Chapter 1359
Chapter 1359
Wei Rui only opened the second box, and saw seven little golden dragons inside, all of them were lifelike, and their expressions were particularly domineering, as if they were determined to win.

Thoughts flashed in her eyes, and a sly smile appeared on her face, and she said, "I have heard that the dragon represents the emperor, and in the Central Plains, only the emperor can wear dragon clothes and accessories. Offending the emperor is a serious crime of beheading, the Eighth Highness asked me to put the seven golden dragons in the residence of the Eleventh Highness, if found out, then the Eleventh Highness has committed a serious crime of treason, and I am taking a very high risk."

"So, this king will not let you take risks in vain." Feng Ye said with a rippling in his eyes.

"What's good about me?" Wei Rui asked while stroking the little golden dragons.

"Whatever you want, I will help you." Feng Ye said.

Wei Rui raised her head slowly and said, "I don't want anything else, I just want His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng."

"Then he is not only worth these seven little golden dragons." Feng Ye said unhurriedly.

"But, behind these seven little golden dragons is the throne that His Highness Eighth has dreamed of, isn't it?" Wei Rui blinked, "I'll take His Highness Ninth away, and if you get rid of His Highness Eleventh, who else can compete with you? ? Isn’t the throne something you can get at your fingertips?”

Feng Ye slowly raised his head and looked at her indifferently.

"Hulan, accept the gift from His Highness the Eighth Highness for this princess." Wei Rui stood up and ordered.

"Yes, princess." Hu Lan stepped forward.

"However, this king must first remind Princess Wei Rui that Feng Jue is not so easy to fool, if you are not careful, you will show your feet." Feng Ye said.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Eighth, I have a solution." Wei Rui turned around and smiled at Feng Yu, and said, "The Sixth Highness has a brilliant literary talent, is proficient in music, and is also a strange man, but... you always make me feel that masculinity. This princess really can't like a trace of coquettishness."

"...You..." Feng Yu's face turned pale, but Wei Rui had already left gracefully.

"Well, this Mobei woman's mouth is really...unfortunate." Feng Yu said angrily.

"But she is someone who can be used. All her desires are written on her face, and she doesn't beat around the bush. Compared with making deals with others, it is much easier." Feng Ye said.

"But you said you got Lao Jiu for her. Is it possible? Everyone in the capital knows how strong the relationship between Lao Jiu and Lian Siyue is. Fear of guilt, Lian Siyue dare not say anything, holding Lian Siyue like a heart. And obviously, a person like Wei Rui doesn't interest him at all." Feng Yu expressed doubts.

"To get someone, you don't have to get his interest first." Feng Ye said, with a hint of mystery in his words.

"You mean..." Feng Yu was a little puzzled.

"Didn't you hear what she said just now? She took Lao Jiu away, meaning that Wei Rui didn't want to marry in the capital, but wanted to take Feng Yunzheng to Mobei. This is more important than marrying Lao Jiu in Kyoto." It's easier." Feng Ye said.

"Could it be...too cruel." Feng Yu said.

"Anyway, with the ability of the old nine, he can come back after leaving." A conflict flashed in Feng Ye's eyes, and then there was cruelty, cruelty without leaving any room for it.

Feng Yu was silent and didn't speak any more. He was suddenly a little sad, and he didn't know right or wrong.

Ming An Palace.

Feng Jue was touching the calligraphy and painting works in front of her in the study room. On April [-]th, she came to report that Wei Lang, Prince of Mobei, brought his younger sister, Princess Wei Rui, to visit.

Feng Jue put down the painting and calligraphy, and said, "Let them in."

Wei Rui followed Wei Lang, walked and stopped all the way, and entered Ming An Palace with a curious appearance, but in fact, she was the one who urged Wei Lang to come here.

If she came alone, she would definitely become the focus, and it would definitely be difficult to attack, but if she came with her brother, that brother was the protagonist, and no one would pay attention to her. Not so easy to catch the eye.

I saw Feng Jue.

Brothers and sisters Wei Lang and Wei Rui bowed to greet each other, Wei Lang presented gifts and asked about Feng Jue's condition with concern.

The two chatted for a while, Wei Rui said, "Your Highness, brother, I'm going out for a walk."

"Princess, please." Feng Jue nodded slightly and said.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Wei Rui walked out bouncingly.

Wei Lang panicked, "Your Highness, forgive me, my younger sister is the youngest child of my father, she has never been restrained, she is used to being wild, and I don't know how to restrain myself when I come here."

"It's okay, she's not interested in what we're talking about, and it's normal if she can't sit still. Sijiu, tell the servant girl to accompany Princess Weirui to look around." Feng Jue instructed.

"Yes, Your Highness." Sijiu bowed and walked out.

As soon as he walked out, he saw that Princess Wei Rui was looking around in the courtyard with her maid. He hurried over and said, "Princess, my servant sent some people to accompany you around."

"There's no need for anyone else, just you." Wei Rui flicked the whip in his hand, pointed at Sijiu, and said.

"Yes." Sijiu's heart jumped slightly, and he immediately felt that he had a bad job.

So Wei Rui started to look around here and there, and looked at several yards, but she still showed a sullen look, and said, "Is there a place for horseback riding and archery here, the princess is tired of seeing these flowers and plants. "

"The princess wants to shoot on horseback? Behind the palace, there is a salvo field. The princess can come with the servants." Sijiu said.

"Why didn't you say it earlier!" Wei Rui became happy all of a sudden, swung the whip around Sijiu's neck, and said, "Lead the way."

"Yes!" Sijiu nodded, but said in his heart, they are all princesses, why are there so many differences?Our Princess Lingyue is still cute.

When they arrived at the salvo field, Wei Rui looked very excited, opened his hands, raised his head, and said, "Ah, what a spacious place, I like it here, and I will come here often in the future."

After hearing this, Sijiu pouted secretly, and said in his heart, hey, His Royal Highness Eleven said that this place will be reserved for Princess Lingyue to play in the future, so forget it, today is just because you are a first-time visitor, let us you play.

But he still flaunted, "This is the only large-scale salvo range connected to a residence in the capital city. It was specially rewarded by the emperor to His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince for his meritorious service in killing Yelu Chongyuan, the great king of Khitan Southern Academy."

"Oh? It turns out that His Highness the Eleventh is so powerful." Wei Rui said as he got on the horse and sighed in his heart. It's a pity that he is still a blind man, because blind people are easy to be bullied by His Highness the Eighth.

Wei Rui raised his whip, and the horse galloped, "Drive, drive..."

"Princess, that's amazing!" the maid Hu Lan exclaimed loudly.

Wei Rui turned her head, a coldness flashed in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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