First-class daughter

Chapter 1365 I promise!

Chapter 1365 I promise!
Chapter 1365 I promise!
As early as the first night when she moved into Princess An's mansion, her sister talked with her almost all night, and she specifically mentioned Princess An's principles of life, so that she could not break the rules of this new mother, and think about her mother in advance. , the love between mother and daughter can last forever.

For so many years, Princess An’s foundation has been solid, and the emperor has never thought of touching her power. In addition to her intelligence and strategy, it is also because she is very clear about her position and will be there when the emperor needs it. To help the emperor with all her resources, she never said too much when the emperor didn't need it.

This is where Emperor Zhou Cheng felt at ease.

Therefore, Ling Yue'er naturally understood what Xueli meant.

Hurriedly entering the palace all the way, holding the token of the Princess Mansion, after the notification, after waiting for more than an hour, Lian Lingyue finally arrived outside the Hall of Rongyuan smoothly.

However, Liang Degui told her that the emperor is not feeling right now and is resting, and he has not seen anyone, and the Ninth Prince has not been able to see the emperor even once.

Lingyue knew that this must be an excuse for Emperor Zhou Cheng. If he wanted to punish Lian Jue, he would not let anyone intervene.

However, she wanted to meet Emperor Zhou Cheng no matter what to prevent Feng Jue's tragedy.

She asked in a trembling voice, "Eunuch Liang, do you know how His Highness Eleventh is doing now? Has he been tortured? His eyesight is bad, I'm worried about him..."

Thinking of him being blind and suffering such a catastrophe, her heart throbbed and she wanted to cry, but she understood that she couldn't cry now, and the most important thing now was to help Lian Jue get out of the predicament.

Liang Degui looked around, approached Lian Lingyue slightly, and said, "Princess, His Highness the Eleventh was only imprisoned and not punished, so you don't have to worry."

After hearing this, Lingyue felt a little better in her heart.

"Princess, the emperor just took a rest, and he won't wake up for a few hours. You should go to the empress's place and wait." Liang Degui said.

"No." However, Lingyue shook her head, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just here waiting for the emperor to wake up."

As she spoke, she knelt on the ground and looked in the direction of the palace door with a resolute expression.

Time passed slowly, and the sun in the sky also reached the right head from the east, and then to the west, and the sky was a red sunset glow.

A full five hours have passed, Ling Yue'er has been kneeling on the ground, big beads of sweat come out, her hair is wet, her back is also sweating, and her clothes are also wet.

Both legs had already knelt down until she lost consciousness, her back hurt like it was about to break, and her back couldn't straighten up.

Liang Degui watched from the side, and advised her to go back to rest twice, but she pursed her lips and remained motionless, with a strong belief in her heart that she had to wait, wait until the emperor woke up, and plead for Feng Jue.

It's dinner time.

Liang Degui finally came over and said happily, "Princess, the emperor has summoned you."

"Great!" Lingyue was so happy when she heard that, she hurried to stand up, but her legs and feet became numb, and she exerted all her strength, but she couldn't stand up. Instead, she tilted her body and fell to the ground. It was very uncomfortable, as if countless ants were gnawing on it.

"Quick, help the princess up!" Seeing this, Liang Degui quickly ordered the maids on both sides.

After a while, Lingyue endured the uncomfortable feeling, and was supported by two maids into the hall.

Seeing Emperor Zhou Cheng sitting on a chair from a distance, she looked back at the maids and signaled them to leave first.

She dragged her numb legs and walked to the center of the hall step by step, knelt down again, and said, "Guchun pays homage to the emperor, long live the emperor."

Emperor Zhou Cheng raised his head slightly, his eyes fell on Lingyue's face, and said, "Didn't you be recognized by Princess An as a righteous daughter and live in the Princess Mansion? Why are you here?"

Ling Yue bowed her head and said, "Gu Chun came to the palace, but mother didn't know about it. When Gu Chun left the palace, mother didn't come back."

"Then you came to see me..." Emperor Zhou Cheng asked.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please be enlightened. Your Eleventh Highness Feng Jue serves the Emperor wholeheartedly. There is absolutely no heart of disobedience. Gu Chun dares to guarantee with his life that the golden dragon dug out by the Ming An Palace is not the masterpiece of His Eleventh Highness!" Call for injustice.

However, Emperor Zhou Cheng said indifferently, "Your life is not important enough to plead for a prince who has an inverse mentality. Your life can be exchanged for only a certain piece of clothes from Jue'er."

After hearing this, Lingyue closed her eyes, breathed out slightly, and said, "The emperor forgives the sin, it is Gu Chun who speaks loudly, but Gu Chun people speak lightly, so they can't guarantee anything for His Highness the Eleventh. But..." She raised her head , looking at Emperor Zhou Cheng with eager eyes, "He is the child that the emperor found with great difficulty, he is the emperor's flesh and blood, the emperor is the person who knows him best, His Eleventh Highness, he...has no ambitions."

Emperor Zhou Cheng was slightly stunned, and said, "If you move me out, will I say you are stupid or smart?"

"Your Majesty... please don't chop off the head of His Highness the Eleventh. Please give Gu Chun some time. I will definitely prove that His Highness the Eleventh is innocent." Ling Yue knelt down and kowtowed to Emperor Zhou Cheng, holding back tears, Said.She knew that a crying person would not be convincing in front of Emperor Zhou Cheng.

Emperor Zhou Cheng stood up, with his hands behind his back, and after a while, he said, "Originally, I was going to behead Feng Jue for public display at noon today, but you want me to give you some time to prove Jue'er's innocence, and I can promise you, Just don't chop off his head."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Ling Yue was overjoyed.

"However..." Emperor Zhou Cheng paused, looked at the people sitting down, and said, "I also have a request."

"Please speak, Your Majesty." As long as Feng Jue is given the time and opportunity, she is willing to do anything!
"I want you to propose to marry the Prince of Mobei, Wei Lang. If you marry in Mobei, you will never see Jue'er again in this life." Zhou Chengdi said.

Lingyue's heart trembled suddenly, she raised her head, and looked closely at Emperor Zhou Cheng.

"Why, don't you agree?" Emperor Zhou Cheng said, "In that case, then..."

"I promise!" Ling Yue said.

Emperor Zhou Cheng's heart trembled slightly, and he looked at Ling Yue.

Ling Yue's face was covered with tears, her fists were tightly clenched and pressed to the ground, and she said clearly and slowly, "Your Majesty, I am willing."

"Well then, go ahead, I only give you three days, and you are not allowed to leak any information to anyone, otherwise, this agreement between me and you will be cancelled, and the eleventh son will be killed immediately." Zhou Chengdi said .

"Yes, Guchun obeys the order." Lingyue kowtowed, "Your Majesty, Lingyue kindly asks to see His Royal Highness the Eleventh now."

"Go, don't exceed half an hour, you are running out of time." Zhou Chengdi said.

"Yes, thank you, Your Majesty, long live your Majesty." Ling Yue thanked her, turned around and walked outside the hall.

Zhou Chengdi looked at her back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a trace of emotion in the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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