First-class daughter

Chapter 1363 Feng Jue Was Arrested

Chapter 1363 Feng Jue Was Arrested
Chapter 1363 Feng Jue Was Arrested
The two of them seemed not afraid of anything, they could still talk and laugh happily when the knife fell on their necks, and they had a kind of self-confidence from the bottom of their bones.

Upon hearing this, Feng Yunzheng touched Lian Siyue's hand, and said, "That's no good, my Yue'er seems to have misunderstood me. Be sure to make it clear that I am a pure and pure person."

"..." Three black lines appeared on Feng Jue's forehead, and he coughed twice, "Ninth brother, don't be disrespectful, please consider my feelings."

"...Okay." Seeing Feng Yunzheng like this, Lian Siyue finally let go, and said, "Now let's talk about Jueer."

"Are you not angry with me?" Feng Yunzheng needed to be sure.

"I wasn't angry at first, I just felt emotional." Lian Siyue felt funny every time he saw him like this.

At this time, Sijiu came back and said, "As expected by His Highness, that Wei Rui buried something in the salvo field."

"What?" Feng Jue asked.

Sijiu asked the guards behind him to present the dug up things.

Lian Siyue's eyes sank, "Is it a golden dragon?" Sure enough, he saw a golden dragon lying on the ground, covered with mud.

"That day His Highness instructed the servants to always pay attention to Princess Mobei's actions. The servants dug up seven golden dragons just now based on the recollection of her actions that day." Sijiu said.

"No more, no less, exactly seven, corresponding to the Tianlong in the pagoda, and opposite to the seven red moles on the soles of Jue'er's feet. Ming An Palace." Feng Yunzheng said.

The look on Feng Jue's face had gradually turned cold, and he said, "Not only that, but also the poisoning of Jiang Keji in the army. This is a strong dose of medicine for a blind man like me."

"As expected, the emperor will soon send people to search the palace of Prince Ming An, Jue Er, we have to prepare a countermeasure." Lian Siyue said.

Feng Jue stood up slowly, and Sijiu hurriedly stepped forward to hold his arm.

After a while, he said, "Sijiu, send someone to put the golden dragon back to the salvo range. It will be impartial, according to Wei Rui's position at that time."

"What, this..." Sijiu was taken aback, looking at Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue with pleading eyes.

"Go quickly, follow this king's orders." Feng Jue ordered.

"Yes, yes." Sijiu could only do what Feng Jue said.

"Jue'er, what do you think?" Lian Siyue asked.

Feng Jue clasped his fists in both hands, bowed his body, and said, "Ninth Brother, Sister, it's getting late, I reckon Father will bring someone to the door soon, if I see you with me, I'm afraid it will be bad for you, You go first."

"Jue'er, if we were afraid of being implicated, we would not have come to Ming'an Palace." Feng Yunzheng said, "I have no interest in the throne, so naturally I won't shy away from you just because of this."

"I know the hearts of the two of you. Because of this, I have to ask you to leave first." Feng Jue seemed to have made up his mind.

After leaving Prince Ming An's Mansion, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue took a carriage back to Prince Heng's Mansion together.

"Yun Zheng, what do you think Jue'er is thinking?" Lian Siyue asked.

"I think he already has an idea in his mind, so don't worry, just wait and see what he does." Feng Yunzheng said, and then a slight coldness appeared on the corner of his lips, "This time is a desperate contest, that person... should have It's over."

Lian Siyue didn't speak any more, she raised a corner of the curtain of the carriage, the candles outside were already lit, and the sky was filled with stars.

Tonight will be a special night.

After Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue left, Feng Jue sat on the red sandalwood chair in the center of the front hall, without any expression on his face, waiting quietly, waiting for that moment to come, putting the On the side, his hands slowly clenched into fists.

Sure enough, when it was midnight, a pair of imperial guards suddenly appeared at the gate of Ming An Palace, each holding up their torches, illuminating the gate of the Palace as if it were daytime.

The servants who got the news hurriedly opened the door, and all knelt down on the ground.

"According to the emperor's decree, search the palace of Prince Ming'an, everyone, etc., all stand back, and anyone who violates the order will be shot to death!" The guard who delivered the decree had a ferocious face.

"Yes, long live the emperor, long live, long live." Everyone was trembling with fright, Sijiu carefully looked at the front hall, his hands were sweating profusely.

What can I do?I really don't understand why His Royal Highness the Eleventh put those golden dragons back to their original places.

The imperial guards broke into the palace mightily, only to see the Eleventh Highness Feng Jue sitting in the center, standing still, exuding a bearing and demeanor that cannot be ignored, which made the imperial guards flinch a bit .

A moment later, the deputy commander of the imperial guards at the head stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, the last general will conduct a thorough investigation of Prince Ming'an's residence by the emperor's order. Your Highness is requested to cooperate."

Feng Jue stood up, clasped his hands, and said, "Yes, I will obey my father's order."

"Search!" The deputy commander gave an order, and dozens of imperial guard commanders scattered around and began to search the entire Ming An Palace.

Feng Jue sat on the chair from the beginning to the end, calm and calm.

Time passed slowly, and Sijiu was already drenched all over, sweat dripping down drop by drop.

"Deputy Commander, we found it!" About an hour and a half later, several imperial guards walked to the front hall with some things in their hands, formally finding the seven golden dragons during the day.

After the deputy commander took a look, his face changed drastically, he glanced at Feng Jue, and immediately said, "Send this thing back to the palace immediately and present it to the emperor."

"Yes, Deputy Commander." Several imperial guards quickly ran out of the gate of the palace and rushed into the palace.

The deputy commander cupped his fists and said, "I'm afraid, His Royal Highness the Eleventh is going to be invited to the palace."

Feng Jue stood up, didn't say much, just said, "Lead the way."

"Your Highness." Sijiu hurriedly called out.

Feng Jue followed the voice, looked in Sijiu's direction, and said, "Don't forget to feed the deer, when Ling Yue'er comes, you can still play with it."

"...Yes, Your Highness." Sijiu said in a trembling voice, tears welled up in his eyes.

Two guards stepped forward and supported Feng Jue to walk outside the palace.

Prince Ming An's mansion was searched late at night, and the news that His Royal Highness Feng Jue was taken away by the imperial guards soon spread to Prince Heng's mansion.

Sijiu knelt in front of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue, and said, "Your Highness, princess, this servant doesn't know what our master is thinking, but the little golden dragon was dug out and he was brought into the palace again, servant Terrified!"

Feng Yunzheng thought for a moment, and said, "Yue'er, I will go to the palace right away."

"I'll go with you, put on Chengjun and Wanjun, and say that I'm going to visit the emperor's grandmother." Lian Siyue said.

Even if Feng Jue had his own plans, they couldn't stand by and just let it go.

"Also, Night Breeze, go to the Xiangjun Mansion quickly and keep an eye on the brothers and sisters Weirui and Weilang." Lian Siyue ordered.

"When necessary, grab Wei Rui and bring him to Prince Heng's mansion." Feng Yunzheng added.

(End of this chapter)

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