First-class daughter

Chapter 1354 Wake Up or Forget

Chapter 1354 Wake Up or Forget
Chapter 1354 Wake Up or Forget
Hearing this shout, Wu Yong hurriedly ran out with a jug of unfinished wine in his arms, scolding while running, "You little bastard, what's the big deal, you're so surprised , I was so frightened that I spilled half of my teacher's wine!"

But Yaotong rushed over, hugged him, pointed in the direction of the carriage, and said out of breath, "Then, he, he, he..."

Wu Yong's eyes sank, and he asked in surprise, "He's awake?"

"Yes, yes, the appearance is still very strange." Yaotong finally breathed out and said, "Go and have a look!"

When Wu Yong heard this, the wine jug fell to the ground suddenly, and he ran over quickly, and opened the curtain, only to find that there was no one inside!
"Oops!" Wu Yong slapped his thigh!People are gone!
"Master, what's the matter?" Yaotong hurriedly squeezed in and asked.

Wu Yong slapped him on the face and said, "The man is gone, please watch him carefully. When you see him waking up, you should watch him. Why are you running?"

"I, I saw his frightened look, and I was afraid that something might happen to him, so I immediately called Master." Yaotong said aggrievedly.

Wu Yong looked anxious and looked around, but he couldn't see the figure of that person.

This time, the emperor entrusted this important person to him. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, he did not arrange too many people to take care of him. He and Yaotong were all in charge.

Now, this person suddenly disappeared!If the emperor pursues it, a hundred heads are not enough to cut off!

"Master, what should we do now?" Yaotong asked, sweating profusely.

"Hurry up and find someone. His face is still not healed, and his face is wrapped in bandages. No matter where he goes, he will attract people's attention. When looking for it, he will go to the place where people gather and ask. Let's split up. Look for it, and meet here in two hours, remember, no matter whether you find it or not, you have to come back and meet." Wu Yong solemnly urged.

"Yes, Master, I will remember, we will meet here in two hours," Yaotong said.

"Go quickly, you have to find someone to cause such a catastrophe!" Wu Yong said, and turned to look for someone.

It can be seen that the emperor is very fond of this person, and has worked hard for him, wanting him to start life again. I hope that person can also appreciate the painstaking efforts of the emperor.

Wu Yong walked all the way forward, searching while walking, and sometimes asked people on the street if he had seen a wounded person with gauze wrapped around his face.

However, after asking all the way, no one said they saw it.

He was stunned for a moment, and said to himself, "It's so obvious that such a big living person is still wrapped in a white cloth, how could no one have seen it?"

As he thought about it, he continued to search.

Then, after searching for two hours in a row, I almost searched the place, but I couldn't find the whereabouts of this person.

"Maybe the little bastard found the man first!" So Wu Yong ran to the carriage again, and when he came back to look, he saw Xiao Yaotong alone, and did not see the person he wanted to find.

"Master, have you found it?" Yaotong asked quickly when he saw Wu Yong.

Wu Yong shook his head, "I didn't find it, why did you come back faster than the teacher, are you lazy?"

"No, Master, you see I'm sweating profusely, I keep looking for it!" Yaotong said hastily.

Seeing Yaotong's anxious look, Wu Yong knew that he would not dare to be lazy.


He looked at the sky and said, "It's almost dark, he is penniless, and he is dressed like this, maybe after he has nowhere to go, he will come back to meet us again, I see, we are in the carriage Wait for him inside."

"Yes, Master." Yaotong and Wu Yong got into the carriage together and waited quietly for the man.

At this moment.

On a certain street, a man in a black robe walked on the road with his hands behind his back, and his face was wearing a bamboo hat that must have been covered with a black veil.

Recalling just now, he had a very long and weird dream, in that dream, he seemed to have finished his life.

His birth, his neglect, his ridicule...

Then, he grew up with difficulty.

Later, he fell in love with a very beautiful person. That woman was known as the most beautiful woman in the capital. She was proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. She was the kind of man that all men in the world dreamed of, including him, and he also wanted it.

However, the woman disliked his bad background.

So, what is his origin?He doesn't know, he's confused!
However, another woman secretly liked him, and later, he was designed by this woman who secretly liked him, and the two had a skin-to-skin relationship at a grand banquet, and were caught straight, so he I had to give up the beauty I liked, and reluctantly married back this dull and not beautiful woman.

He hated her and loathed her in his heart, no matter how kind she was to him, he could never be moved in his heart and always rejected her.

Even the daughter she gave birth to looked at him disgusted. He always felt that it was because of this stupid woman that he failed to marry the most beautiful woman!
Therefore, he was forced by the emperor's order and because of this stupid woman's family background, so he pretended to like her on the surface, said sweet words to her, and looked at her intoxicated and happy face, but he actually laughed at her in his heart !
This woman is so stupid that it is really annoying, and she can't even tell a lie.

Occasionally, he would feel that, and he couldn't bear it, because she was so stupid that he would go out with that beautiful woman behind her back, and buy that beautiful woman a priceless pearl as a present, because the beauty In a public occasion, she said that she has not been sleeping well recently, and she is always absent-minded and flustered at night, and this pearl has the effect of calming the nerves.

She didn't know these things, and looked at the pearl foolishly and asked the beautiful woman, "This pearl is so beautiful, where did you get it, and I want one too."

The pretty woman clearly showed impatience on her face, but she didn't notice it at all, and asked her, "Sanmei, where did you get this pearl? Do you have any more? I want one too."

The third sister said, "Eldest sister, this pearl is not suitable for you, but more suitable for my complexion. If you want to buy one, wouldn't it be a mere imitation and being laughed at by others?"

But she didn't seem to mind, and said with a smile, "Third sister, just tell me, where did you get this pearl, and I'll go find one too."

Finally, the third sister became impatient with her pestering, so she said, "Eldest sister, you like this pearl so much, I can give it to you, but I have one condition."

"Tell me, what's the condition?" She said with a smile, and that smile was also stupid.

The third sister blinked and said, "I've never been to your Prince Yue's mansion, please invite me to stay for a few days."

She smiled and said, "What's the difficulty? I'll talk to my grandmother now and pick you up to live for a while."

The third sister gave her the pearl, and when he arrived at the palace, he saw the beauty and was overjoyed. Knowing that she had invited the beauty here, he felt that she was stupid and hated her even more.

When the third sister was in the mansion, she secretly expressed affection for him. They had a tryst behind her back, but she didn't know about it. Even when her daughter told her about it, she said that she must have misunderstood her, and neither her aunt nor father This kind of people.

He didn't feel sorry for her at the time, not at all.

After the third sister left, the stupid woman walked to his study with a smile on her face, solemnly presented the big pearl, and said, "I found this pearl. It has the effect of calming the nerves. You have been sleeping lately." No, put it under your pillow when you sleep at night, it will help you sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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