First-class daughter

Chapter 1364 Into the prison

Chapter 1364 Into the prison
Chapter 1364 Into the prison
Dark clouds closed the moon in the sky, and there was darkness between the sky and the earth.

The carriage was driving on the road leading to the palace, Lian Siyue was holding Wanjun in his hands, and his palms were slowly clenched. Feng Yunzheng sensed the change in her feelings, reached out his hand, stroked the back of her hand lightly, and said, " Don't worry, Jue'er must have his reasons for doing this, let's wait and see."

"It seems that he has to fight to the death." Lian Siyue said.

"Sooner or later." Feng Yunzheng knew who she was talking about.

Rongyuan Hall.

Feng Jue knelt in front of the hall, Zhou Chengdi sat on the dragon seat, frowning slightly, staring at him with sharp eyes, holding the edge of the chair with one hand, the faint blue veins on the back of his hand exposed his inner feelings at the moment .

The reason why he decided to arrest Feng Jue in the end was because he had been subdued among the people for the past two days, and he heard that someone said that His Royal Highness, Feng Jue, had seven red moles on the soles of his feet, and that he was born with the appearance of an emperor.

There are also rumors from the Khitan side, saying that the Khitan surrendered because of King Ming An's deterrent power, and that the Khitan people really surrendered to King Ming An,

"I have never seen the seven red moles on the soles of your feet." After a long time, Emperor Zhou Cheng said.

Feng Jue's face was calm, without any expression of panic. He slowly took off his two pairs of shoes and socks, exposing the soles of his feet. Zhou Chengdi took a closer look, and sure enough, there were seven red moles on one of his feet.

Zhou Chengdi thought about those legends in his mind, and his heart shook: Could it be that Jue'er is really an undercover roiling dragon sent by the evil spirit to bite him?
"I heard a rumor that when you were not born, a fortune teller looked at your mother's belly and said that the child would have seven red moles on the soles of his feet, which is the appearance of a natural emperor. As a result, after you were born , I really have red moles on my feet." Zhou Chengdi said.

Feng Jue nodded, and said, "Father, this happened before my son was born. My son was taken away by Concubine Xu Xian's people as soon as I was born. This matter, my son really has no way of knowing the whole story. My son is also the first one today. This is the first time I've heard the phrase "born emperor".

At that time, in the Lian family, as the eldest grandson of the Lian family, they said that I was born with seven red moles on my feet, which was a symbol of good luck, and I would live a prosperous and prosperous life in the future.

But my son didn't take this matter to heart, now it seems that these seven red moles are not a sign of good luck, but a catastrophe for my son, a knot between my father and my son."

"Feng Jue raised his head slightly, his dark eyes looked forward, without focus.

"It's not that I want to embarrass you, it's because I found these seven buried golden dragons in your mansion, and when I think about the seven red moles on the soles of your feet, and the strange things that happened during the pagoda sacrifice a few days ago, I have no idea." There is reason to doubt your intentions." Emperor Zhou Cheng said coldly, "I will give you a chance to explain what is going on with these seven golden dragons?"

"Father, I swear to the heavens about the matter of the golden dragon. I really don't know about it. I implore Father to investigate clearly." Feng Jue said.

Zhou Chengdi pursed his thin lips tightly, but his brows were still furrowed.

"Father, my son never thought of inheriting the throne. There are many brave and strategic elder brothers above me. No matter what, it's my turn to think about it.

At that time, the son suddenly changed from the eldest grandson of the Lian family to the eleventh prince, his heart was full of fear, he didn't know what to do, he didn't know how to get along with his father, he was in fear all day long.

Later, I thought to myself, as long as I regard the superior king as a father, and show the piety of a son when serving his father, it will be fine.Thinking of this, Erchen tried desperately to become a proud person to his father, but Erchen just came back, and he always knew his identity in his heart, so he was extra cautious and cautious. Alive, when lying in bed at night, I can't help but think about whether what I did during the day was not conducive to my father, whether my words and deeds conform to the norms that a prince should have. "

After hearing this, Emperor Zhou Cheng slowly loosened his tightly clenched fists.

"If the father insists on my minister to explain, I don't know how to explain it clearly. I'm just a blind man who can't see anything."

Emperor Zhou Cheng's face was dark and displeased, and he said, "Jue'er, are you complaining about me?"

Feng Jue clasped his hands and nodded, "I dare not."

"Don't dare?" Zhou Chengdi said with a cold face, "The matter of these seven golden dragons is enough to betray you and behead them for public display!"

Feng Jue sighed deeply, with a look of disappointment on his face.

"What do you want to say?" Zhou Chengdi asked.

"Father, now my son is no longer the heroic general who is good at fighting. He is just a blind man. He will only achieve more than fail. Except for a sincere heart, I have nothing to serve my father. I beg you Father and Emperor cut off the titles of his sons and ministers, and demoted the humble ministers to common people." Feng Jue said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng was stunned, with a flash of emotion in his eyes, and asked, "Are you trying to escape the death penalty?"

"No." Feng Jue raised his head and said, "It wasn't my son's fault, but my son can find out the real culprit for Emperor Father.

a long time.



Emperor Zhou Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, as if thinking about it.

"Come here!" Finally, he stood up and ordered, "Put Eleventh Prince Feng Jue into prison!"

"Father!" Feng Jue suddenly raised his head.

Emperor Zhou Cheng lowered his face and said, "If you have anything to say, go to the Leng Palace and tell your late mother, I don't want to hear more from you anymore."

"Father, my son was wronged. Father is clearly aware." When Feng Jue was escorted to the prison, he turned around and shouted for innocence.

With a bang, the heavy cell door was closed, and the jade crown on Feng Jue's head was taken off, the brocade robe on his body was also taken off, and the black hair fell down.

The figure in his eyes dimmed even more.


In the Princess Mansion, Lingyue was setting up a swing with many servants in the courtyard, when she heard the report from the visitor, she stood up abruptly.

"You said... His Royal Highness the Eleventh was thrown into prison by the emperor?"

"Yes, what happened last night, I heard that the emperor suddenly photographed the imperial guards and searched Ming'an Palace, and found evidence that His Highness the Eleventh was plotting against the Emperor, and in a fit of anger, His Highness the Eleventh was thrown into prison. It is said that, I will be executed in a few days," said the visitor.

The scissors in Ling Yue'er's hand fell to the ground with a snap, "I want to enter the palace!"

"Princess!" Xueli hurriedly followed.

"Xue Li, my mother hasn't returned to the palace yet, but I can't wait any longer. When she comes back, please tell her for me."

"Yes." Xueli nodded, "However, you are now a member of the Princess Mansion, and I must remind you of some things. Over the years, Princess An has almost never interfered with the emperor's affairs. You should also pay attention not to move out of Anguo. Princess is a title."

"Well! I understand, don't worry, I will pay attention." Ling Yue'er nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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