First-class daughter

Chapter 1353 Will it

Chapter 1353 Will it
Chapter 1353 Will it
Inside the Hall of Honor.

Jiang Keji will report everything that happened in the army to Emperor Zhou Cheng one by one.

Emperor Zhou Cheng frowned slightly, and said, "Jiang Keji, are you sure it's just someone behind the scenes who deliberately tried to provoke the relationship between Feng Jue and me, or is it that Feng Jue is one of the three and has indeed unknowingly gained such prestige? "

Jiang Keji said, "It's not long since I joined the army with a lowly position. His Highness the Eleventh and his former subordinates are very cooperative with the humble ministers, and respect the emperor's orders one by one. There is no dissatisfaction. The soldiers in the army have not seen anything unusual for the time being. Except for this self-assertive Yang Bao...but after investigation, I found that he was indeed provoked by someone, and that person stabbed him to death with a hidden weapon in order to silence him."

"What I hate the most is the prince's self-respect for soldiers and power. If Feng Jue is really like this, I have to think about it, so you must observe carefully." Zhou Chengdi said.

His own emperor, who became emperor by seizing power, is particularly sensitive to this aspect and cannot tolerate it at all.

"Yes, Your Majesty, keep this humble position in mind, and will definitely observe carefully." Jiang Keji said.

"Don't let anyone but you see the words tattooed on your back. You must pay special attention when you are in the army and in your daily life, and you must not reveal my secret." Zhou Chengdi ordered.

"Your majesty, I understand the humble position." Jiang Keji bowed, nodded, and said.

After Jiang Keji left, the emperor sat on the dragon chair and fell into deep thought: Is the matter of Yang Bao really a frame-up?
At this time, Liang Degui came over, "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

"Say." Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his head and said.

Liang Degui pushed back the people on the left and right, stepped forward, and said in a low voice, "That person has left the palace smoothly, and he is still awake on the way out of the palace. Doctor Wu said that it will take about a day after the effect of the medicine wears off." , and will wake up at that time."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart trembled slightly, and he said, "I know."


He didn't say anything, he just sent him away, and he didn't tell him who his mother was. He wanted to talk about the past when he could talk face to face.

I hope that during this period of time, he can devote himself to repentance, practice, and start over like his face.

He also told Wu Yong that when he woke up, don't say that it was his father's idea to change his face, and don't talk to him about anything in the palace.

Just say that he was rescued.

Before Emperor Zhou Cheng thought it through, he hoped that he would stay outside the palace and not come back for the time being.

"That's all I can give him. This is my debt to Zi Ning and to him." Zhou Chengdi said.

Zi Ning's voice and smile back then emerged in his mind. He was the most beautiful person in the world, a gentle and considerate wife who went deep into the enemy's camp to rescue him like a hero for him.

He owed her life, but she died tragically because of him.

When she was alive, all she expected was not realized, and what he once promised her was never fulfilled, and now, her only remaining son has become like this...

"No matter what, I and Zining's child must live well, otherwise, I will never have the face to see Zining again when I am under the Nine Springs."

Emperor Zhou Cheng picked up the picture scroll in front of the desk and unfolded it. The picture on it was Zi Ning when he was young. His tender eyes fell on this picturesque face, and his back seemed a bit lonely and sad.


A carriage was driving on the road, moving forward at a speed as fast as lightning.

The appearance of the carriage looks ordinary, but if you look closely, you can see that the carriage has passed through a special device, so it will be very strong. When the horse runs, the speed of the carriage will be very fast.

And the decoration inside the carriage is even more obvious, there are pieces of tiger skins under his body.

The person lying on the carriage had his face wrapped with a white cloth and covered it tightly, only his nostrils and mouth were exposed, and nothing else could be seen.

Wu Yong squatted aside and said to his medicine boy, "Bring the ointment, I need to change it for him."

"Yes, master." The drug boy opened the medicine box and took out a box of ointment from the box. Wu Yong peeled off the white gauze on his face layer by layer until finally the layer on the gauze was visible Sticky red, this is blood oozing from the skin.

Seeing the man's unrecognizable appearance, the drug boy couldn't help shivering, and asked, "Master, this look is even uglier than before the skin change. Can this really return to the handsome man you said?"

Wu Yong frowned and said, "If you are asked to take medicine, you just take medicine. Why do you say so much? How can you question the medical skills of a teacher?"

The medicine boy stuck out his tongue and dared not say anything.

After Wu Yong changed the medicine for him, he put on a new gauze to cover his face again.

Then, he ordered the medicine boy to feed a life-extending pill into his mouth. He has been in a coma these days, unable to eat or drink anything, and can only rely on this pill to continue his life.

Wu Yong looked at the person in front of him and said, "Anyone who wants to be reborn and become another person must go through a very painful process. If this process is over, it will be a new life."

"A new life?" Yaotong said with a hint of doubt on his face, "Master, is a new life a change of face?"

"It's not just a change of face, a replacement from the inside out, no, maybe, it can also stimulate the consciousness hidden in the depths of his mind that has never been awakened before. These replacements are intertwined with the previous consciousness to become A brand new person." Wu Yong said.

"Oh..." Yaotong nodded, feeling that all this was very new, and began to look forward to what this person would become.

The carriage continued on.

It was getting dark gradually, and the person lying on the tiger skin was still asleep.


Day after day, night after night, they kept going forward without stopping, and finally they were far away from the capital, and the speed of the carriage gradually slowed down.

Wu Yong stopped the carriage outside a restaurant to buy wine, while the medicine boy returned to the carriage according to the time limit, and gave medicine to the face-changer.

However, when he was kneeling in front of this person, he suddenly yelled, sat up suddenly, opened his eyes, and his chest heaved vigorously.

"Ah!" The drug boy was startled, took a step back, and dropped the pill in his hand to the ground, "My lord, you, you're awake..."

A moment of confusion appeared in his eyes, looking at the person in front of him, he asked hoarsely, "Who are you? Where is this?"

"Master, master..." Yaotong quickly scrambled and ran down from the carriage, "Master, master, come quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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