First-class daughter

Chapter 1360: The Sacrifice Begins

Chapter 1360: The Sacrifice Begins

Chapter 1360: The Sacrifice Begins

Wei Rui turned her head, a look of coldness flashed in her eyes, and after running a few laps, she happily turned back and said, "As expected, the place was specially chosen by the emperor for His Highness the Eleventh, it was very pleasant to run, even It feels so comfortable when the wind blows on your face.”

"The princess is brave and heroic, she is worthy of being a hero among girls." Sijiu complimented on the surface.

Wei Rui jumped off the horse and said, "After running a few laps, I suddenly feel a little thirsty. Go and get some tea to quench my princess' thirst."

"Yes, princess, wait a moment." Sijiu went to prepare tea, and when he turned around, his gaze paused for a while.

After Sijiu left, the expression on Wei Rui's face cooled down. Hu Lan stepped forward and asked, "Princess, have you started to act?"

Wei Rui nodded and said, "Get the little golden dragon ready."

"Yes." Hulan said.

After a while, Sijiu and the servant girl came over with tea, Wei Rui immediately showed great interest, and praised, "This tea is good."

At this time, Hu Lan stepped forward and said, "Princess, do you want to shoot arrows?"

"Archery?" Wei Rui's eyes sparkled suddenly, and he ordered Sijiu, "Great, go find someone and set up seven archery targets in all directions. This princess will show you my archery skills."

"Yes, the slave will go now." Sijiu said.

After a while, seven archery targets were ready.

Wei Rui took the bow and arrow from Hu Lan's hand, aimed at one of the targets, narrowed one eye slightly, and let go of her hand, only to hear a bang.

"It's amazing!" Immediately, Hu Lan and several maidservants clapped their hands and exclaimed.

Wei Rui got on the horse, rode to the archery target, jumped off the horse, picked up the archery target, looked around from the corner of his eyes, and took out a little golden dragon from his waist...


When it was almost noon, Wei Lang bid farewell to Feng Jue, Wei Rui obediently followed her brother, and left with him.

After leaving the Ming An Palace, Wei Rui showed a smile on her face: the seven little golden dragons were buried by her own hands, buried in seven different places, absolutely safe.

"Little sister, do you like the salvo field of Prince Ming'an's mansion so much? You can't stop laughing, it seems that you are having a good time." Wei Lang asked, he didn't know that his sister was using him What did they do to the Ming An Palace.

Wei Rui quickly covered her mouth, and said, "Yes, yes, I haven't ridden a horse since I left Mobei, and this time I found it particularly enjoyable, brother, let's come again next time .”

Wei Lang turned his head and glanced at Prince Ming An's Mansion.

Wei Rui suddenly remembered what she accidentally heard from His Highness Eighth and Sixth Highness, that Princess Gosterol, whom her elder brother likes, is the Eleventh Highness, with a sly look in her eyes, and said:

"Brother, I have inquired about it. In fact, the person you like Princess Guchun likes is this King Ming An. I heard that the two are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts."

Wei Lang listened, a look of loneliness flashed in his eyes, and he said, "This King Ming An is handsome and tall, although he is invisible to the eyes, his handsome demeanor does not diminish at all. I think the conversation is good, and I am humble and warm, so I should just be a passer-by quietly, and I will take whoever the emperor bestows on me."

Seeing his simple and honest brother, Wei Rui didn't know whether to praise him for his honesty or belittle him for being stupid.

"What about Princess Guchun?" Wei Rui asked.

"She has someone she likes, and I can't force others to be difficult." Wei Lang said.

"Brother, you haven't thought about it. If you think about it, maybe you can succeed? Isn't the most beautiful thing in life is being with the person you like? You gave up before you even fought for it, aren't you too stupid?" Wei Wei Rui still did not give up, trying to persuade.

"Yes, it is indeed a beautiful thing in life to be with the person you like, but the person you like must also like you. If she doesn't like you, no matter how hard she tries, she will be hated in the end. Brother doesn't want to have to Instead of seeing her love, she got loathed instead." Wei Lang said sincerely.

Wei Rui sighed, and murmured, "It's really a stone head, a muscle, and it doesn't make sense at all.

"Besides, on that day, Princess An Guo had already stated her position. Princess Guchun is her daughter, and she will arrange a marriage for her. We, Mobei, have no role to intervene. We are still in peace and fulfilled our father's order. Just go back to Mobei." Wei Lang said.

"Hey!" Wei Rui sighed, and said in his heart, "I won't just go back in peace, since I'm here, I have to bring something back, for example, Feng Yunzheng."

On the day when Emperor Zhou Cheng led the group of ministers to offer sacrifices to the Linglong Pagoda, he set off from the Rongyuan Hall at an auspicious time, boarded a sedan chair, walked out of the palace gate, and walked along Zhengyang Street in the direction of the Linglong Pagoda.

There are princes and princesses in the team, ministers and concubines in the harem. On both sides of the road, there are guards closely guarding the hands, and the momentum is mighty. The female family members are all sitting in sedan chairs without showing their faces, while the princes are standing on horses, all of them are heroic. , high-spirited, and let the common people see the demeanor of these precious people.

Feng Jue was also among them, but because of his eyes, he sat in a sedan chair today.

The common people knelt on both sides of the street. Everyone knew that the emperor came here today to pray for good weather. They prostrated themselves on the ground and shouted loudly, "Long live the emperor! Long live the emperor! Long live the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, everyone knows that you went to Linglong Pagoda to worship and pray for the people today, and they all came to thank you." The empress sat beside Zhou Chengdi and said softly.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was very satisfied with this scene, with a smile on his face, he said, "If the people have me in their hearts, I am enough. This emperor is not in vain."

When they arrived in front of the pagoda, everyone dismounted from their sedan chairs and horses one by one. The ceremonial officials had already made preparations in front of the pagoda. When they saw the emperor, they knelt down and shouted long live.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked good today, and he didn't let anyone help him when he got off the sedan chair.

When he turned his head, he saw all the princes standing there, two, three, six, eight, nine, ten, eleven, fourteen, etc. There was a gloomy look in his eyes, only one was missing. After the palace, there is no more news about him.

"Your majesty, please." The ceremony officer came over, bowed, and said.

"Ye'er, come here and follow me to the pagoda." Zhou Chengdi said in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Royal Father." Feng Ye slightly bowed and walked over.

Emperor Zhou Cheng extended his hand to him, and with a slight smile on his face, he supported Emperor Zhou Cheng's hand, and the father and son walked towards the top of the pagoda together.

Climbing the pagoda together with the emperor, this kind of glory is enough to make people think more.

Feng Ye took another look at Zhou Liguan who presided over the sacrificial ceremony, and Zhou Liguan said loudly, "The sacrificial ceremony begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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