First-class daughter

Chapter 1352 is like

Chapter 1352 is like
Chapter 1352 is like
"Oh, so that's the case, it must be a very important matter, Commander Jiang, hurry up, this king is going back to the residence too," Feng Ye said.

"Yes, Your Highness, I will resign from my humble position." Jiang Keji bowed slightly, turned and walked towards the Rongyuan Hall.

Feng Ye looked at his back, a deep meaning flashed in his eyes, and he murmured, "You are a very good person, if you can be used by this king, it would be great, it's a pity..."

As Feng Ye said, he turned around and got into the carriage, the expression on his face froze:
Jiang Keji came back and reported that things were moving forward step by step.

After returning to Prince Yu's mansion, Yin Huai stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, Yang Bao is dead. An iron chopstick was fatal in one move. I believe he hasn't said anything yet, and Jiang Keji, Commander Jiang Entering the palace must be to report this matter to the emperor."

"This king knows that I met him on the way back just now, and even said hello." Feng Ye said flatly.

"Your Highness, I didn't expect that His Highness the Eleventh had already taken precautions against this matter, and the speed at which Yang Baolu fell was beyond our expectations." Yin Huai said.

That's right, Yang Bao's Feng Ye secretly bought people who deliberately spread the words in the army that only the great general Wang Fengye is his follower, and then bought red alum and poisoned Jiang Keji's food.

Then he released the vicious dog who was deliberately hungry, rushed into Jiang Keji's tent, ate the food, and fell ill in front of Jiang Keji's life.

In order to prevent Jiang Keji from accidentally eating and killing him, he specially asked Yang Bao to pay attention to the portion size, and he must not die. If it was Jiang Keji, he would have died at that time.

"Yang Bao was arrested at the time, which means that Jiang Keji and Feng Jue planned to interrogate him together, and the humble officer found the right opportunity to kill him with one blow, so that he couldn't bear it in the end and talked nonsense, which hurt His Highness." Yin Huai said.

"Your reaction speed is very good. Once you fail, you will stab to death immediately. This king also means the same thing. You did a good job." Feng Ye said.

"However, the matter has come to this point, and Yang Bao hasn't had time to talk about it, and no one in the army has talked about it at this time. Isn't this move for nothing?" Yin Huai asked puzzled.

A smile slowly appeared on Feng Ye's face, and he said, "Every piece of purple has a role in the chess game that this king has set up, and this king will never let go of the role of any chess piece. , are all under the control of this king.”

A puzzled expression appeared on Yin Huai's face, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "I don't understand the lowly position, everyone is in the chess game, does His Highness's chess pieces also include Jiang Keji?"

"That's right, and besides, he is an important pawn." Feng Ye's eyes showed a hint of mystery.

"The humble job still doesn't understand." Yin Huai said, "It's obvious that His Highness has not achieved his original goal, why is His Highness still so calm?"

"Jiang Keji is the closest and most trusted person around my father. My father has long drafted an edict to establish the Feng Jue as the crown prince. Jiang Keji must have known about it. Do you think it makes sense?" Feng Ye said.

Yin Huai's eyes lit up, "Yes, there are several close ministers who know the imperial edict drafted by the emperor, and Commander Jiang must be the most clear one among them, so naturally he also knows the contents of the imperial edict."

"That's right, that's exactly how it is. Therefore, if Jiang Keji knew that His Royal Highness the Eleventh Phoenix Jue had evil intentions, but deliberately concealed it from his father, and secretly supported His Royal Highness the Feng Jue Eleventh Prince, tell me, if things turned out like this, father What will happen if the emperor finds out?" Feng Ye said lightly.

"I understand!" Yin Huai said a little excitedly, "Your Highness means to kill two birds with one stone. Since the emperor knows that His Highness the Eleventh is suspected of supporting himself, and the Emperor thinks that Commander Jiang is deliberately protecting His Highness the Eleventh. The emperor would think that Jiang Keji wanted to seek refuge with His Highness the Eleventh Prince, because he already knew that His Highness the Eleventh Prince had been appointed as the heir apparent."

Feng Ye nodded, and said, "That's right, this is my king's intention. Use the dead Yang Bao to tie Feng Jue, Jiang Keji and others together into a large size, so that everyone can see these things." The most important thing is to let the father see the true face of a person. As long as the father has a feeling of being deceived, Feng Jue and Jiang Keji will never turn around. stand again."

Yin Huai clasped his hands and said, "I admire His Highness's thoughtful thoughtfulness. If you don't know how to do it, you can solve the two of them together."

"Now, it's time for the second plan." Feng Ye said with a shallow smile, "The comments must come in waves one after another to be impactful. The first wave of comments was strangled by Feng Jue in its infancy. He won't have this ability in the second wave." Feng Ye said with a look of coldness in his eyes.

"What's the second wave of remarks?" Yin Huai asked.

He suddenly felt that His Highness the Eighth Prince had released all the skills he had accumulated for several years this time, and it seemed that His Highness the Eleventh Prince must be driven out of the Golden Luan Hall!

His Highness the Eighth seems to hate His Highness the Eleventh in particular.

Even Yin Huai, who had been by Feng Ye's side all year round, never thought of this point.

He used to think that the eighth prince's greatest enemy, the deposed prince Fengming, ended up being deposed, and was deposed after a few tricks. Even the empress was implicated, and never recovered.

Then, he thought that His Highness's biggest enemy was the Fourth Highness, because although the Fourth Highness seemed to be nothing on the surface, he had unknowingly accumulated a powerful force, and the Fourth Highness was defeated by the Ninth Highness.

Immediately afterwards, he thought that the greatest enemy of the Eighth Prince would be the Ninth Prince, but now he has become the Eleventh Prince whom he never thought of.

Life is impermanent, no one knows what will happen, especially the struggle between the princes, it is really changing day and night,

(End of this chapter)

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