Chapter 1362
Chapter 1362
Secretly investigate Prince An's Mansion... If it is really a secret investigation, then the future of Jue' self-evident.

Zhou Chengdi's brows were tightly furrowed, and his thinking eyes gradually dimmed. This was a difficult decision for him, because once he made a decision, it meant that all the previous efforts would be in vain.

He is already at this age, and there have been problems in the first selection of the crown prince. If there is another problem in the second time, the consequences may be disastrous.

From the first time he saw Feng Jue, he could see that he was a well-understood good boy with kindness in his heart and emphasizing love and righteousness. Thought is something that no one else has.

Only such a person can be a good emperor who cares about the common people,

Therefore, when he was seriously ill last time, he had already issued an imperial edict with several confidant ministers, conferring His Highness the Eleventh Prince Feng Jue as the crown prince. He believed that his vision was right.

However, considering Feng Jue's weak power in the court, he even secretly cultivated power for the future prince and eliminated dissidents so that he could succeed in the future.

In the later stage, the illness has been cured, but he still did not return to the court, because he knew that the brotherhood is the biggest enemy of Feng Jue. If any other prince has a different heart, he will eradicate it without hesitation, so as to ensure the future. The stability of the court.

But now... suddenly seven heavenly dragons were pushed down, and seven moles just happened to appear on the soles of his feet.

Could it be that Feng Jue, like his brother Feng Ming, already had a different heart?
"Your Majesty, if the sky and the dragon turn back, there will be disasters. Your Majesty, for the sake of the court and yourself, you must be ruthless. I know that I deserve to die for such a serious crime. I offended His Highness the Eleventh, but I am for the court and for the emperor. Consolation, risk your life and beg the emperor to make this decision." Zhou Li officer took the risk to advise.

"Besides, I also heard that Commander Jiang temporarily replaced His Royal Highness the Eleventh Prince in the army on behalf of the emperor, and the soldiers below wanted to poison Commander Jiang. Although it was settled later, it cannot be said to be true It has nothing to do with His Highness the Eleventh, the officials always feel that there is something strange about this matter."

"You go down, I will arrange it carefully, and don't make it public." After a long while, Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

The seven dragon heads fell to the ground, which is really disturbing.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Zhou Liguan turned and walked out, heaving a sigh of relief.

Prince Yu's Mansion.

Feng Ye sat on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed. His upper body was bare, revealing a strong physique. His arm was pecked by Hai Dongqing today, and a piece of flesh the size of a palm was torn off by sharp claws on his arm, bleeding all over his body. Blood, looking at the brocade robe is shocking.

But his face was expressionless, as if the piece of skin that had been torn off was not his own.

The imperial doctor stood beside him to inspect the wound, while Feng Yu and Yin Huai watched from the side, Feng Yu bit her finger, frowned, and said, "Don't be brave at this time, if you feel pain, just call out Sound, we won't laugh at you."

Feng Yu is like this, no matter what time, he can turn the atmosphere into a relaxed one.

"Your Highness, bear with it." The imperial physician said, pouring the medicinal powder from a bottle on the skinless piece of meat.

"Hiss." He finally gasped, clenched his teeth, trembled, and sweat slid down his cheeks.

Feng Yu turned her face away, muttering, "It hurts to look at it."

After sprinkling the powder, the imperial physician wrapped it up with white gauze, and after giving some precautions, he left and ordered the servant girl to boil the medicine.

Yin Huai walked over and changed Feng Ye into a clean brocade robe, his face regained its original sternness and indifference.

"Haitongqing appeared, and the heads of the seven dragons all fell off, and sparks flew everywhere. My legs were so frightened that my legs went limp in today's situation. It's really scary, old man." Thinking back to the sacrifice in the pagoda today, Feng A trace of cold sweat broke out on Yu's back.

"If it's not scary, how can I touch Father's heart." Compared to Feng Yu's trembling, Feng Ye said calmly.

"In your opinion, is there any way for Zhou Liguan to persuade father to think about the seven moles on the soles of Feng Jue's feet?" Feng Yu asked.

Feng Ye got up and moved his arm, the place where the flesh was torn was still painful, but this pain was nothing.

"..." Feng Ye walked to the desk, picked up a writing brush, dipped it in ink, and put it on the white paper, only to hear a soft click, and a drop of black appeared on the white paper, "This is the father The emperor's current state of mind, no matter how small a pimple is, it will stain this white paper, besides, there was a gangster assassinating Jiang Keji before."

Feng Yu took a deep breath and said, "So, Feng Jue's move is bound to fail?"

Ming An Palace.

Feng Jue sat on the chair, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue sat opposite him, the three of them did not speak for a long time.

"Haitongqing, Tianlong, Flame... These are definitely not coincidences." Lian Siyue had already heard Feng Yunzheng talk about today's events.

"I'm afraid that the matter of the seven moles on the soles of Jue'er's feet will be exaggerated in front of the father, and the father will feel jealous of Feng Jue." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Sijiu, you send someone to check all the places Princess Mobei visited yesterday." Feng Jue said.

Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other, "Have the Huns been here?"

"The two brothers and sisters came to visit me, and the gifts they sent were very suitable for me. They seemed to have been selected for me for a long time. It stands to reason that they didn't know that there was an Eleventh Highness like me, let alone know My preferences, I think, should be inspired by someone behind my back." Feng Jue said.

Lian Siyue nodded, "Jue'er, your thoughts are becoming more and more delicate."

"Sister, I already understood that if I didn't do this, not only would I not be able to protect the people around me, I might not even be able to protect my own life." Feng Jue said.

"I've had a lot of contact with Wei Lang, but he doesn't think too much, and he's even a little dull. The one with the problem should be his sister, Wei Rui." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue coughed lightly, and said, "He is also racking his brains for beauty."

"Cough cough..." Feng Yunzheng coughed twice and said, "Yue'er, I only have you in my heart, and I can only see you in my eyes. I have never paid attention to such a fluffy thing." what."

His Ninth Highness hurriedly expressed his loyalty, fearing that the beauty would misunderstand.

"Hey." Lian Siyue pretended to sigh, and said, "Who told me to choose such a peerless and unparalleled man, I'm afraid that in this life, Yingying, Yanyan, peaches and plums will never be broken. "

"Yue'er." Feng Yunzheng got up, walked to Lian Siyue's side, held her hand, and said, "Others don't know me, don't you know, I..."

"Cough..." Feng Jue coughed lightly, and said, "Ninth Brother, today we are discussing my life and death, can you show affection instead?"

(End of this chapter)

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