First-class daughter

Chapter 1361 The Heaven Has Visions

Chapter 1361 The Heaven Has Visions
Chapter 1361 The Heaven Has Visions
Everyone knelt and prostrated themselves on the ground. Feng Yunzheng's eyes fell on Feng Ye's back. When the wind blew, a corner of his brocade robe fluttered and swept across the steps.

The farther he goes, the higher he goes.

The seven ceremony officials stood under the seven dragons respectively. The Zhou ceremony official nodded to them. The seven people raised the torches in their hands and lit the back of the dragon. Immediately, a string of fire spit out from the mouth of the dragon. This is the first part of the sacrifice.

Emperor Zhou Cheng clasped his fists in both hands, nodded, and raised his hands above his head. Feng Ye stood behind him and performed the same sacrifice, but his hands had to be lower than the emperor.

The incense was lingering, the pagoda was majestic, and the ritual officials began to sing sacrificial songs. The scene was grand and solemn.

"Aw..." At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in the sky, it was cold and hoarse.

Everyone was stunned, and looked up one after another, only to see a big white bird flying towards the pagoda.

Zhou Liguan suddenly said excitedly, "Your Majesty, this is Hai Dongqing!"

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at it and said, "White Costinus is really rare."

"Father, this kind of white sea dongqing is called jade claw, and it is the most precious of all sea dongqing. Today, father came to worship, and such a rare bird flew here. This is a good omen, father. " Feng Ye said, "I congratulate my father, congratulations to my father."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is an auspicious omen. Your Majesty's wish today will surely come true." Zhou Liguan said, "It will be auspicious for those present here to see Hai Dongqing's figure."

Everyone saw that Haidongqing was flying closer and closer, and their eyes showed excitement. Some people saw the jade claw when they saw Haidongqing for the first time, and they felt even more lucky.

"Cough cough, cough cough..." At this time, Feng Ye covered his lips with his hand and coughed twice.

After a while, Hai Dongqing suddenly changed the direction of flight, swooped towards the pagoda, and aimed directly at Emperor Zhou Cheng. Everyone was stunned and prepared to rescue him, but the pagoda was too far away. Far.

"Father! Protect the emperor!" Feng Ye's eyes froze when he saw this, he quickly tossed his robe and shielded himself in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng, and the surrounding guards immediately stepped forward.

However, Hai Dongqing's claws still grabbed Feng Ye's robe, and there was only a stabbing sound, and the back of his robe was torn apart by the sharp claws, and a long strip was scraped off his arm. The bloodstains came out, and the blood flowed profusely.

"Protect the emperor, protect the emperor!" The guards pulled out their long swords around their waists and protected Emperor Zhou Cheng. Seeing that Feng Ye was injured, Emperor Zhou Cheng hurriedly asked, "Ye'er, how are you doing?"

"Father, my son is fine, just a little injury!" Feng Ye said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng lowered his eyes and looked at Hai Dongqing.

I saw that Haidongqing flew up again suddenly, this time, its target was no longer Zhou Chengdi, but the Tianlong around the pagoda.I saw it fly to the high school, and then continue to dive, two claws grabbed one of the dragons, pulled it vigorously, the big wings flapped vigorously, the flames on the sky dragon were rushed high, and the surroundings of the pagoda were burning When he got up, the ritual official under Tianlong had his eyes burned and fell to the ground in pain.

With a sound of "Bang!", the dragon head was torn off by Hai Dongqing, and together with the flame ball, it fell to the ground and rolled down in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

The faucet is broken!

This is a very bad omen.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was shocked, his expression changed immediately, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

"Quick, come quickly, shoot Hai Dongqing to death..."

"Wait!" Feng Ye raised his hand to stop him, "Father, Hai Dongqing was originally a symbol of auspiciousness, but this sudden madness must have something hidden behind it, if you shoot him rashly, you may offend the heavens."

"No shooting!" Emperor Zhou Cheng ordered.

The guards put down their hands holding their bows and arrows, and could only protect Emperor Zhou Cheng in the middle, preventing Hai Dongqing from harming him. Feng Ye also blocked the emperor with his body, but put one hand to his lips , staring closely at the sky.

A flash of affection flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes. Feng Jue couldn't see with his eyes, but his ears were sensitive to perceive everything. A flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Brother Jiu Wang, this is a good show."

"Eleventh Brother, have you thought about how to perform this play?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

Feng Jue put his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "This is a dead game. It seems that I am going to die."

Feng Yunzheng's heart trembled, "Jue'er..."


That Haidongqing had a powerful destructive power, completely destroying seven dragons, all seven dragon heads fell from the pagoda, sparks were shining on the ground, and finally flew away in a circle while making a deafening sound.

Immediately, the sacrificial scene was in a mess, and the smell of burning stimulated people's nostrils.

"Cough cough cough..." Zhou Chengdi coughed violently.

This is something that has never happened in decades, and this kind of thing happened in the middle of the sacrifice, and everyone present was panicked all of a sudden.

Emperor Zhou Cheng looked at the seven dragon heads that fell on the ground, and felt tense in his heart.

"Today's matter must not be spread to the people!"

"Yes!" Everyone said.

"Go back to the palace!" Emperor Zhou Cheng turned around and walked down the pagoda.

Zhou Liguan stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, according to my opinion. This is a warning from the heavens. There are strange sounds in the hearts of the people. I am afraid that some of the people sitting here are against the emperor and the court. I am afraid that the emperor will have to investigate thoroughly." !"

Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart froze, his face became more solemn, but he didn't speak, got on the sedan chair, and returned to the palace.

After returning to Rongyuan Hall, Zhou Liguan knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I heard something recently, and I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Say." Zhou Chengdi said with his hands behind his back.

"I have heard of such a thing. When His Highness the Eleventh was born, he had seven red moles on the soles of his feet. It is said that a Taoist at that time calculated that His Highness the Eleventh was a born emperor." Zhou Liguan said.

"Born with the appearance of an emperor?" Emperor Zhou Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and thoughts flashed across his mind.

"So, I was thinking, if the rumors are true, does it mean that the seven red moles on the soles of His Highness the Eleventh's feet can't sit still, and started to move around, so that today Hai Dongqing angrily pulled out the heads of the seven dragons, and the representative of the dragon It is you, the emperor!" Zhou Liguan knelt on the ground and said tremblingly, after finishing the last sentence, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"The seven red moles couldn't sit still, and Hai Dongqing angrily pulled out the heads of the seven dragons..." Emperor Zhou Cheng paced in the hall, turned around, and said, "The seven red moles couldn't sit still, what does it mean?"

Zhou Liguan raised his head, clenched his fists tightly, and said, "Your Majesty, I am afraid that His Majesty the Eleventh Highness has a different mind. I am willing to ask the emperor to secretly investigate Ming'an for the sake of the stability of the Great Zhou Dynasty and your majesty." Palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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