showed a bit of politeness, and said, "Master Zhang, you are someone highly valued by His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince, so you don't need to be so polite. This commander is not very familiar with military affairs, and he is stationed directly by the emperor's order. There will be more in the future." There are many things that require Mr. Zhang."

"Don't worry, Commander, I will do my best in this humble position," Zhang Ji said.

In fact, knowing the whole story, he is also trembling now, walking on thin ice, for fear that Feng Jue will get into some trouble because of his carelessness.

On the contrary, it was Jiang Keji who sensed Zhang Ji's concern, and when it was time for dinner, he called Zhang Ji into the tent and said, "Master Zhang, come and have dinner with me."

Zhang Ji hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "Yes, I will follow my orders."

When the food and drink were served, Jiang Keji said to Zhang Ji who was standing there, "Master Zhang, please sit down. You don't have to be restrained. Now is your private time. Feel free to do so now. If you are so restrained, I will be too restrained."

"Hey..." Zhang Ji smiled a little embarrassedly, and said, "I thought that Commander Jiang was serious and cold, so he has such an amiable side."

"So, Mr. Zhang, don't be too nervous. I understand your thoughts. Come on, let's start eating. The food is going to be cold." Jiang Keji asked Zhang Ji to sit down. middle affairs.

When the wine was hot, Zhang Ji gradually relaxed his vigilance, and said, "Master Commander, our Eleventh Highness is different from other Highnesses, he has no grandparents, no support behind him, and he is not willing to rely on others, so he will Even His Highness the Ninth Prince is unwilling to rely on him. From the time when he was a soldier, he bravely sneaked into the Khitan Army, and later made great achievements, he has come out step by step by himself. Our Eleventh Highness is actually a hard-working person... Just when I was in high spirits, a pair of eyes, the most important eyes of a person, disappeared... Every time I think about it, my heart aches for His Highness the Eleventh..."

Jiang Keji listened to Zhang Ji's words, a faint smile flashed in his eyes, the wine worked, this wine tasted like ordinary wine, but it was actually much stronger than ordinary wine, after a few cups he would feel dizzy, He looked at Zhang Ji and said, "Master Zhang is loyal to His Royal Highness the Eleventh, which is admirable."

"Hehe...without His Eleventh Highness, there would be no humble position, without Eleventh Highness, humble position would be gone, and the humble position would be given by His Eleventh Highness...The humble position is just a small general, the leader of thousands of soldiers in the army. An ordinary soldier, even if he died in battle, he would have nothing to say, but he never thought that His Highness would fight desperately for an ordinary general like him, enter the melee, and snatch him from the enemy's hands I went back and saved my life. In fact, it’s okay for me to die, but His Highness...will not give up the lives of any of us easily. His Highness, he is really a good person. I hope his life will be smooth and healthy. Well, I hope his eyes get better soon." Zhang Ji recalled that when he was on the verge of death, Feng Jue rode forward with a long sword in his hand, defeated the knife that was about to hit his neck, and saved him. In the case of one life, my heart is still moved to the point where my blood boils.

"It's very rare for a prince like His Royal Highness the Eleventh to go deep into a dangerous situation to save the life of an ordinary soldier in his heart," Jiang Keji said.

"Yes, yes..." Zhang Ji said again and again.

"Master Zhang, stop talking too much and drink." Jiang Keji poured another full glass of wine into Zhang Ji's wine glass.

"Master Commander, you drink too." Zhang Ji seemed to be intoxicated with wine, and poured wine for Jiang Keji too. The moment he nodded, an imperceptible smile flashed in his eyes.

The next morning, Jiang Keji went to the school field to train the soldiers, accompanied by Zhang Ji.

After a few days like this, nothing happened, General Zhang Ji told Feng Jue everything about the affairs of General Zhang Ji's side, bit by bit.

Feng Jue nodded and said, "There is a poem saying that the wind and rain are about to come and the mountains are full of buildings. The current calm may mean that there are shocking waves behind. You must continue to be careful, and you must not be negligent."

"Yes, Your Highness, I understand. That day, I pretended to be drunk and deliberately confided to Commander Jiang about His Highness's personality. Commander Jiang seemed very shocked."

"Commander Jiang has been by Father's side for many years. He hides deeply and sees clearly, but he can be regarded as a decent person. You should pay more attention to yourself." Feng Jue urged.

(End of this chapter)

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