Chapter 1358
Chapter 1358
"My lord, I've already found a place to live." Before the sun completely set, Yaotong ran over and said out of breath.

"En." He nodded, turned around, and followed the drug boy to the farmer's house he had found.

There was an elderly couple in the farmer's family. Both of them were honest people. Wu Yong gave some silver, and the couple went to live in the small house at the back, leaving the spacious room and yard in front to them. There is a firewood room, except for cooking and sending them over, the rest of the time, they will never be disturbed.

They stayed here that night.

However, he was almost sleepless all night, and his mind was completely occupied by some strange thoughts.

The next morning, after breakfast, Wu Yong came over respectfully and said, "My lord, I've removed the cloth for you."

"My lord, you can close your eyes first. If the reformation is not good, the master will reform it for you again." Yaotong walked over with a bronze mirror in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Bad guy! You talk again, be careful to smash your ass for the teacher!" Wu Yong stared and said.

"He's right, if you transform me into a shameless person, it's better to cover it up again." He also said.

"My lord, don't listen to this villain, he talks nonsense all day long." Wu Yong said.

Yaotong stuck out his tongue, stood in front of him, and lifted up the bronze mirror.

Wu Yong lifted the gauze, untied it around his head, round and round, his hands on his legs slowly clenched into fists, the drug boy stared at his face tightly, holding up the bronze mirror His hands trembled a little.

When the gauze was completely untied, Yaotong was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly widened his eyes to look at the person in front of him, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"My lord, you can open your eyes now." Wu Yong said.

He paused, and slowly opened his eyes, a ray of light gradually poured into his eyes, he saw his appearance through the bronze mirror, and immediately gasped slightly.

"This is……"

In the mirror was a completely unfamiliar face, an appearance he had never seen before. He stared at it for a long time, as if he was looking at another stranger.

"My lord, you are so handsome." Yaotong couldn't help admiring.

The young master in front of him had a handsome face, a straight nose, and two thick eyebrows with ripples.

Wu Yong said happily, "My lord, the transformation has been very successful, even if someone I know very well stands in front of me, I can't bear you to come."

He looked at himself in the mirror, is this the future him?

"It would be great if your son's legs can also get better." Yaotong said, his eyes fell on his legs.

"Shut up! You are allowed to talk nonsense at such a happy moment!" Wu Yong slapped Yaotong on the back of the head and said.

"I, I was wrong." Yaotong realized his mistake this time.

"Since you have been transformed into another person, let's change your name too," he said.

"Yes, has the young master thought of a new name for himself?" He said.

"Let me think again," he said.

"Yes, don't worry, the young master will talk about it after he thinks about it." Wu Yong said.

"Let me ask you, that person sent me out to change my appearance, did he tell you anything?" He asked.

"The emperor only said to let Xiaozhi take good care of you and start a new life in a new place. The farther away from the capital the better, and tell him after you settle down. He will pick you up at the right time." Wu Yong said truthfully .

"Hehehe..." He smiled, but the smile in his eyes didn't look very happy, "A change of face? Is this a blessing in disguise?"

Because he was not born as a slut, that person felt that he owed him something, so he made up for it?
"My lord, let me speak more, you don't have to think too much about it now, just live your life well." Wu Yong said.

"You're right, live the present well, and let's talk about the future." The things that I once wanted to do urgently, now I don't have the feeling of can't wait.


The master and the apprentice stepped back, and he took the bronze mirror on the table again, and carefully looked at everything without blinking, forehead, brow, nose, cheek, lips...

Everything was new. He looked at it, and felt a trance, and even had the illusion that his soul had come out of his body, and then changed.

Thinking of the capital, Lian Siyue, Feng Yunzheng, Fengye, Fengjue... the names flashed through my mind one by one,


Prince Yu's Mansion.

Feng Ye sat behind the desk, looking down at the official business in front of him, after a while, Feng Yu walked in and said, "I found out, father will go to the Seven Dragon Pagoda to worship in a few days."

Every spring, Emperor Zhou Cheng returned to the Seven Dragon Pagoda to offer sacrifices, praying for a year of good weather and peace for the people.

This year, due to the dragon's illness, it has been unable to make the trip. In the past two days, the body has been better and the weather has been fine, so the Ministry of Rites was ordered to start preparing for the sacrifice ceremony of the Seven Dragon Pagoda.

"Seven Dragon Pagoda?" Feng Ye put down the brush in his hand and said, "Then the second step of our plan finally has an opportunity." As he said, a faint smile flashed across his eyes.

"Yes." Feng Yu said.

"The reason why the mother and concubine sent Fengjue out of the palace was that the Taoist said that there were seven red moles on the soles of his feet, which were the appearance of an emperor. However, the father didn't seem to know this statement. If the father knew about it, what would he think? ?” Feng Ye said.

"Maybe it's God's will, he chose the future emperor chosen by the heavens, or the father will feel uncomfortable, and feel that this kind of threat, he can give the throne, but no one can take it, let alone the seven moles." Feng Yu Said.

"Then let Father think it's the second type." Feng Ye said, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes, and said, "Now is the time to use Mobei Princess Wei Rui, Yin Huai, please Wei Rui Come."

"Yes, Your Highness." Yin Huai turned and went to Xiangjun Mansion.

About half an hour later, Wei Rui appeared in the study room of Prince Yu's mansion.

Wei Rui glanced at the two princes and said, "The two Highnesses specially called me here, and I don't know if there is something good to share."

"Don't you really want to stay in the capital? Ming An's mansion suffers from eye disease, you Huns haven't visited it yet, right? This king has prepared a small gift for you, and the gift is from the very heart of King Ming An." Feng With a faint smile on the corner of Ye's lips, he said.

A gleam flashed in Wei Rui's eyes, and he said, "The Eighth Highness not only reminded me how to curry favor with the prince of Da Zhou, but also prepared all the gifts for me, which made me feel uncomfortable all over."

"Yin Huai." Feng Ye stretched out his hand, and Yin Huai took the two boxes over.

"There are two boxes here, the first box is a gift you gave to King Ming An in person, and the second box is what this king wants you to secretly hide in Prince Ming An's mansion, take a look." Feng Ye said.

(End of this chapter)

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